Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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rapid development

      fēi 非 ADV not, do not

      fēi...bùkě 非…不可 ADV have no choice but to ..., simply must ...

      fēicháng 非常 I ADV unusually, very II ADJ unusual, out of the ordinary

      fēidàn 非但 Same as 不但 búdàn

      fēifǎ 非法 ADJ illegal, unlawful

      fēifàn 非凡 ADJ extraordinary, out of the normal

      Fēizhōu 非洲 N Africa

      fēi 啡 as in 咖啡 kāfēi

      féi 肥 ADJ fat, fattened

      féiliào 肥料 N fertilizer

      fēiwò 肥沃 ADJ (of soil) fertile

      féizào 肥皂 N soap

      fěi 匪 N bandit

      fěi 诽 TRAD 誹 V slander

      fěibàng 诽谤 V slander, libel

      fèi 肺 N the lungs

      fèi 费 TRAD 費 I N fee, charge II V cost, spend

      fèilì 费力 ADJ requiring great effort, painstaking

      fèiyòng 费用 N expense, costs

      fèi 废 TRAD 廢 ADJ useless

      fèichú 废除 V abolish, abrogate

      fèihuà 废话 N nonsense, rubbish

      fèipǐn 废品 N 1 reject, useless product 2 junk

      fèiqì 废气 N waste gas

      fèiwù 废物 N 1 waste material 2 good-for-nothing

      fèixū 废墟 N ruins, debris

      fèi 沸 V boil

      fèiténg 沸腾 V 1 boil 2 seethe with excitement

      fēn 分 I V 1 divide 2 distribute 3 distinguish II N 1 point, mark (obtained in an exam) 2 minute III M. WD (Chinese currency: 1 分 fēn = 0.1 角 jiǎo = 0.01 元 yuán), cent

      ...fēnzhī... …分之… NUM (indicating fraction)

      fēnbiàn 分辨 V distinguish, differentiate

      fēnbiàn 分辩 V defend oneself (against a charge), make excuses

      fēnbié 分别 V 1 part with, be separated from 2 distinguish

      fēnbù 分布 V be distributed (over an area)

      fēncùn 分寸 N proper limits for speech or action, sense of propriety

      fēngē 分割 V carve up, cut into pieces

      fēngōng 分工 V have a division of labor

      fēnhóng 分红 V pay or receive dividends

      fēnhuà 分化 V split up, break up

      fēnjiě 分解 V resolve, decompose

      fēnlèi 分类 V classify

      fēnlí 分离 V separate, sever

      fēnliè 分裂 V split, break up

      fēnmì 分泌 V secrete

      fēnmíng 分明 ADJ 1 sharply contoured 2 distinct

      fēnmǔ 分母 N denominator (in a fraction, e.g. “3” in 2/3)

      fēnpèi 分配 N distribute, allocate

      fēnpī 分批 ADV in batches, in groups

      fēnqī 分期 ADV by stages, in instalments

      fēnqí 分歧 N difference (in opinions), divergence

      fēnqīng 分清 V distinguish

      fēnsàn 分散 I V disperse, scatter II ADJ scattered

      fēnshù 分数 N 1 grade, point 2 fraction

      fēnxī 分析 I V analyze II N analy sis

      fēnxiǎng 分享 V share (joy, benefits, etc.)

      fēnzhōng 分钟 N minute (of an hour)

      fēnzǐ 分子 N numerator (in a fraction, e.g. “2” in 2/3)

      fēn 芬 N fragrance, sweet smell

      fēnfāng 芬芳 ADJ fragrant, sweet-smelling

      fēn 吩 V instruct

      fēnfù 吩咐 V instruct, tell (what to do)

      fēn 纷 TRAD 紛 ADJ 1 numerous, varied 2 disorderly, confused

      fēnfēn 纷纷 ADJ numerous and disorderly

      fēn 氛 N fog, atmosphere

      fén 坟 N tomb

      fénmù 坟墓 N grave, tomb

      fěn 粉 N powder

      fěnbǐ 粉笔 N chalk

      fěnmò 粉末 N powder, dust

      fěnsuì 粉碎 V smash, crush

      fèn 分 N 1 component 2 limit

      fènliàng 分量 N weight

      fènwài 分外 ADV especially, unusually

      fènzi 分子 N member or element (of a social group)

      fèn 份 M. WD (for a set of things or newspapers, documents, etc.)

      fèn 奋 TRAD 奮 V exert oneself

      fèndòu 奋斗 V fight, struggle, strive

      fènyǒng 奋勇 ADJ courageous, brave, fearless

      fèn 粪 TRAD 糞 N excrement, feces

      fèn 愤 TRAD 憤 N anger

      fènhèn 愤恨 V be angry and bitter, be very resentful

      fènnù 愤怒 ADJ enraged, angry

      fēng 丰 TRAD 豐 ADJ abundant, plentiful

      fēngfù 丰富 ADJ abundant, rich, plenty

      fēngmǎn 丰满 ADJ 1 plump 2 plentiful

      fēngshōu 丰收 N bumper harvest

      fēng 封 I M. WD (for letters) II V seal, block

      fēngbì 封闭 V close, seal

      fēngjiàn 封建 ADJ 1 feudal 2 traditional (in a bad sense)

      fēngsuǒ 封锁 V block, seal off

      fēng 风 TRAD 風 N wind

      fēngbào 风暴 N windstorm

      fēngdù 风度 N bearing, (elegant) demeanor

      fēnggé 风格 N style (of doing things)

      fēngguāng 风光 N scenery, sight

      fēngjǐng 风景 N landscape, scenery

      fēnglàng 风浪 I N high winds and big waves II ADJ stormy

      fēnglì 风力 N wind force, wind power

      fēngqì 风气 N general mood and common practice (of a society, a locality or an organization)

      fēngqù 风趣 N humor, wit

      fēngshā 风沙 N sand blown up by winds

      fēngshàng 风尚 N prevailing norm or practice (in a positive sense)

      fēngshībìng 风湿病 N rheumatism

      fēngsú 风俗 N custom, social customs
