ambyog, ngambyog or ngambyug to move in with s.o. temporarily; to stay at s.o.'s home.
ambyong, ngambyong reg to assemble together.
ambyuk to flock, move in a swarm. See also byuk.
ambyur 1 to plunge, splash, jump into water; 2 fig to plunge into activities. ngambyuri to jump into water;
ambyur-ambyuran to jump into water repeatedly (for fun).
ame I reg to dry out. See pé II mé.
II ngamé to rave, be delirious;
ngamèkaké to talk about s.t. or s.o. while sleeping or delirious.
amek ng, mendhet kr to go and get, pick (up); - iwak fishing;
ngamèk to pick up;
ngamèkaké to pick s.t. up for s.o. else. See also mèmèk.
amel, ngamel very fond of (food);
ngamel-amel to eat s.t. again and again.
amem taciturn, close-mouthed.
amèn I coll always, constantly.
II or ngamèn or amèn-amèn to perform (a show) publicly.
ameng I only (reg var of amung, mung).
II to have a foul odour.
III or amèng-amèng to engage in recreation (k.i. for dolan-dolan);
ameng-amengan pastime, source of amusement, hobby
amèr, omar-amèr mushy, beginning to go off (cooked rice).
amet measuring unit for rice plants: 25 bunches or ca 154 kg.
amik I to get (reg var of amèk).
II only (reg var of amung, mung).
amin amen;
amin-amin religious ceremony at which food blessed by a religious man is served;
ngamini 1 to say amen frequently during a prayer; 2 to approve of, concur with.
aming only (coll var of mung).
amis to smell fishy;
ngamis-amisi to make s.t. smell or taste fishy;
amis bacin fishy and rotten, fig difficulties, troubles.
amit 1 to ask permission to leave; 2 (or amit-amit) I beg your pardon; - sewu excuse me;
amit-amit excl God forbid!
amlang lit bright, shining, gleaming.
amlas, amlas asih lit inspiring pity (see also welas I);
sambat amlas asih to wail pitifully (see also sambat).
amleng to go away without explanation.
amoh in rags, ragged, worn out: esp clothing;
ngamohaké to make s.t. ragged, wear out.
among 1 to take care of, handle, protect; - asmara to be in love with each other; - beksa an organisation that maintains Javanese classical dances; - geni reg to tend the fire (sit in front of the brazier); - karsa to follow one's own wishes; - raga or - slira to control o.s.; - tamu to receive (or those who receive) guests at a gathering; 2 to engage in, handle; - dagang businessmen, merchants; tani peasants;
kaki - godfather; male good spirit that (protects human beings (see also kaki); nini - godmother; female good spirit that protects human beings (see also nini); pamong 1 public official; - desa village official; - praja civil servant; person in charge of a certain territory; 2 guardian; Sang Pamong Agung the Great Guardian, God.
amor 1 to mingle (with others); 2 mixed, combine with;
amor turu 1 to sleep in the same bed with; 2 to have sexual intercourse. See awor, wor, mor.
amot 1 to hold, accommodate; loaded with; 2 fig rich in forgiveness; patient and wise;
ngamot or ngemot 1 to contain, hold; 2 to be loaded with;
ngamotake to load s.t.;
kamot 1 to hold, accommodate; 2 to get contained;
pamotan 1 loading-place; 2 a load. See also momot, mot.
ampad I leaning, aslant.
II ngampad to whip, throw.
III ampadan the lowest leaf of a tobacco plant.
ampah I reg valley.
II ngampah to restrain, hold in check.
ampak, ampak-ampak mountain mist;
ngampak-ampak to form large groups like heavy clouds;
ampak-ampakan moving forward in large groups.
ampal beetle.
ampang 1 light (weight); 2 weak; tembako - light tobacco (see also tembako);
swara - light voice (see also swara);
ngampangaké 1 to cause to be light; 2 to belittle, disparage.
ampar I floor;
ngampar to sit or to sleep on a floor;
amparan 1 a mat to sit on; 2 a kind of chair (without back).
II or ngampar-ampar to hit; gelap - the lightning strikes (see also gelap II).
ampas 1 residue after the essence has been removed; - krambil shredded coconut from which the milk has been pressed; 2 pieces left in a pan after the broth has been finished.
ampeg 1 strong; tembako - strong tobacco (see also tembako); 2 oppressed, constricted (of breathing).
ampèk or sampèk reg until.
ampel, ngampeli to insert kindling for making a fire.
ampel a variety of bamboo. See pring.
amper, ngamper to throw at/to var of ngampar.
amperu or peru gall.
ampet, ngampet to restrain, check.
ampéyan (k.i. of selir) minor wife of aristocrat, royalty.
ampil, garwa - a wife other than the queen (k.i. for selir);
ngampil 1 to carry, bring, take (k.i. for nggawa); 2 to borrow (k.i. for nyilih);
ampilan royal insignia carried in procession in front of the ruler.
amping, amping-amping or ampingampingan to hide behind s.t.;
ngampingi or ngamping-ampingi 1 to guard s.o. at a side; 2 to flank, stand beside; 3 to block s.o. from view by standing in front of him/her;
amping-amping wong gedhé fig to engage an elite person as one's protector.
ampir I ngampiri to call for s.o., pick up s.o.;
ngampiraké to ask s.o. to drop in;
ampiran place for stopping.
mampir or kampir to stop off, drop in.
II ampir-ampir front porch.
amplèk a certain vest, sleeveless shirt;
ngamplèk (of clothing: esp shirt) too small.
amplik, amplik-amplik or ngamplik balanced precariously near the edge of s.t.
amplok, ngamplok to cling to s.o. with arms and legs.
amplop envelope;
ngamplopi to put into an envelope;
amplopan placed in an envelope.
ampo high-calcium baked clay tablet eaten esp by pregnant women;