ancul 1 var of ancug; 2 or anculan equipment for scaring birds away from ripening rice plants.
ancung a variety of children's game; rebut ancung to compete to obtain a goal;
mancung reg to climb in a tree.
ancur I (to get) broken, smashed; - lebur totally destroyed;
ancur-ancuran completely smashed.
II 1 material for making glue; 2 powdered glass melted into glue (for coating kite strings);
ngancur-ancuri 'to apply glue to'; 1 to follow s.o.'s wishes because of their flattery; 2 to inflame a quarrel to make it worse.
andak excl of disbelief - iya I don't believe it (var of apa iya).
andaka lit bull, wild ox.
andakara lit sun.
andam a variety of fern.
andana, andana warih lit noble;
trahing andana warih of noble descent.
andane reg, excl of surprise.
andang var of endang, énggal kr, quick, soon, immediate. See also dang II.
andaru or daru falling star bearing an omen.
andel 1 believer; 2 one who trusts;
ngandel to believe (in), trust; ngandeli or ngandelake 1 to rely on; 2 to trade on;
ngandelan gullible, over-trusting;
andel-andel 1 mainstay, one who can be depended upon; 2 trustworthy commander;
ngandel-andelaké or ngendel-endelaké to depend too heavily on (the wrong values);
kumandel to be convinced of;
piandel 1 belief, superstition; 2 s.t. or s.o. whom one can rely on.
ander upright roof-supporting beam in a house frame.
anderpati lit to be determined to die, ready to be killed (in battle).
andha ladder, ladderlike steps; - jagang or - jagrag stepladder with steps on both sides; - junjang latticed bamboo poles forming a trellis for vines; lanang ladder consisting of a pole with rungs projecting on each side; pengantèn or - mantèn stepladder; widadari rainbow;
ngandhani to lean a ladder against;
andhan-andhan 1 a short flight of ladder like wooden steps; 2 drying rack of bamboo poles; 3 stairs, steps;
ngandhan-andhan falling in loose waves (of hair).
andhah, andhahan 1 subordinate, underling; 2 gram affixed; tembung - derived word, affixed form (see also tembung I); ngandhahi to subordinate, subjugate o.s. (to);
ngandhahaké to supervise (one's subordinates), be in charge.
andhap 1 below, under (root form: kr for isor); 2 short, low (kr for cendhék); 3 to descend (rootform: kr for dhun);
andhap asor humble, self-effacing.
andhapan wild boar (kr for cèlèng).
andhar, ngandharake to explain, tell;
ngandhar-andhar excessively long (of speech or writing);
andharan 1 speech, narration, account; 2 a long-winded account.
andhé, andhéné, andhé-andhéné or saandhéné reg if, supposing that.
andheg ng, endel kr act of stopping;
ngandheg 1 to stop s.t.; 2 to have no menstrual periods, pregnant (var of meteng); ngandhegi or ngendhegi 1 to stop s.o. or s.t. that is passing through; 2 to stop (in) at;
ngandhegaké or ngendhegaké to stop s.t;
mandheg ng, kèndel kr to come to a stop;
kandheg to get stopped. See also endheg I.
andhèk, andhèkané, andhèkna or andhèkné reg var of andhé;
andhèkpuna lit var of andhé.
andhel var of andel.
andhem I ngandhemi 1 to commit o.s. to; - tékad to stand by one's resolve; 2 to acknowledge freely.
II andheman indentation in an animal's chest (where the heart is).
andheng, andheng-andheng skin blemish, mole.
andhèr to gather, form a crowd.
andhih var of endhih.
andhil 1 a share of ownership; 2 scale for weighing opium. See ondhal-andhil.
andhok 1 to sit and eat in a foodshop; 2 (or ngandhok, mandhok) to stay (stop) s.w; ngandhokake to have s.o. stay s.w.
andhong I horse-drawn cab (four wheels, two horses); ngandhong 1 to ride in a cab, go by cab; 2 to transport passengers as one's job;
ngandhongaké 1 to use as a cab, or have it used for profit; 2 to have s.o. or s.t. carried by a cab.
II ngandhongi to change places with, replace, substitute for.
andhuk towel;
ngandhuki to dry s.o. with a towel;
andhukan to use a towel.
andik I lit severe, harsh; - angatirah severe and burning.
II reg somewhat, rather; - rene somewhat closer.
andika I lit you.
II ngandikani k.i. to tell s.o., say to;
ngandikakaké k.i. to state s.t.;
andikakaké, dikakaké k.i. to have received orders to. See also ngendika.
andir reg road worker (var of anjir).
andon to carry on, engage in; - asmara to engage in love; - jurit or - perang to fight a war; - gawe to go out for a job; - laku or - paran to travel; - lelana to wander, ramble; - tuwa older brother/sister-in-law;
ngandonake to have make s.o. (do) steadily.
andong a certain plant used to weave mat, hat, bag etc.
andrawina lit feast, banquet;
kembul bojana andrawina to dine together at a large dinner party.
ané how...! what...! (stressing the preceding word); édan - how crazy that is!
anéh strange, odd, peculiar;
nganèhaké 1 to regard s.t. as odd; 2 to cause s.t. to be strange;
nganèh-anèhi very much out of the ordinary;
anèh-anèh s.t. strange.
anéka lit variety; - warna of many kinds, multicoloured. Also maneka.
anèm young (kr for anom).
aneng, at, on, in (coll for ana ing). See nèng, ana.
angabèhi see ngabèhi.
angad var of ongod.
angah, angah-angah greedy, selfish;
ngangah-angah to be passionate, selfish.
angap an open mouth;
mangap open(ed) (of the mouth);
ngangapaké to open (one's, s.o.'s) mouth.
angas one who seems brave but actually is afraid;
ngangasi to bluff s.o.
angel hard, difficult;
ngangèli or ngangelake to make s.t. difficult;
ngangèl-angèl or ngengèl-engèl