ngalasaké 1 to exile s.o. into the jungle; 2 to allow (land) to revert to jungle;
alasan 1 wild; 2 uncultivated; lemah uncultivated land (see also lemah); wong - forest dweller, aboriginal people living in the forest (see also wong);
alas-alasan 1 replica of a forest; 2 dramatic forest scene of a (wayang) play;
pangalasan former official in forest affairs;
ngayam alas to wander around in the forest (like a jungle fowl).
II alasan or alesan reason, excuse.
alat var of walat suffering caused by a holy person as punishment. See also walat.
aldaka lit mountain.
aleb I or alep very beautiful, fine.
II ngalebi to flood s.t., inundate. kaleban or keleban to get flooded, inundated. See also leb.
alem praise, compliment;
ngalem or ngelem to praise;
aleman 1 to ask for affection; 2 to be attached;
pangalem high praise;
pangaleman a public figure of great stature;
golek alem to seek s.o.'s praise or sympathy. See also lem.
alembana praise, compliment; ngalembana to praise.
alèn-alèn imitation ring, small ring, toy ring. See also ali-ali.
aleng preferable (coll of aluwung).
alep very beautiful, fine. See aleb.
alès lit to go away.
alesan reason (var of alasan).
ali-ali ng, sesupe kr, k.i., finger-ring;
ngalèn-alèni to put a ring on s.t.;
alèn-alèn imitation ring, small ring, toy ring.
alih, ngalih ng, pindhah kr 1 to move, change residence; 2 to change (places);
lintang - a shooting star;
ngolah-ngalih to keep moving around;
alihan or ngalihan to have a tendency to move (house, job).
alik, I ngolak-alik to turn s.t. repeatedly.
II ngalik-alik (var of galik-galik) high-pitched and melodious. See also galik.
III alika reg preferable.
alim 1 pious, religious, well-behaved, peace-loving; 2 forgiveness; 3 learned (of poets, scholars etc);
ngalimi to behave like a pious person;
aliman 1 forgiveness; 2 forgive me (for not giving anything: said when refusing a beggar);
kaliman or nyuwun alim (ngalim) lit forgive me;
paliman forgiveness;
pasang aliman tabe lit forgive me (a greeting).
aling, aling-aling cover, concealment, protective shield;
ngalingi to conceal;
ngaling-alingi to cover up with a concealment;
kalingan or kaling-kalingan shielded by, covered by;
aling-alingan shielded, concealed from view; - katon to reveal s.t. inadvertently;
tanpa tèdhèng aling-aling unprotected, uncovered, fig to say straight out.
alis ng, kr, imba k.i. eyebrows; saalis a hair's breadth.
alit small, tiny (kr.for cilik);
kalitan (or dalem kalitan) residence of the youngest son of the king of Surakarta.
aliyas also known as.
Allah God (term used by both Muslims and Christians);
Allahu akbar 'God is the greatest', God Almighty;
Allahu tangala God the most high; ka-Allahan Godlike;
kersaning Allah God's will;
wallahu alam God knows (see also alam);
ya Allah ya robbi excl of surprise; oh, my God!
almarhum the late, the deceased.
alok 1 a yell, shout; 2 to call out, cheer; - kélangan to call out as a result of losing s.t. See also lok.
alon slow, soft;
alon-alon slowly, softly, cautiously;
alon-alonan or lon-lonan slowly, at a leisurely pace;
alon-alon waton kelakon prov 'slow and steady wins the race'.
along preferable (coll var of aluwung).
alu pestle for pounding things in a mortar;
ceblok alu fig to take turns at working;
nyagak alu prov unreliable talk.
alualah I ngalualah 1 to wail; 2 to ask for help.
II ngalualah to leave it, do nothing about it.
aluamah, see ngaluamah.
alub, ngalub 1 to bark (of dog), regarded as a sign of s.t. unfortunate; 2 to bring about s.t. unfortunate by mentioning it; 3 to express a feeling of desperation.
aluk, ngaluk-aluk very far away.
alum 1 withered, limp, drooping (of leaf, plant etc); 2 fig faint, languid; 3 in the process of healing (of wound);
ngalumaké to cause to droop.
alun wave;
ngalun to undulate.
alun-alun broad grassy square in front of a palace or regent's residence.
alur kinship relation;
aluran 1 relationship in kinship system; 2 traces (of events, trail or track on the ground).
alus 1 fine, smooth; 2 incorporeal, invisible; 3 refined; - budine (or bebudèné) refined character;
ngalusi to treat courteously;
ngalusaké to refine s.t.; to make smooth;
alusan fine type of male classical dance, of fine quality (of batik, fabric etc)
aluwung preferable. Also luwung.
ama insect pest, plant disease, fig public nuisance; - menthèk rice-plant disease.
amad female servant at the court; - dalem one in service at a royal grave.
amah, ngamah-amah 1 very angry; 2 to be passionate, desirous;
ngamah-amah mangsa daging to be desirous of devouring meat.
amal good deed, charity, charitable donation; - kadonyan worldly goods donated for charitable purposes; karun hidden (buried) treasure;
ngamal to give to charity;
ngamali to give to (a charitable cause);
ngamalaké to put into practice, apply
aman safe, secure;
ngamanake to protect from threatened danger.
amat I var of amad.
II ngamati or ngamat-amati to watch over, keep a sharp eye on;
ngamataké to keep track of, examine.
amanat 1 an entrusted task; 2 a speech conveying a message to people.
amarga ng because (var of marga).
amargi kr because (var of margi).
amba I, ng wiyar kr 1 wide, broad, spacious; 2 width, breadth; - ciyut width;
ngambani to (do) on a wide scale;