ngangèl-angèli or ngengèl-engèli to cause difficulties for s.o.;
kangèlan to have difficulties;
angèl-angèlan s.t. difficult, difficult things;
angèl-angèlé the most difficult. See also ngel.
angen, angen-angen thought, idea;
ngangen-angen 1 to keep thinking about s.o.; 2 to hope to meet s.o.;
kangen to long for, miss s.o.;
pangangen-angen thought, expectation.
angen to herd, tend (kr for angon).
anges reg var of angus.
anget 1 warm, hot, lukewarm; 2 feverish; 3 secure, safe; 4 more in weight;
ngangèti or ngangètaké to make warm;
manget-manget lukewarm;
anget-angetan s.t warm (of food, drink).
angga 1 lit body; 2 bundles of newly harvested rice.
angga-angga or anggang-anggang water-spider.
anggak reg boastful, conceited;
anggak-anggakan to show off, boast, brag.
anggal reg light (not heavy);
nganggalake to make light(er).
anggana lit 1 alone, by o.s.; 2 lit woman, girl.
anggang-anggang I water-spider (var of angga-angga).
II 1 with soft and slow, easy movements; 2 reg scarce, distantly spaced;
nganggang-anggang to treat s.t. cautiously.
anggaota or nggaota to earn for a living; panggaotan occupation, work, job.
anggar I the sport of fencing; nganggar to carry a sword or sharp weapon in a sheath or scabbard at the side;
anggaran sheath, scabbard.
II nganggar 1 to buy on credit; 2 to borrow (money) without security;
anggaran 1 a loan; 2 earmarked funds.
anggara lit Tuesday; - kasih alternative name for Selasa Kliwon.
anggé to use, wear (root form: kr for anggo).
anggé-anggé mole-cricket found in a ricefield.
anggel I anggelan or anggel-anggel small wooden dam used to control the flow of water in a ricefield; nganggeli to dam up, hold back.
II anggel-anggel reg s.t. saved for future use.
anggep opinion, assumption;
nganggep 1 to consider, regard as; 2 to pay attention;
anggep-anggepan to look down on (people, things); to consider s.t. or s.o. unworthy;
kanggep to be appreciated;
panganggep or pianggep opinion, thought, attitude.
angger I 1 each, every; 2 every (time, whenever);
angger-angger every time, always.
II 1 (or anggere) if, provided that; 2 (or anggere) to do s.t. for no good reason other than just doing it; 3 (or anggere) just be able to do the most important, basic thing and no more;
angger-angger rule, regulation;
ngangger-anggeri to apply rules (to); to furnish regulations (for).
anggér adr young man.
anggi, anggi-anggi a certain medicinal herb.
anggit thought, creation, idea;
nganggit 1 to arrange (flowers); 2 to invent, think up; 3 to compose, write (literary works);
anggitan 1 composition, invention; 2 quick to catch on, smart;
nganggitaké to compose for s.o.
angglong 1 reduced to a small amount (of the contents of a container); 2 dis appointed and grieving.
anggo ng, angge kr, agem h.i. the way to use;
nganggo 1 to use, by means of; 2 to have s.t. attached or accompanying it; 3 to misuse, misappropriate (funds); 4 to wear, i.e. use (apparel); 5 to consider, regard as;
nganggoni 1 to dress s.o. (in), have s.o. wear; 2 to wear, put on many items;
nganggokaké to help s.o. dress, dress s.o.;
nganggo-anggo to wear jewelry, be well-dressed;
nganggon-anggoni to dress s.o. (in);
kanggo for; useful;
anggon-anggon ng, anggèn-anggèn kr,
agem-ageman k.i. s.t. to be worn;
kanggonan to get s.o. or s.t. put in one's place.
anggon ng, anggen kr, 1 act of doing, the way to act; 2 place; salah - misplaced (see also salah); 3 reg usual, ordinary, not unexpected;
manggon ng, manggen kr, lenggah k.i.
1 to live, stay; 2 to settle;
panggonan place. See nggon, enggon.
anggong to pant because of a heavy burden.
anggop see agop.
anggota 1 a body part, limb; 2 member of a group or organisation.
anggrah, anggrah-anggrah 1 twigs used to block the way; 2 s.t. worthless.
anggrak, nganggrak to stop s.o. by pointing a weapon and threatening (of robber etc).
anggrang, nganggrang 1 to stand in a high place; 2 left unfinished;
nganggrangaké 1 to lean s.t. against; 2 to leave work unfinished.
anggras, nganggras to threaten s.o. by bluffing.
anggreg, anggreg-anggreg or onggraganggreg not flowing freely, to proceed haltingly;
nganggreg-anggregi to slow s.t. down, cause to proceed haltingly.
anggrek orchid.
anggrem reg var of angrem.
anggréng lit to roar, groan in pain. See also gereng.
anggrik, nganggrik-anggrik thin as a rake.
anggris 2 1/2 guilders' worth in coin or notes (var of ringgit).
anggrok, manggrok to stay s.w. temporarily, stop (over);
nganggroki to occupy a place temporarily;
nganggrokaké to have s.o. stay s.w. See also enggrok.
angguk 1 a horse-riding dance performed by boys or young men; 2 a children's singing and dancing game.
anggung I lit constantly, always. II a cooing sound;
manggung to coo.
anggur I grape, grape vine, wine.
II or angur reg preferable.
III nganggur free, at leisure, not working, not to be used;
nganggurake to neglect, leave s.t. untouched;
angguran 1 unemployed; 2 reg a certain tax in the village;
anggur-angguran idle, with nothing to do.
anggut, manggut-manggut or monggatmanggut to nod the head again and again.
angi to cool newly cooked rice by spreading and fanning it;
angen cooked rice that has been cooled.
angin 1 wind, breeze, draft; 2 air; - becik fig a change for the better; - dharat