dhampit boy-girl twins.
dhampyak, dhampyak-dhampyak 1 in throngs, in great numbers; 2 (of people) spreading out and marching abreast, blocking the road.
dhana, ndhana to go there (Yogya slang, var of mrana).
dhana-dhini boy-girl sibling combination (shtf of kedhana-kedhini).
dhancang fast (var of bancang).
dhandha lit club, bludgeon.
dhandhan I handle of an umbrella.
II reg 1 wire cord; 2 big cord made from young bamboo.
dhandhang I carrion crow;
ndhandhang resembling a carrion crow;
dhandhang diunèkaké kuntul prov a bad man made out to be good.
II or cucuk dhandhang pickaxe. See also cucuk.
III, dhandhang-gula a certain classical verse form;
dhandhang-gendhis kr for dhandhanggula.
dhandheng, ndhandheng to wander, roam.
dhandher reg cassava.
dhandhing, ndhandhing slender and graceful.
dhang I honorific title applied to a priest.
II, ngedhang to wait for, lie in wait for;
ngedhang-dhangi to block s.o.'s way; to put s.t. in the way of.
See also adhang.
dhangah, dhangah-dhangah (to walk) briskly, to stride.
dhangak, ndhangak facing upward; craning the neck (var of ndangak);
ndhangakake to face s.t. upward.
dhangan 1 well (k.i. for waras); 2 to recover from (k.i. for mari); 3 willing (to help); 4 pleased, to like (k.i. for seneng); 5 comfortable (k.i. for kepénak).
dhangdhang lit crow (bird) (var of dhandhang).
dhangdheng var of dhandheng.
dhangdher var of dhandher.
dhangdhing see dhing.
dhangdhong reg sometimes (var of dhongdhong).
dhanget to hear (shtf of midhanget, k.i. for krungu).
dhangglong, dhangglongan reg 1 inconstant; 2 idiotic, witless.
dhanghyang honorific title applied to a priest.
dhangir, weeding and loosening of surface soil with a hoe;
ndhangir to weed and loosen (soil);
alis to shave and shape eyebrows.
dhangka 1 place, location; 2 cr habitation of an ogre or evil spirit; 3 cave where a corpse is kept.
dhangkak reg having a short neck and bulging chest.
dhangkal I reg self-willed, obstinate (var of wangkal).
II reg (of fruits) hard.
III reg dirt on the skin;
ndhangkal or dhangkalen (of skin) dirty.
dhangkèl main root of a tree;
ndhangkèl 1 to remove a tree by the roots; 2 to practise asceticism by eating several kinds of roots only;
dhangkèlan 1 main root of a tree; 2 fig gang leader.
dhangklèh, dhangklèh-dhangklèh broken and hanging (from). See also dhengleh.
dhangkrok, ndhangkrok 1 climbing by pressing the chest against a tree; 2 to sit with the knees drawn up and the back bent.
dhangkruk var of dhangkrok.
dhangleng reg idiotic, eccentric, deranged.
dhangling var of dhangleng.
dhangsah Western-style dancing; to perform this.
dhangsul shtf of kedhangsul soybean (subst kr for dhele, kedhele).
dhangsur, ndhangsur reg to sleep everywhere.
dhanu lit lake. See also ranu.
dhanyang a spirit who guards a particular locality.
dhaon reg a plant leaf.
dhaos reg kr for dhacin.
dhapa, ndhapa shtf of pendhapa.
dhaplang, ndhaplang to stretch the arms out to the sides.
dhaplok very old. See also gerang.
dhapuk assigned a role to;
ndhapuk 1 to arrange, set up; 2 to assign a role to;
dhapukan 1 arrangement(s), formation; 2 role assigned;
pandhapuk the way to set up.
dhapur or dhapuran 1 shape, form, design; 2 clump, cluster;
adhapur in the form of, resembling;
dhapurmu excl, cr stupid!;
dhapur kebeneran lucky for us.
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