Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success. Алибала Магерамзаде. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алибала Магерамзаде
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-213-2
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to briefly talk about Quba, the region where I was born. This amazing mountain region with beautiful nature, surrounded by green gardens, has lots of inherent features.

      Located 168 km north of Baku, on the slopes of Mount Shahdag of the Greater Caucasus, at an altitude of 600 m above sea level, on the banks of the Gudialchay River, Quba is known for its apples. The white apple that grows here is truly unique.

      The Quba region is also known for its carpets. In many famous museums of the world, as well as in personal collections, one can find samples of the Quba school of carpet weaving, such as Chichi, Yerf, Gymyl, distinguished by their original drawings.

      Another feature of Quba is its unique villages and towns. Here, at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level, the village of Khinalug is located. Due to its unique language, the population of this village constitutes a separate ethnographic group. It is no coincidence that the Khinalug phenomenon, having a 5000-year history, is considered the most significant ethnographic value in the history of mankind.

      The famous Krasnaya Sloboda, home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the world, is also located in Quba. Caucasian Jews settled in this village (named Caucasian Jerusalem) in 1797 under the rule of Fatali Khan. In the territory of Dagestan where they lived, the Jews were subjected to genocide by the order of the local ruler Surkhay Khan, so they were forced to cross the border. They settled in Azerbaijan. Fatali Khan provided them with one of the most picturesque corners of Guba and took them under his protection.

      According to some reports, the history of this ancient city, once part of Caucasian Albania, dates back to the 13th century. The defensive towers of the 11th – 12th centuries, the burial places of Sudab and Agbil (16th – 19th centuries), the Arched bridge, the mosques of Haji Jafar and Juma (Friday mosque), the Alemu Tower, the Temple of Fire Worshipers are considered valuable architectural monuments located on the territory of this district. The local bathhouse Chukhur Hamam is especially famous, as its creation dates back to 17–19 centuries. This monument (considered the pearl of oriental architecture) was glorified in Alexander Dumas travel notes. Having bathed here during his trip to the Caucasus, the writer was apparently pleased.

      I also want to talk about the picturesque nature of Guba. This is one of the favorite places for tourists visiting our country. Many places are included in the constant tourist routes. The guests of our region are happy to visit the Qechresh forest, with its wonderful springs, apples, pears, walnuts, hazelnuts, loquats, dogwoods and healing herbs: hawthorn, rosehip, where gazelles, foxes, wild boars, wolves, bears and other animals live. Tourists come to see the powerful river Gudialchay, with tasty bream fish and a 60-meter waterfall that arose from the Jurassic limestone on the slope of the canyon-shaped gorge. I should also note the Tengealti Valley rich in healing, oxygen-saturated air.

      The following expression is no accident: «Those who visited Guba once, will certainly come back again.» The great Azerbaijani poet Mammad Araz wrote: «If you haven’t seen Guba, don’t say that you’ve seen Azerbaijan!»

      10. 15 Essential Qualities You Must Have to Succeed

      The formula for success is at the same time specific and general. That is, the qualities necessary for achieving it may be acceptable for one nation, but not for another. In Azerbaijan, for example (and in the East in general), those who rely on mental values and national principles achieve success. In this case, great importance is given to a strong, full-fledged family, where exemplary education, attachment to one's national roots, and religious affiliation predominate. Only these factors allow achieving success.

      Based on my personal experience and observations, I can put forward the following parameters:

Getting exemplary education

      Getting an education in an exemplary family with intelligent, progressive-minded parents who are considered role models in society is, in my opinion, the most necessary condition and incentive for life. At the next stage, an important role is given to the education received in kindergarten and high school, or from mentors. The knowledge received from teachers and leaders contribute to the formation of a full-fledged personality with a strong character, which is the main criterion in moving towards the intended goal.

      A person eventually becomes a man with exemplary manners and education. This type of people, in turn, undertakes to instill the culture of good manners, and contribute to the upbringing and formation of the future generation.

      I will give you one simple example. Being well-mannered does not mean spilling food on the tablecloth. Being well-mannered means to see a person next to you in a similar situation, but pretend that you didn’t notice so as not to put him in an awkward position.

Strong family

      Another important condition for young people striving for a goal is a strong healthy family. They should know how to concede in their own house. Families like this has faith and trust in relations between members, they are hassle-free, far from troubles and all kinds of strife. Such a family can mobilize you to direct all your potential to the intended goal and serve as an incentive.

      Relations between spouses are also of great importance in this matter. Nothing can be more beautiful than the life of a married couple, whose dreams and aspirations coincide. The basis of a strong family lies in the ability of the head of the family to conduct a thoughtful policy (family is often called a small state). Creating a family, young people must make the right choice. A married couple should be consistent with each other. People say: try to find a wife of the same height. If she is taller than you, you may end up under her heel.

Attachment to national roots and religion

      Each individual must be attached to his national roots and respect his religion. Traditions, rules of behavior, proverbs, sayings and other folklore patterns, games and rituals that have survived for thousands of years, combined, form the national character of a person.

      Only a person attached to national roots feels at ease. A detached person will never feel himself comfortable.

      He who does not have national roots and religion is deprived of a fulcrum. Cosmopolitan or not, he should preserve his national character. Atheist or not, he should respect the religious beliefs of his people.

Opportunity to obtain higher education

      Obtaining primary education is, of course, necessary, but I also consider higher education a very important factor in achieving success. You can be educated in life without getting an education. However, higher education gives not only awareness, but also a way of assimilating knowledge, an instruction in the use of knowledge. The academic environment is an important factor in shaping a person's worldview.

Health and fitness

      There’s nothing more important in life than health. «Healthy mind in a healthy body». This expression is familiar to everyone.

      If a person is weak or sick, he will naturally encounter obstacles on his way to the goal. First, heal yourself, take care of your physical condition, and then think about success.

      It seems to me that a person should visit a doctor not in order to recover, but in order not to get sick. Healthy eating, physical activity, giving up bad habits, harmony with nature – all this constitutes a healthy lifestyle. These conditions should be a characteristic feature of a person striving for a goal.

Healthy environment

      Who surrounds you, who are your friends and acquaintances, whom your team consists of – all these points are very important and are the main conditions for a person who wants to succeed. What’s interesting, the conditions for becoming a leader in all concepts depend not only on your skills and authoritarianism, but also on support from your followers, environment, subordinates, on their ability to work and on how loyal you are.

      The concept of «having a healthy environment» is very broad. Just like you change your apartment, car or your wardrobe from time to time, it’s very important to change your environment at the right time.

The advantage of being well-read and learning best practices

      Reading, of course, plays an indispensable role in improving a person, developing his speech and skills, making him knowledgeable, sociable and educated. A book is a teacher of life. You can learn from it, drawing all the good things it offers.

      Now at the time of immense development of information