Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success. Алибала Магерамзаде. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алибала Магерамзаде
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-213-2
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who will deny the need for a large amount of information. Knowledge and information are two wings, like two hands, necessary for a modern person to achieve a goal.

      It is worth considering the dual nature of reading. Obtaining general information to improve his knowledge of world and nature sciences, as well as building relationships between people, a person striving for the goal also receives specific knowledge necessary for chosen profession, which accelerates his path to success.

The unity of the beloved and chosen professions

      Do you know in which cases a person building a career is more successful? When his favorite profession coincides with his chosen profession. A person can never succeed if he is busy with an unloved affair. This is absurd, emptiness and disappointment. As if a young man loves one girl, but marries another.

      Dear young people, when choosing a profession, you must listen to your inner voice. Don’t let the insistence of parents or someone else’s influence lead you astray. Remember: only doing your favorite work you can build a successful career.

Professional skills

      Professionalism and amateurism are two polar poles. According to the brilliant Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi, «it’s better to be a perfect saddle-maker than a useless hatter». Being a professional in saddle-making is more profitable than being an amateur hatter.

      Being a professional means being self-confident and strong, being an expert in your field. It means to have advanced experience, to obtain relevant education, to enjoy the work you are doing.

      Amateurism is self-doubt, stress and tension. Amateurs are mostly those who mastered a profession but work in a completely different sphere, or those who didn’t have a chance to receive proper knowledge and experience. Random people, of course, cannot succeed in what they do. This is impossible. The path to success in any case lies through professionalism. It’s an axiom.

Manage your character

      A person who wants to succeed must be able to control his ego and direct it in the right direction. You went on a path leading to success, but you are lazy? Try to discard laziness. You can’t make a decision? Try to change yourself. You are shy? Get rid of this quality. You are a coward? Find courage in yourself.

      Human character is like a train consisting of different cars (properties). If one of the cars slows you down in this marathon and makes it difficult for you to move forward, you must get rid of it. Otherwise, you may not reach your destination.

      Be purposeful

      If you want to achieve your goal, you must fight and mustn’t lose heart due to minor difficulties and failures. Nothing comes easy in life. The path to success is full of thorns. It can be overcome only by experiencing sorrows. No obstacles or difficulties in your path should confuse you. Victory can only be achieved through determination designed for the final result.

Be optimistic

      Optimism is the ability to pay attention only to good things in life, a worldview associated with confidence in luck and success, a bright future and a cheerful mood. Optimism (from Latin optimus – «best») as a view of life claims that the world is beautiful, that there is a way out of any difficult situation, that everything will be fine. Think for yourself what benefits optimism brings to a person on his path to success. Now let's see what the antonym of this word means, that is, pessimism. How can this view of life bring you luck if it expresses uncertainty and represents everything in black colors?

      The confrontation between an optimist and a pessimist can be expressed by a well-known example of half a glass of water. According to the optimist, the glass is always half full. According to the pessimist, the glass is half empty. If we quote the words of the German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, «We live in the best of the worlds,» it follows that optimism as a philosophical doctrine is useful not only for success, but for human life in general. The results of scientific research prove that optimism is extremely beneficial for human health, namely:

      – prevents the emergence of helplessness and hopelessness, helps to increase immunity;

      – directs you to a healthy lifestyle, encourages you to visit a doctor if something bothers you;

      – helps to build relations with friends and companions, contributing to the formation of social support in people, which is one of the important conditions for protecting health.

      Dear readers, be optimistic in life, consider your defeats as a temporary phenomenon, remember that everything goes away, take accidents as a chance and, on the contrary, take pleasant things as regular. You will overcome your path to luck as long as you are optimistic.

Plan your life

      One of the aspects in achieving the goal, in my opinion, is the ability to plan an adjusted life. I think when you lead a spontaneous life, designed more for chance than for inevitability, or when everything is derailed, like we say, «come what may,» there is no point in waiting for luck.

      Plan your life in the form of a local (everyday) and global (stage you are aiming at) steps, and then just follow the line. It is advisable that the time of waking up, eating, working hours, as well as leisure time, be strictly on schedule. If you are studying, it is advisable to find out for yourself in which area you will work and what level you are aiming at. If you work, it is useful to know which mark you want to leave in this life and which people you want to have on the same level. In a planned life, you will rarely face accidents, artificially created obstacles or lowered barriers. Leading a spontaneous, chaotic life, one has to stumble upon constant surprises and inexplicable situations.

      On your way to luck, friends, proceed according to your plan.

Ability to act according to several plans

      Having multiple plans is another important factor on the path to success. If you look into the biography of successful leaders, you can clearly trace plans A, B or even C in their activities. Acting according to one plan means to suspend the struggle at the first defeat. Side plans will help you continue the struggle and give an additional chance to win no matter what.


      At the very end, let’s talk about self-confidence, the most important parameter in achieving a goal. Self-confidence is the starting point in all major acquisitions. If a person does not have this property, there is nothing to say about luck. Self-confidence is the belief that you can achieve everything, faith when you find yourself in a difficult situation and encounter a very difficult case.

      How to believe in yourself? It seems to be a common question, but at the same time it points to situations with a difficult solution.

      – First of all, dear reader, take advantage of auto-training like «there is nothing incomprehensible, I can do everything», «I just need a little time, in the end I will laugh.» This will help get rid of the illusion of insolubility on the path to success. It happens that a person artificially overrates some minor flaws and brings them to the level of insoluble problems. As a result, he panics and goes astray, which is totally unacceptable.

      One of the destructive factors of self-confidence is to take a loser as an example. You may panic thinking that if the person who tried earlier didn’t succeed, then it wouldn’t work for me either. Follow the postulate «every situation is unique, all people are different», and don’t try to take an example from someone else. Well, if you still decide to follow someone’s example, then follow the example of a successful person.

      – The next way to strengthen your confidence is to remember past victories and look back at your luck. This will give you an additional incentive and add strength.

      – The next detail of building self-confidence is to stay in reality and not to hover in the clouds. In what sense? Sometimes we draw plans and build illusions about doing things that exceed our capabilities. Some of us can become millionaires, Olympic champions or presidents, but for many people this is completely impossible. There are billions of people in the world, and only the elite are given to overcome the peaks. Please note: when a person raves about the idea of being elected, having no prerequisites, in the end he condemns himself to failure, and his self-confidence is undermined. Therefore, don’t try to bite more than you can chew. Try to experience confidence on real plans.

      – An important factor in strengthening a sense of self-confidence is to have a personal