Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success. Алибала Магерамзаде. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алибала Магерамзаде
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-213-2
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as well as to avoid stressful situations and depression. I intend to give detailed information about these factors in other chapters of my book.

      So, in this chapter we talked about 15 basic qualities necessary for success. I think it will not be difficult for you to remember them.

      11. Factor of Heredity in Becoming a «Lucky» One

      We are the descendants of the Maharramovs. My great-grandfather was called Sattar, my grandfather was Alibal, and my father was called Sattar. My name is Alibala, and my son is Sattar. I will also call my grandson Alibal. I am one of those who believe in the energy of names. It seems to me that every person in a family tree continues the fate of his predecessors.

      Remember a relay race in athletics competitions. Passing the wand from hand to hand, team members are approaching the finish line. The existence of a pedigree is also possible only by transferring the genetic code from birth to the very end.

      Fr centuries our family tree consisted of scientists and doctors, and all of us had fairly high success rates.

      I want to talk about my paternal grandfather who has three sons, each of whom was a Doctor of Science. About Alibal Maharramov. Over his 65 years of life, he received the glorious title of «People’s elder», taught many people medicine, as well as the laws of life, the depth of human relations, and was considered a symbol of a successful person worthy to be emulated, including on my part.

      My grandfather was a maximalist. No matter what he did, he achieved the perfect result. He was a dentist and was considered a well-known specialist in our district; patients came from everywhere. Besides the fact that he treated his patients, he taught young people the secrets of healing, educating his followers.

      Grandfather was a famous public figure. In addition to the authority of the elder, he treasured his status as well. Each newly appointed head of the district considered his first duty to meet my grandfather and receive approval from him. It has become a sort of tradition. Even in the era of intense communism, when people were oppressed for their religious views, the delegation that arrived in Soviet Azerbaijan from Saudi Arabia, the cradle of the holy monuments of Islam, sent the republic leaders to Guba to meet my grandpa.

      My grandfather’s surrounding was composed of academics, public and political figures and noble cultural figures. The famous Azerbaijani and Soviet poet of those years, Samed Vurgun, was also a friend of my grandfather. Each time the poet came to meet with my grandfather, the entire population of Guba came to look at them.

      Grandfather was an amazing conversationalist, knew a lot of sayings, parables and legends. Everyone wanted to have a conversation with him and each time they learned something new.

      This man had endless energy. He always tried to create something and leave a good mark everywhere after himself. He planted a garden with all kinds of flowers from different parts of the world. People came, one by one, to take a look at his asters, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, gloriosas, callas, irises, crocuses, lavender, lilies, lotuses, magnolias, orchids for the first time in their lives.

      Grandfather also created a real zoo, which was inhabited by a gazelle, a falcon, a peacock and different types of partridges.

      Pupils often took biology and zoology classes in our zoo corner.

      My grandfather died in 1981, when I was five years old. I saw him a little, and my memories of him are indistinct, but later my grandmother told me a lot about him. On every street and in every corner of our district, the people I met remembered him with reverence, and expressed their respect.

      I also want to mention Haji Babazade, my maternal grandfather. My mom’s family consisted of the native people of Baku, and was also very noble, coming from the Halvachis, an ancient clan of Icheri Sheher (Inner City, or Fortress). One of the most famous clan members was Meshedi Azizbekov, a famous figure in the Bolshevik revolution, who never reconciled with the dictatorship of the Communists, an ardent enemy of imperialism, a consistent supporter of self-determination in people’s destiny. He was a cousin of mom’s father.

      Much should be learned from my mom’s father. Doctor of Sciences, teacher, polyglot, playwright, he was also the first director of the Mingachevir hydroelectric station. His credo in life, like that of my other grandfather, was «perseverance and more perseverance.»

      There is a famous street in Baku called Zevin Street (now Aziz Aliyev street). Now it’s full of brand boutiques, but before there were grocers of my mom’s father's. When my grandfather was eight years old, his father passed away. So that the shops continued to trade, his mother put him behind the counter. However, he was eager to get an education, so he refused to trade. Despite this, he was not allowed to study.

      At that time, there were Russian-Tatar elementary schools, and in order for the child to study at school, one of the parents had to write an application. Do you know what little Haji did to achieve his dream in such a situation? Sitting at the grocery counter and watching passers-by along Zevin Street, he noticed an intelligent-looking man. He ran out, called him and asked him to write an application on behalf of his father to enroll him in school. As a result, my mom’s father began to study and in a very short time became an exemplary student. His mother retreated, realizing that she could not impede the desire of her son.

      I gave you an example from my family to emphasize the importance of heredity in the development of a successful person. In the end, as an evidence in this broad topic, I want to state a few facts.

      Never think that all Brazilians are good football players, all Jews are financial oligarchs, all Italians are tenors, all Germans are engineers, all French are cooks and fashion designers, all Swiss are watchmakers, all Russians are gunsmiths, all Turks are builders, because it's senseless. Let’s remember the so-called crime lords – immigrants from Georgia, or Chechens – professional soldiers.

      All this is proof that for thousands of years the knowledge and skills absorbed in the memory of the people have been passed down from generation to generation under the name of «tradition».

      These are traditions in their general meaning. There are also personal traditions. There are many traditions exemplified by one particular kind: the Rothschild dynasty (bankers and financiers from Germany), the Nehru generation (politicians from India), the Rockefeller clan (oil industrialists from America), the Pritzker dynasty (hotel businessmen from America), etc.

      In Azerbaijan, for example, we have the Mamedyarov family. One of its members, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, is a grandmaster, the only 2-time world champion among chess players under 20. He is the 13th chess player in the world exceeding the 2800 Elo-point rating. According to the FIDE rating, Shakhriyar is one of the three strongest chess players in the world. His older sister Zeynab is an international grandmaster, and his younger sister Turkyan is also an international grandmaster. Both sisters are also winners of local and international competitions. The father of these three grandmasters, Hamid Mamedyarov, was also a chess player in the past, and he taught children this sport.

      Another example: during the Soviet period there were two famous poets, Rasul Rza and Nigar Rafbeyli. They were husband and wife. Their son Anar also became a famous writer. He is currently chairman of the Azerbaijan Writers Association. Anar’s daughter Gunel Anargyzy is also a talented writer. Thus, on the example of my family and some others, I told you about the role of hereditary traditions in achieving success.

      I talked about how talent, features and skills are passed down from generation to generation. Using the example of individual facts, I have conclusively determined that the environment in which a person was born and raised plays an important role in shaping a successful person.

      But this does not mean you fail if there were no successful people in your family.

      Dear reader, if you were unable to take the baton of success from your family and you cannot become a successor, don’t worry. Be the first lucky one in your family. Let it all start with you, and let others follow.

      12. The Prospect of Choosing an Idol and an Icon

      Since childhood, we all choose our icons or idols and try to be like them in everything. This is our characteristic. Indeed, by nature, a person is always inclined towards development and perfection. A desire to resemble