Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success. Алибала Магерамзаде. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алибала Магерамзаде
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-213-2
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your desires tightly. Do not let them go». No wonder the famous American psychologist and psychotherapist Marden Orison said that.

      All major goals and all achievements are born in the form of desire. If you want to live better, the first thing to do is decide what exactly you want. You must first create that very best life in your dreams. He who thinks daydreaming is a child’s occupation is fundamentally wrong. A person should always be able to dream. Anyone who does not know how to do this should immediately try to restore this lost quality. We should dream about the implementation of our desires and, as we wish, we should know ourselves better and better understand our strengths, be able to hear our inner voice well. The main secret to achieving success is to take full responsibility for your life and be able to manage it. Not everyone is given the chance to be the master of their own destiny; this is a fact. Many people go to work, eat, watch TV, read newspapers, surf the Internet or communicate with their near and dear ones just because it has become their habit. In their monotonous and stereotyped life, everything repeats day by day. Such people lack the ability to dream. In the gray book of life, it is impossible to find either the plot, the denouement, or the climax.

      Unleash your dreams so that they can be born, grow and blossom. Wish yourself not only a wonderful life, prosperity or good work, a latest car, a luxury villa and other material values, but also good friends, great success in art, scientific inventions, sports achievements, in short, dream of being on top. Remember: the dream marathon starts.

2. Set a goal

      If a person dreams of something in the first stage, he should set himself the goal of achieving this. A dream remains a dream if it is not achieved. There are many people who dream a lot but don’t follow their dreams, nor try to make them come true. An illiterate shepherd grazing sheep in a distant aul can build illusions and have a desire to be president, but his dream cannot come true. Setting this as your goal is absurd. Goals are dreams that match human potential and do not contradict the environment.

      A goal is the most important tool we have for selection. There are abstract and specific goals. Always try to set specific goals for yourself. Remember that there are positive and negative goals. Always try to set yourself the goal that you want to get hold of, that is, devote yourself to a positive goal. Never focus on negative goals such as getting rid of something.

      And again, do not pursue a goal that would make someone else suffer for your benefit.

      All your intentions should be related to each other and have the same focus. Your intentions should not go against your main life credo. Alternate all your goals as they are important and choose the most basic one.

      Try to keep within the time and determine the «minimum program» – goals that you think you must implement first, and the «maximum program» – distant goals that you want to achieve. Your main goal will be a strategic goal that requires more time.

3. Plan

      Planning is the optimal allocation of resources on the way to achieving the goal. The main argument of this function from a mathematical point of view is the distribution of time. Without planning, it is impossible to achieve the goal and succeed. Since I am elaborating this area separately, I intend to consider it in detail in one of the following parts.

4. Prepare

      You dream, you set a goal, you plan. The 4th step is preparation. It is important to enrich knowledge on the target that you want to hit, and to acquire a large amount of information on this matter and the necessary material resources. You should also adapt to the necessary social and administrative conditions, identify partners who can help in this matter, and liken your image to the image of a person striving to achieve his goal.

      First, you must learn to manage your state, feelings and emotions. Visualizing the goal and creating images in your imagination are directly related to emotional state. There is a well-known expression: if you want to be rich, pretend to be one. If you want to be healthy, forget about the disease and doctors and imagine yourself healthy. If you want to become happy – so be it! Never be ungrateful; thank the Lord for what you have. Create a good mood, optimism and positive attitude towards everything. Good thoughts will arouse good in you, while bad thoughts will provoke evil.

      At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to strengthen a sense of self-confidence. Never doubt your abilities. If a person is not confident, and doubts of his success, he will never be able to achieve it. A person must make his own decision. This is a prerequisite for success. It is also necessary to be decisive. After completing all the preparations, you must create your perfect image, get rid of destructive emotions (fear, anger, hatred, resentment, envy, etc.) and learn to love. The energy of love gives strength and supplies with vital energy.

      Self-confidence, love, ecstasy, optimism, faith and self-esteem – together all these qualities create a deep inner energy. On the contrary, feelings like doubt, sadness, fear or anxiety deprive us of energy.

      Carlos Castaneda said: «We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.» In this case, why spend your strength on making yourself miserable?

      Our physical condition is also associated with our feelings and emotions. Therefore, it is very important to sit and walk with an even posture, and try to smile at people.

      Health is another important factor on the way to achieving the goal. Healthy lifestyle and sports, healthy diet, regular medical examinations – all these are necessary measures. Reading motivational books, listening to light and fun music, singing karaoke, dancing, laughing – all this will give you an additional incentive.

      Remember: to be successful in life, you must be able to develop inner intuition. You should adjust your ability to think, as well as develop the ability to instant decision making and sharp reaction. Listening to silence plays an effective role in intuition development. A person should stay alone at least half an hour during the day, ending the internal dialogue.

      What is intuition? Sometimes psychologists call it the inner voice, sometimes the sixth sense. In any case, intuition should not be considered something mythical. In 1981, American neurophysiologist Robert Sperry received the Nobel Prize just because he was able to prove that intuition is not some kind of super sense, but a normal function of the right hemisphere of the human brain. Thus, he proved that the left brain is responsible for logic and abstract thinking, while the right brain has the ability to receive information in the form of images and to investigate. In short, intuition is an alternative subconscious mind. Basically all people have it, but some have it more developed than the others. Therefore, it can be developed with the help of training. How?

      – Make friends with your intuition. First of all, find out what signals your subconscious sends you;

      – After you learn how your intuition originated, learn to use it at the right time;

      – Unleash your intuition, putting forward unimaginable assumptions throughout the day. The number of correct assumptions will increase over time;

      – Try to break beyond logic, more inclined to creative imagination.

      The next important factor that can positively influence thinking, analysis and the ability to make decisions instantly is a game of chess. It can be ordinary games, in a state of time pressure, or blitz chess.

      I am very grateful to the game of chess for my current ability to think and analyze deeply, as well as for my sharp response.

5. Take action

      You can start acting anytime. Even if you are ready to go towards the goal, you will not succeed without the right time and conditions. The Azerbaijani writer Varis Yelchiev has an aphorism: «Save your most powerful blows for the weakest times.»

      Therefore, to begin a focused activity, it is necessary to wait for a convenient time and conditions. As soon as perfect or close conditions appear, one can act with might and main to achieve his goal.

      It is very important to take at least one step forward, to get closer to the intended goal at least a little.

      And most importantly, one should not be afraid of defeat. We must only think about victory.

6. Achieve results

      Only after fulfilling all the conditions can you achieve your plans, make your