Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success. Алибала Магерамзаде. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алибала Магерамзаде
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-213-2
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become a successful person due to your formula for success.

      I presented to your attention the most common formula for success. When reading the book, you will become acquainted with the six steps to success, as well as with other steps, as well as with various opinions and positions on this subject. In the meantime, I’ll tell you this: beginning is ahead of all things. No need to hesitate, just get started.

      07. Formulas for Success Which Are Very Easy to Comprehend

      Different people reaching the pinnacle of success have their own special paths leading to this success. However, it is possible to calculate a unified formula by selecting the leading manner of achieving the goal.

      Everyone wants to succeed. Who does not want to have a good job, normal well-being, wealth, an exemplary family? At the heart of all these benefits is the ability to accurately hit the target. Let's compare a self-sufficient young man from a superpower, that is, from the United States, who submits his application to a large company, with a young man from impoverished Somalia, where people live half-starving and therefore agree to any overwork to get a piece of bread. It’s the difference between heaven and hell. This difference is caused by various state systems, economic conditions, geopolitical traditions and other factors. However, each of these young people is eager for success, and their desire to achieve the goal somehow unites these two.

      What is the formula of success? Let's take a closer look at the question asked earlier.

      The first step is to determine the right target for yourself. Finding the best target for success based on your knowledge, skills, social status, current environment, and your prospects is the most important thing in this matter. A right choice, a right plan, and you can confidently move forward!

      Until now, I have turned to various scientific sources and addressed a number of success formulas on the way. One of them belongs to Martha Beck, American psychologist and coach. Since this formula is the most primitive, convenient and memorable formula I have come across, I will tell my readers about it.

      According to Martha Beck, in order to succeed you need to behave as if you are not in danger of failure. Then you need to complete three steps:

Step one: keep silent

      What? To be silent? Yes, yes, keep quiet! Never tell your friends or other people about your personal problems and prospects. Thus, you will be protected from other people's harmful advice, and will not get out of your way after hearing the bitter stories of unfortunate people.

Step two: work tirelessly

      Laziness and indecision should be alien to you. To achieve a goal, you must fully mobilize your strength and be decisive, taking small steps day by day.

Step three: play

      Play? What kind of game do we talk about when it comes to the formula for success? Monotonous hard work is eventually exhausting, and exhaustion affects both quality and quantity of work. As soon as you feel tired, break away from work, take a break and play. This is not about traditional board games or computer or mobile games that has flooded the world. We are talking about intellectual games designed for the imagination. Describe in your thoughts what you dream about. Imagine a collage of your desires. Imagine achieving your goal, the incentive it gives you, the energy you get… Now when you feel this energy, continue to move on to success.

      Martha Beck's formula for success consists of these three steps, and I must note that the famous psychologist developed it based on her personal experiences and a difficult life path.

      Since we considered the individual success formula of a person with rich life experience, I want to present a collective success formula taken from thousands of people who have come to their goal in a difficult way. I want you, dear reader, to know that all the instructions on becoming successful leader, as well as general motivational literature, are autobiographical and either based on the life experience of one person, or is the research on the experience of several people.

      The second formula for success that I want to bring to your attention is put forward by scientists of the American Gallup Institute. This formula was developed during the study of life positions and characteristic qualities of 1,500 famous people from the Who is Who in America reference book. As a result of the survey, nine common important features among successful people were identified among respondents. The scientists of the Gallup Institute presented the sum of these features as a formula for success:

Healthy thinking

      This quality is put forward most often among respondents. 61 % of them said that having a healthy mind to achieve their goal was an important factor. For many people healthy thinking means making an optimal and precise decisions about everyday work. To do this, you need to drop all other thoughts and be able to delve into the root of an event. Is the quality of healthy thinking inborn? According to the respondents, a person must work it out. And in order to develop this inner quality, you need to learn from others, as well as be able to draw conclusions from your own mistakes.

Be an expert in your field

      According to the survey, this quality takes second place. In achieving success, nothing can help better than good knowledge of the matter you’re addicted to. This means insuring your knowledge and minimizing all risks. The process of enriching one's knowledge continues even after taking high peaks.

      In order to succeed, you must persistently want something, and when you have it, you must be able to protect it and keep it.


      Most successful people generally believe in their strengths and capabilities, in a word, in their own luggage. This faith combined with self-confidence gives determination to act on the path to the intended goal. In addition to knowledge and skills, you also need hard work, patience, confidence, diligence and willpower.

Mastery level

      A high level of development also plays an important role in your achievements. Having achieved this level, you can cleverly master complex concepts, as well as learn how to analyze them quickly and accurately.

      Respondents identified the following three elements to contribute to a high level of development: rich vocabulary, extensive reading and good writing skills. As it turned out over a year of survey, each respondent read an average of 19 books, 50 percent of which was fiction.

Ability to finish your task

      This skill is also considered a necessary factor in the formation of a successful person. Devoting yourself to a fully set goal is one of the main conditions for achieving a positive result.

      Many respondents admitted that the ability to complete their work was formed due to three qualities: ability to organize, good business skills and determination. One professor of physics, for example, explains his formula for success as follows: «Hard work + ability to build the rhythm of a given work for yourself.» Professor admits that he works a hundred hours a week. Gallup Institute scientists, in addition to these five main factors, name four auxiliary factors that ensure success.

      1. Ability to lead;

      2. Creative potential;

      3. Relationship with colleagues;

      4. Luck.

      American scientists wish those ambitious people who studied the success formula they developed, as well as those who will match the conditions presented to enter the «Who is Who in America» book. It’s a wonderful dream.

      To conclude, in this part we got acquainted with the main features of success for one person or a group of people, as well as the simplest formulas – the conditions of success.

      08. First You Need to Create the Basis for Success

      When I was young there was an anecdote: a person in need, having seen enough of the Telelot broadcasts, with enormous sums and astronomical jackpots, wished to be lucky enough to win. This dream haunted him. He was dreaming of getting a lucky ticket and, therefore, paying all his debts, buying a house, an expensive car, sending his children to university, in a word, living a luxurious life with his family. Every morning he prayed to God to win the jackpot.

      Month by month, year by year.

      Disappointed in his expectations, he began to