Homework Let’s Learn the Formula Of Success. Алибала Магерамзаде. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Алибала Магерамзаде
Издательство: ИП Березина Г.Н.
Серия: Nabokov Prize Library
Жанр произведения: Управление, подбор персонала
Год издания: 2020
isbn: 978-5-00153-213-2
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evil eye, and will attract positive and good things like a magnet.

      Imagine that the Irish declared four-leaf clover (shamrock) their national symbol!

      Finding a ladybug is also considered a very good sign in Western countries. This is mainly due to myths and rituals. Thus, according to mythology, this insect lives in heaven and, in exceptional cases, descends to earth to convey God's will to people. You can’t imagine a happier person than a Dutchman on whom the ladybug sits, or a Czech who has met this insect. The French give their children an amulet with its image, hoping that it can protect them from all adversities.

      It is no coincidence that the Russians call this insect ‘God’s cow’. In English-speaking countries, it is called ladybug in honor of the Holy Virgin Mary. For the Germans it’s the «God’s candle», for the Bulgarians it’s «the beauty of God.» Other European nations call it «the butterfly of Mary,» «the bird of St. Mary,» «the animal of God.» According to legends, a mascot with the image of ladybug brings good luck. An insect with seven black spots on its back is considered a special symbol of eternal good luck and happiness.

      The next popular symbol of good luck is the horseshoe, not only in the West, but also in the East. It should be noted that you can not buy it. If we are talking about an object that brings good luck and happiness, then it only needs to be found, and it must be metallic. It also matters in which position to hang it. There are two views on this subject. In the East, in Latin America and in Europe, a horseshoe is hung with its ends down. This means that success and happiness will be directed or flow to you. The British and Irish, on the contrary, hang it ends up in the hope that luck will not run away or not flow.

      In China, trout fish is considered a symbol of good luck and fertility. In Chinese houses you can quite often see an aquarium with eight golden (or red) and one black fish.

      Another symbol of good luck in the Far East is a three-legged frog with a gold coin in its mouth. It is also considered a symbol of wealth. According to a legend, in ancient times, this creature belonged to evil spirits, but Buddha tamed it and forced it to serve people. After that, the frog began to release gold coins from its mouth.

      The first earned banknote for an American is considered a symbol of good luck, and for this reason it is stored and not spent. The Japanese symbol of success or good luck is a cat they call Maneki-neko, with a raised paw. For Italians, a key is the symbol of good luck. In other nations, it can also be a chrysanthemum or a bat. In addition to the widespread symbols of good luck, you can also find different signs of good luck and rituals in different nations.

      We, Azerbaijanis, also have very interesting and peculiar signs of good luck. When you go on business, it is important who you meet first on your way. If everything went fine, you say this person «has a light foot», so you have confidence in the successful resolution of a problem if you meet this person next time. In addition, we believe that if at the beginning of your journey you come across a person with a full bucket or a full basket in his hands, everything will be fine.

      The word «ugur» (which means «luck») is also a proper name in our language. Especially today, at the beginning of the XXI century, parents call their newborn boys Ugur with great aspiration.

      In response to the joy and happiness associated with luck, life, unfortunately, cannot do without its antonym – failure, which brings grief and disappointment.

      It happens that a person can consider himself or herself unsuccessful, whether it’s due to unemployment, unsuccessful love, financial insecurity or illness (failures will be the topic of a separate conversation).

      And it even happens that the concept of good luck and success acquires painfully primitive meaning. I know loafers who consider themselves fortunate because they won in dominoes they played all day as they had nothing to do. I also know snotty creatures happy with the fact they have acquired another property, repaired and furnished for their unborn descendants. In their understanding, this is a success.

      But now we are not discussing a far-fetched and distorted concept of success, but absolute, ordinary, and statistical success. The one we strive for, regardless of whether we are rich or poor, old or young, educated or not. How to succeed? How to find the shortest and surest path to success?

      In this book we will try to find the answer to this question.

      I also wanted to note one thing. I have always been an active and agile person, and have a rather busy schedule, since I am engaged in scientific work, business and audit. Plus, I’m also engaged in social activities. I am often invited to various scientific, social, cultural and media events, and try to participate in all of them. Charity work is also an important part of my life. Quite often, people have to come to help in solving a particular problem. This is material assistance, both legal and moral. For the work that I do, I never wait for reward and gratitude. This is obvious. I’m talking about the fact that as a result of my erudition, my rich and comprehensive activity and the desire to learn from wise people, I developed the ability and skills to motivate people, and these skills improve over time, becoming more effective. This prompted me to collect and present all my knowledge in the form of a book. Success in various industries is proof of how lucky I am. This means that I have the right to share my formula for success, to give advice to young people who have failed or have encountered various difficulties on their life paths, to tell young men what they should do and what they shouldn’t. This is another reason to write this book.

      In the meantime, I want to summarize the essence of my formula for success. This somewhere can also be considered a summary of my work: work hard, set goals for yourself and achieve them. In fact, success is a materialistic concept. You should motivate people around with your diligence, determination, knowledge and ability and strive for a goal.

      04. Valuable Comments on the Concept of «Success»

      Even ancient philosophies, writers and statesmen expressed their opinion about the ways of achieving your goals and success. They passed the test of time, became aphorisms and survived to this day.

      It is enough to read these winged expressions once, so that a person confused in doubts acquires peace of mind and can make the right decision in search of the right path to the intended goal and confidently move forward. Some of these sayings can become a guiding light. I decided to bring to your attention a number of selected aphorisms on this subject.

      «There are no open doors to the temple of success. Whoever wants to enter it will enter. This new door closes so tightly behind your that even your children will hardly be able to enter.»

C. Marden

      «Fortune is not for those who fear, but for those who fight.»

J. Kopp

      «The greatest victory is to let our rival understand that we will succeed.»

M. Gandhi

      «To achieve good luck, one must either be smart or be able to use the stupidity of others.»

J. Labruyere

      «Better go ahead than expect.»

M. K. Ataturk

      «Those who do not see further, run in place.»

R. Baker

      «The most difficult thing is the ability to manage your desires.»


      «Respect and approval are different concepts. Respect is generally expressed to a person, while approval is expressed only to the winner.»

A. Dumas

      «Good luck loves sane people.»


      «Luck makes us intolerant of defeat. Defeat makes us intolerant of luck.»

W. Feder

      «When I think about the price of success, I feel disrespect for it.»

G. Flaubert

      «There are more people who surrender than those who fail.»

H. Ford

      «Whoever believes in victory is lucky.»

C. Goebbel

      «The needle is given to someone