Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhail Kurseev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449364821
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riches”, which lies in the first lifeboat on the starboard side began to understand the boatswain after the fourth lash, wiser after the third stroke was “nouveau riche” of the second, third become sane after the second conviction whip, and the fourth jumped himself, but for the prevention of a once all as his was. On the boatswain stern raised and inspired by a couple of the owners of the treasure, no longer counting the blows and not sparing the back of their fundamentals victims, because it bothered to go and all the “tempting”. He was used so that the sound of the whistle in his entire team rushed on deck, and then with each personally had to carry out educational “conversation”. – Okay, – I decided boatswain – long enough to watch, especially at night will cast anchor.

      He has not taken a decision yet – as that to do next, and the mate is not yet surrendered. Sail on the night he was afraid to touch, and where you do not know, and the sun steadily inclined closer to the west. Shadows on the ship grew faster and faster, and floated on the waves with the ship, the night will come soon.

      Boatswain distributed again the found their sailors on the numbers, and the first change of the watch sent dine and relax. Himself as a light went in search of the rest of the team, rather than on the search, and he knew perfectly well where and who to look for, and went to awaken in them a spark of consciousness. His whip was able to strike sparks from any consciousness, depending on the individual’s intelligence and his spiritual state of mind at the time of the call. Some after the first strike showed miracles of consciousness and intelligence, some people began to realize the third time, and someone had to be repeated five times and, as a cook and his assistant, that sometimes very tiring boatswain. He liked the men who knew and loved her from the first boatswain whip, a little less than those who are aware of all the second blow whips. And those who knew him only the fifth time he is not very fond of, and therefore they are often punished sixth affirmative. But to the great satisfaction of the boatswain, these were in the minority, sensible sailors still had more. Boatswain especially loved those who had sometimes beat face, but fortunately this happens very rarely, in exceptional cases, with the recruits, and then it was rather for the edification of their future. Yes, even the captain and officers are not encouraged scuffle sailors, and may for this be punished by a fine and a deduction from the salary. Sailors also did not really like it when the boatswain was applied to their face, so each of them could remember this feeling for a long time, and tried not to greatly upset his boatswain.

      When consciousness returned to the ship’s command, he has built all along the right side on the upper deck and said his edifying speech.

      – First. In the captain’s cabin to put five empty barrels.

      – Second. All within ten minutes to pour his gold, cabin lock up the castle, and you give away gold equally, when we arrive in America.

      – Third. If any of you does not comply with my orders on time, then I’ll have to remind him of the weight of his fist, but I will not do, and simply hang it on the yardarm, where it is a warning to others will hang until we are in America. Any questions? Questions the sailors were not. Nobody thought that he should hang from the yardarm today, involuntarily glancing up, all painted ourselves mentally this picture, which is not very fond of them. Naked, sagging body dangle and sway in the wind, but still with the native physiognomy, no, not like the sailors of this picture, it is better for America.

      All the men with downcast faces silently went to execute the order, although every bit, and hid himself for a rainy day, but still had to bring in the captain’s cabin sixth barrel, five all the gold that dragged “new rich” of the island, did not fit. Boatswain’s cabin locked with a key, and thought to myself that now, it will be easier to divide “fair” gold, only b, a thousand devils, to get to this American. But nothing important first to get anywhere, just not in his native kingdom, where all of them are waiting for the gallows, and there he will hire himself of the captain, who will bring the ship even where.

      Three weeks and three days Moto ship on the waves, where it was, no one on the ship had not the slightest idea, floated just to swim in the hope to come somewhere. As the boatswain did not try to keep at least some course, but in fact they are circling in a large circle. In the afternoon on the third day of the fourth week the way the sky darkened dramatically, poured rain and strong wind. Grown rougher sea and buzzed, sails billow and the ship is rapidly gaining momentum. Sail away while not in time, and when suddenly intensified wind to do this was not possible, attempts to climb the yards did not lead to success, pitching so much chatted ship that sailors attempting to climb the rigging up, driven by the whip of the boatswain, slid back and fell to the deck. The ship, driven by heavy wind, not floated, and flew forward through an invisible abyss.

      – Earth – shouted a lookout sailor on the bridge, the visibility was very bad and approaching the island, saw too late collision seemed inevitable. The high coastal cliff threatened to break the ship to pieces, the crew had no choice as a matter of urgency to leave the ship. In a panic, he began to descend all the boat and jump back to the boatswain he jumped first. Of animal fear that has engulfed all the “new rich” even forgot about their wealth, everyone was trying to save his skin, just five minutes a stampede on a ship other than a locked cabin mate, no one left. Boats like pine nuts shells thrown on the waves, the ship soon disappeared from sight, moving straight to the island.

      Straining on the voltage stubbornly sailors rowing oars, trying to get away as possible from the coastal cliffs, only a miracle they were able to hold the fragile afloat, sometimes backward wave flooded the boat half full with water, had to bail her continuously. Across hours two, hard struggle with the elements, the wind changed its direction and the boat, driven by the waves and the wind, with great speed just suffered in the open sea on the island.

      Meanwhile, the ship was flying directly on the coastal cliffs of the island, but then a miracle happened, at the time when the ship was bound to shatter into pieces right in front of him opened wide bay, crashed far inland and safely sheltered by rocks from the wind and waves. Driven by the wind, the ship at high speed flew into the quiet bay, and even passed by inertia hundred and fifty meters, gently rested in a gentle far shore, bogged down in the sand and nose stopped, quietly swaying in the coastal waves traveling from the sea.

      Mate all this time I did not cease to pray to God. He was standing in the corner of his cabin kneeling before hanging image of the Virgin and Child. Suddenly he heard the creaking of the ship’s nose the sand and suddenly froze.

      – Oh, Holy Mary, thank you and God, – remarked the officer, crossed himself three times myself – God heard my prayers, thank you, Lord.

      Out the window he saw the team ran in panic from the ship, and did not expect to even survive, but like any decent Christian prayed before his death, but a miracle happened. The porthole is clearly visible near the shore was covered with virgin forest. Cabin door was locked securely on the outside with a padlock. Mate opened window and got out through the narrow passageway, it was necessary to jump into the water, it floated to the nearest rope hanging from the side of the vessel at which escaped evacuated with Corvette traitors and effortlessly climbed onto the ship. The vessel did not have a soul, the ship was in good condition, but was abundantly strewn with seaweed brought by waves during a storm, which is still raging, gradually losing strength in the open sea. W ere in the lagoon it was quiet, except for the rain to continue to squish through the puddles, washing out dirty algae. All the ship’s masts were whole, on the lower aloft dangling drooping wet sail at the end of a large mast waved a banner with the emblem of the kingdom.

      Your sword mate found in the cabin of the boatswain, having broken the lock on the door, climbed to the upper deck, he got down on one knee and put the sword to his forehead and said oath, fixing eyes on Soi King banner fluttering in the wind:

      – I’m