Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhail Kurseev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449364821
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to him, just lay quietly on the burrows and reveled in its unexpected happiness. They at that moment was not even anger, at all nothing, they were deflated demon empty, mindless zombies, similar to the patients of a madhouse. They no longer dreamed about how they dispose of their wealth, did not dream about the servants and big houses, they did not want any loose life, nor pleasure, nor power, which gives gold. They were only one – the idea that they have a lot of gold to see and embrace the gold, which they did, huddled dirty naked bodies to their bags with golden acorns.

      Treacherous escape from the island

      Before leaving the boatswain decided to explore the ship, the first thing went to the galley. There were scattered everywhere jars of canned goods, pasta scattered on the floor, croup. As he expected, the cook was sitting on the bags in an empty closet, and his assistant in the bin for the storage of cereals, filled half of the grains sticking one’s head. Boatswain easily drew the hair at the same time both the free space, shaking them to his feet. Both looked at Boatswain and shaking their heads, wondering what is happening is bad, they wanted one thing – back in the closet. To awaken in them a spark of consciousness, the boatswain punched each once in the jaw, they fell without a sound, he realized that it did not help, the boatswain began to lash them with a whip, after the fifth shock heard squealing. Now it was clear that they were ready to talk. He gave them the order to clean up the galley and cook dinner, the two unfortunates shook their heads affirmatively. To consolidate a given lesson, the boatswain More at once went through each back and left the galley under the screeching of the food unit of employees, thus ensuring once again that his team heard and understood.

      Descending twelve steps down from the upper deck, Bosun confident gait entered into the forecastle. The lower bunks were arranged like boxes with hinged lids for storage of personal belongings of sailors in the forecastle there were six, and under the cover of each bed lay one “capitalist” in an embrace with their capital. Six pairs of startled eyes looked at the reclining cover boatswain looked without fear. Boatswain ordered everyone to leave the cramped space and build shelters in a row in a free and ample. No one moved, continuing to surprise them afraid to look at the human mind. Nothing else to do but to use the subject of persuasion, and the whip boatswain methodically began to walk in a circle until “zombie” is not alive, and with a squeal not jumped out of the warmed shelters.

      – Intercede on watch – sternly ordered the boatswain, a sailor wanted to say something, but his whip boatswain ahead, six martyrs passions gain silently plodded ahead boatswain on the upper deck of the corvette. Boatswain locked the cockpit, and the key put in his pocket. After the sailors threw for credibility:

      – One remark and confiscate your gold I am in favor of your favorite boatswain, and your stinking body and soul give in sacrifice to the god of the sea.

      Now boatswain decided as quickly as possible to bring the ship out into the open sea, and then deal with the other crew members. He was well as an experienced sailor mastered the art of sail control equipment, lifting equipment and all other machinery on the ship, but he did not know the basics rules of navigation, not aware of the rules and procedure of setting the sails according to the wind. As luck would have still started to rain, a downpour which flooded the deck of the corvette. Boatswain he was a good singer, not the captain, there was a problem to catch the wind is right for him and bring the ship out of the narrow lagoon, so he decided to offer a lot of gold mate, that he helped to steer the boat, plotted to America. The home port boatswain back was not going out there the whole crew waiting for the gallows, he knew that in America any criminal became an honest and respectable citizen, if in his pocket rang a lot of gold, and from where it was in the capital owner, there is no one hardly interested. From all parts of the New World, as they called America, they massed swindlers and crooks, murderers and thieves, who became landowners, industrialists and bankers. In search of its share back stretched and honest disadvantaged workaholic, because someone had to be there and to work on the newly appeared the nouveaux riches.

      At the boatswain in my head already matured cunning plan, the main sail to America, where he will select himself three thugs of the crew, and the rest can and overboard. And then what will happen? He still does not even tell myself.

      Bound tightly naval units on hand and foot mate lying on the bed in his cabin. Boatswain he outlined the situation, told him about the gold and offered an assistant a lot of gold for the services of ship management.

      – Boatswain, you can kill me at once, but until there is a prince at large and not come to my ship, I will not even talk to you, and will not criminals. I am an officer, honor and conscience for me more precious than gold and life, the conversation was over, – said the mate

      – Okay, let’s see – mysteriously replied the boatswain and retired, he was in a hurry to get out quickly from this island, which inspired him foreboding.

      – Cast off, raise the ramp, – sounded loud voice of the boatswain. The six sailors on watch, he began to give commands for managing the sails, he stood at the wheel. The sailors obediently rushed on deck, trying to turn the sail in the right direction, the boatswain twisted wheel. The ship jerked and crawled sideways, clinging to the coastal plate, emitting a loud rattle, then began to turn the stern, but not the nose, as required, the maneuvers were obtained unsuccessful. The sailors all in a lather darted back and forth for over an hour, until the risk of break up the ship on coastal rocks, boatswain managed to pull him out of the lagoon to the open sea.

      But even there, in the open, too, the problems started once tried to add sails, the ship began to tilt to one side intimidating, threatening to topple over. Frantically turning the wheel, the boatswain leveled the ship, but it was unfolding, and it turns in the wrong direction as needed. Corvette long spun on the spot, does not sailed to where the captain wanted impostor, but on the mysterious island is slowly but surely removed.

      At one side is America, the boatswain did not even have the slightest idea, he did not know what to go to the ocean to cross it. He did not know that this is a completely different continent, and not the other shore of the blue sea. In his mind it was a huge island, located somewhere far away, but in the blue sea in which they sailed now and he hoped that before this coveted America’s move is not more than a week. Boatswain was hoping to get starved of hunger to force the mate to help him, but he has consistently repeated one thing:

      – I am an officer, honor and conscience to me than life, and the more gold. You burn in hell, the boatswain, for your crimes.

      Prince Mark and Demon

      All night the demon laughed at his victims, reveling in his victory, when they left the lagoon, he did not think to stop them. They were devastated, he extorted from them almost all the power of evil, but he knew that very soon their own greed again do their job and they are full of evil, full. Now, no matter where they are, he is, and will serve him faithfully, will be the source of evil power until the end of his days.

      She finally time to meet with the prince, as we know, he could not kill him, because the soul of Prince belonged to God, but he could turn it into a dwarf, hone here on the island and enjoy his torment.

      Demon rarely left his refuge, but this was an exceptional case, and he appeared before the Prince tied to a tree in all its glory. They are messengers of black forces, as well, and the messengers of white power, according to the laws of the universe, was forbidden to appear before the eyes of the people, except in exceptional cases. Probably so people do not see these messengers, and their appearance were of the descriptions in the myths and legends. But these images in myths and legends drew people, and these descriptions are very similar, so we can conclude that people are sometimes seen messengers and white power and black power. First they called angels, and the last – the demons. And now the demon thought that was going to the exceptional case.
