Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhail Kurseev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449364821
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in size witchcraft demon, his whole body was covered with sparse dark – red hair, which could be seen under the huge black and brown birthmarks. Legs demon were thin and very short on the little feet had only three toes with very long claws. He was asexual, otherwise it would be at least something to be seen under his sparse hair. Voice, which he had spoken in human language, compared with anything impossible, that semblance of a mixture of croaking frogs, snakes hiss and squeak of rusty, ungreased hinges old gate.

      – Good to see you, noble prince, ha, ha, ha, – croaked, hissing squeaky daemon – do not see any fear in your eyes, ha-ha- ha. You’re probably really wanted to see me, just did not take the gold as your little people, right?

      – Yes, nasty animal, fiend, I wanted to see you, to kill you – safely, looking straight into the vile green eyes monster, the Prince replied loudly. You can kill me, but ever comes someone else, and turn you to dust and free our land from the filth and the evil that you bring to people.

      – Ha-ha-ha, – squeaked effervescent demon – you’re wrong prince. I do not bring your nasty little people evil, but on the contrary, I have it take away, for those who have too much of it, in my opinion, is fair and on your human laws to share with those who suffer, on the contrary, I’m giving you gold, which you love and crave. Evil – is the result of human greed, you have to demons like bees to you people. Bees collect nectar, turning it into honey, and you’re taking him, without asking them, but sometimes instead of giving them a little bit of sugar. People from greed and greed hoard hatred that nectar, honey for us, that we take some of this anger, and you like sugar, in return give some gold. It turns out all right, ha-ha-ha, – concluded his speech with a demon.

      – No, fiend, you’re wrong – boldly said Prints Mark. People and bees live there, people caring for the bees build their hive, take out the hive closer to the flowers, to help collect nectar workaholic. People do not take them all honey and sugar they are given when they do not have their own reserves. People and the bees are working for the good of each other and fairly divided among themselves the fruits of this labor. And you, vile creature, hiding underground, secretly incite people to ignoble acts, gives them the vices and encourage them. God created humans for good clean, but you are like microbes and germs and infect their vices. You instill in people’s greed, you hide it in gold. But people soon realize that happiness is not wealth, many on the ground have already realized this and live work in full prosperity. When you will not be demons and other evil spirits There will be no defects on the ground, yes, God help us! – Prince answered with conviction.

      At the mention of God, the demon twitched his beard and shook hands.

      – All, hwa-a-minute-and-and-um, – unable to stand, he gnashed in anger, a further dispute with the Prince was unbearable for him.

      – I can still return the ship back, the prince, – hissed the demon, if you give me your word that immediately beheaded, betray you the boatswain, and hung from the yardarm five sailors. He last made an attempt to awaken the anger into a prince.

      – I can not, – said the prince, – they, of course, be hanged, but only when the court will decide, and kill the just with malice – this lawlessness, murder. Murder – a mortal sin, faith in justice, the law and God do not let me make a lynching.

      – Do not mention me at your god – creaking, hissing, croaked the demon – that they may behold my distant relatives of the Milky Way, my patience came to an end.

      – Let your body shrinks to the limits of my subordinates and the forces of six hundred and sixty – sixth of the planet, so you’ll be gnome – spell read black messenger and threw her bony hairy arms forward.

      Above the prince began to circle him invisible bats, teleportation devices, and unknown to mankind laws turned the prince into a little dwarf, growth in half of the torus elbow. Rope, holding it against a tree, fell themselves, the demon prince grabbed Mark’s arm, put his foot bracelet, and on his head a cap with a bell. Then he carried her to his golden oak acorns and chained to a bracelet on his leg prince long chain, which pulled out of the hole under the oak.

      – Now, listen and remember what I say, the human child – squeaking and hissing demon said with his nasty voice – I believe our dispute is not over, I’ll prove to you that all men are evil and greedy, everyone thinks only of himself and his well-being. You’re going to sit here on this circuit, to live in this hole as long as there is someone who is lying gold does not outshine his eyes and he will spare you. You will be here year after year, time after time to see people who are here will even listen to you will not be seeing a gold mine. In the end, the painting lower incidence your relatives will kill you. Your heart and soul will not survive, you lose your sanity and die. Well, if there exists a person who does not encroach on the gold, and show compassion to you, my spells come down with you, and you will once again become a handsome prince. If that happens, then you win, and if you die, I won, I think it is worthy of payment. Ha, ha, ha, – thundered loudly over the forest, demon soared above the trees and disappeared.

      Prince Mark was left completely alone, on foot, he had firmly attached long iron chain, which allows to reach the creek, which is bending occurring in the five to ten steps from the oak on the far edge of the clearing. Prince thirsty, he drank water and inspected the hole under a tree, where he had to take shelter from the weather. Nora was quite spacious, the bottom covered with soft moss, top of vault curved thick roots of a mighty oak.

      Mushrooms that grew in the meadow, now seemed the Prince huge trout in the creek was more than his stature, blackberries the size of a watermelon, and hares, fearfully watching the prince, all were like cows.

      Prince believed that sooner or later, but it will meet noble men, he knew that there are very many, most of them on the ground. Only he did not know how soon it can happen, because firmly decided that he must survive and wait. He tried to tear off the head hateful fool’s cap with a bell, which is put on it the demon, but in vain, it was unknown if the glued glue so strong that attempts only cause unbearable pain. I had to put up with this “gift” an evil demon, which he wanted to emphasize its strength and the hopelessness of the prince, he wanted the bell constantly reminded Prince about his humiliating position. But the Prints Mark was not going to give up.

      He will collect mushrooms and dry them in the shade right on the meadow, dried berries and extracted in the river trout, and will work to make reserves in case of cold come. In a clearing, he found, apparently dropped by the sailors, very much so necessary in his situation. There was a dagger, which has become his sword and an ax, a pair of pistols, which were now more like a gun, there were buckshot and powder in bags, much more much – needed stuff, even a couple of cans of stewed beef and salt. He also collected the pieces of paper on which the men were drawing rooms, when they cast lots. All this Mark prudently carried her into the hole under the oak, chopped twigs and arranged them from the shelf to store things and products.

      Fiasco of escapees

      Picking up only the lower sails, somehow managed to align the vessel boatswain, and it slowly crept across the sea, driven by the wind in the direction of an unknown to anyone. There was a light breeze, the puffing, the weakening of the sail that flapped at wind gusts and puckered with attenuation.

      Trying to appease mate, boatswain freed him from the bonds, and ordered his prisoner dinner, locked cabin on a reliable lock. Later, he went to him, and repeated another attempt to persuade the officer to his side, but he was inflexible and only silently spat in the face of the boatswain. Not restrain, hit bosun mate, and nothing having achieved, in a rage and went out.

      The ship slowly crept rather than sailed, and it was time to deal with the rest of the crew to change of watch, the first six already was emptied down continuously performing amateurish boatswain team. The ship six hours crawled far enough from the island, and even the seagulls do not appear in the sky.

      Boatswain began to bypass the ship, driving from