Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhail Kurseev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449364821
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I do not! We never dark forces is not valid, we will always find among the people of who his black ruin of thousands, millions of their own kind. We will do the king, the king, anyone, help him get over the dead bodies, steal and kill. And then he and his people will be ours. It is only in their human tales of good wins and we’re not a fairy tale, we are history, people have a short memory, and we demons are forever – so long talked aloud messenger black forces. Ah, if he heard people? And yet… In so people know, but…

      Eyes sailors burned uncontrollably on the type of the countless treasures, but apparently the determination of the prince and his menacing look with his hand on the sword a few cool them, and they obeyed him. All in silence, with a scowl moved to the river where previously stayed at the camp. Prince ordered to get edible supplies and start the evening meal. Makeshift table laid out on the grass, stuck food looked appetizing, but when I sat down to eat, that is, about the piece is not climb into his throat, as if someone squeezed it. Prince Mark tried to distract them from gloomy thoughts, fun and a joker with gusto was eating for both cheeks smoked meat from a young calf, but even by his example, I could not call on the gloomy faces of your subjects smile. Like delinquent boys, men frowned and was silent, each thinking of his. All this did not like the Prince, he had no good feeling about it but he could do nothing in this situation. Was beginning to get dark, and in the forest darkens very quickly, the prince has given time for two people in a changing of the guard on duty at night and went to sleep, the bed themselves down on the ground a light raincoat. He had not been able to sleep, anxious thoughts awakened imagination, but in the end, fatigue accumulated during the day, took her, and around midnight he slept strong young dream.

      Wood drowned in night and darkness enveloped in complete silence, only occasionally heard in the distance some sounds, like an owl or some other bird, and a long, dull uhala. Barely audible in the river gurgled water, and sometimes could hear bursts of fish, apparently she did not care that day, that night, because trying diligently to overcome the current and rapids of the river. Two guards that were sitting around the fire, silently looking ate on fire and everyone thinks l about her. About Steel sailors were sent to bed, lying with his eyes closed, but no one slept. Seen the day catching up on wealth to mind all sorts of thoughts, sometimes such that they wanted to drive away, but they came again and again to the sailors in the head.

      The demon continued to watch the sailors lying on the ground and waited, read their thoughts and watched as those recruited gradually more and more hatred of his poor life, to themselves and the world around them. They have dreamed and built himself plans for the future, when they will have a lot of gold and become rich. Their thoughts were about how they have experienced the poverty and humiliation, becoming rich, and now they shall humiliate the poor and disadvantaged, they will live idly in luxury. None of them did not even think about how to wealth obtained can be used for good deeds, help others. No, their thoughts under the weight of greed caused by the glitter of gold, were dark and gloomy, everyone was ready to go on the offense for the fulfillment of their low desires.

      Messenger black forces exulted a little more and he will achieve his, he felt already the smell of betrayal and treason. Joy, he jumped and ran, hopping from one corner, saying: – Well, soon stand up and kill his captain, pathetic and disgusting, little people, kill him while he sleeps. All that he – the spawn of evil speaking, transmitted by invisible channels through telepathy invisible bats right consciousness sailors. At the end of all their minds completely clouded, and he complied fully power all —powerful demon.

      If, having agreed in advance, and they jumped all at once attacked the prince fast asleep. The young man had a great strength and was armed, but he could do sleep with ten healthy men mad? Someone cleverly snatched from under the sword of the prince’s head and threw it in the thick grass that grew beside the barbed bramble bushes, the rest piled and tied his captain. They did not kill him, as required by their demon, probably still somewhere in the subconscious of many still warm remains of mercy and good germs that are inspired by their example they Prince. They dragged him away, gagged his mouth and just tied the rope to the trunk of a thick tree, so that he could not stop them to carry out their plans.

      Demon, watching this scene, jumped for joy at the site so that hurt hit the Ceiling approx its lair. He exulted: – Gold, but Gold and greed never you, the little people, will not allow us to win over the black forces, we are a thousand years, no one hundred thousand, always will control you. Ha, ha, ha, – he laughed hysterically, shaking filthy stinking mixture for breathing in his home.

      He never for a moment stopped observing and the events taking place on a ship in the lagoon, and also sent on channels telepathy its black fluids in mind the most exposed to the sailors. Only the chief mate did not yield witchcraft dark forces, a noble officer, devoid of feelings of self-interest, has been faithful to the oath of kings and princes, he kept his mind.

      By the evening the ship began excitement among the team members, someone started a rumor that they were deceived, as if the prince found the gold, and sailed on the ship, which was waiting for them on the other side of the island. Someone shouted: – We’ve been betrayed.

      Mate, drew his pistol, declared:

      – I will kill anyone who dares to try to disembark, we will wait for the prince. His entreaties could not calm the ship’s command, he could only threats to deter the morning riot.

      But just as the sailors that were with the prince in the woods all night channeled telepathic demon inspired team, the rest of the ship, dark thoughts, and those, too, as if smelling the nearby gold gradually forgot about everything except the desire to possess it. No one in the corvette did not sleep all night, sailors randomly wandered the ship, at times, going in groups of a few people, a heated debate about how soon to get to the gold, and all the hysterical fear that they cheated.

      What is happening on the ship could not fail to please a demon, but he was more focused on the Prince of the team, he knew that those with the ship already nowhere on it does not disappear.

      – Who was the main thing – is to deprive their team captain – he thought – then they will be in his hands just obedient puppets, and he is a demon to do with them whatever he wants. Only Prince could stop him, in his mind, the demon could not find any defect for which it was possible to catch and kindle in him the hatred and anger. While generosity and faith in God, the prince was so strong that he was not subject him to the demon.

      Already getting light in the east the sky was purple – gray, the sky went out almost all the stars were burning last nightingales was finishing his wee trills. The sky brightened, and the darkness of the short summer night quickly retreated. Objects that an hour ago seemed black and shapeless silhouettes, acquire a clear outline.

      Sinister boatswain, also fell under the influence of a demon, he crawls up to the mate behind and strongly hit him on the head with an oar, the sailors jumped on stunned officer, tied up and locked him in a cabin on the lower deck of the ship.

      All, as one is not saying a word, he ran ran ashore on the trail of the scouts. Find your way to them it was not difficult, since it led eve cut through a clearing, so an hour later frantically running shameless team, out of breath, came running into the clearing with oak.

      The picture that met their gaze, struck in a moment of their imagination, all they briefly fell into a stupor, and for some time stood open – mouthed with bulging eyes in surprise. Under a huge oak tree completely around it was strewn with acorns of pure gold, and their comrades, crawling on his knees across the clearing, frantically stuffing their pockets with acorns, not paying the slightest attention to the new arrivals. Coming out of the stupor and a little breathless from the long run, all with an obsession rushed to collect the gold. Nobody even asked about the fate of the prince, they just do not notice, that among these poor devils, crawling on his knees on a forest clearing, it simply did not exist.
