Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhail Kurseev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449364821
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him, the future king, and therefore over its entire country. Until now, the prince was inaccessible to him because he was under reliable protection of his father King crowded faith, honesty and virtue. That’s why he did not contact him, and now he had a chance to take over the consciousness of his son – Prince.

      The demon could not know that the White forces were sent to the King and His Messenger gave the king a deadly weapon against him, as the channel of teleportation and telepathy to oversee the castle of the king he did not. He was afraid to approach to the king, otherwise the energy of good and holy faith of the king could kill him, because right now with a vengeance he continued to gloat:

      – Let’s see tomorrow, like you, Prince, refuse the gold, and you, sailor, will go crazy… Tomorrow, yes tomorrow you gave me so much evil power that I can not work a year. Ha, ha, ha – narcissistic and laughed out loud a demon, so much so that the walls of his shelter shook, and the balls-energy batteries angry rumblings on the floor in different directions.

      As soon as dawn broke, and even the first rays of the summer sun is not kind to the tops of trees, Prints Mark commanded to gather the entire team to the top. He was very excited and had to explain the purpose of the team their dangerous journey, but at the same time he was afraid to instill fear and confusion in the souls of the men of the unknown. Therefore, they decided to only warn the temptations and temptations that might be waiting for them on the island. He is not a word did not tell them about a possible meeting with the demon, and only said:

      – The men, my friends, we came to the island, where they did not return many of your fathers and brothers, who returned lost their minds, so be aware that here we lie in wait for the evil forces of witchcraft and the lure of wealth. Do not lend themselves well to these temptations and in all listen to his captain, then we can solve together the mystery of this cursed island, and perhaps will be able to save someone. Who is with me ten volunteers will go to exploration, while others remain to guard the ship. God is with us and with the king.

      Ten volunteers led by Prince moved inland. The forest is so densely overgrown greenery that sometimes through the booths had to fight their way with axes, cutting through passages between trunks of huge trees. It was obvious that the part of the lagoon in the direction in which they move towards his destiny, no one before them did not go. Prints Mark led his team intuitively strictly straight, hoping to meet on your way any road or trail. To avoid getting lost, he walked on the compass in one direction, leaving a well – noticeable clearing on which it was easy to go back to the ship at any time. Most trouble brought thick rows of barbed blackberries that grew perpendicular to their movement. They went deep in both sides of the forest, so it was easier to hack into them pass than to circumvent. Herbs in a dense forest almost was not, only little sparse clearings were densely covered with green shoots.

      Golden acorns

      The weather was beautiful, the breeze was blowing from the sea, the summer heat is not tired, air, life – giving oxygen fed the ancient forest was filled with aromas of blooming wild flowers and berries. If the path is not went through such a dense thicket, the campaign might seem a cakewalk, but the work is exhausting axes, all felt an irresistible desire to fatigue and fall in green grass on one of the lawns and a little rest.

      After five hours of hard path through the thickets of the forest the travelers came to a fairly wide clearing, like a good hard – packed forest road that went right by the sea. Prince decided to move to the left inland. The move has become much easier, and it seemed that fatigue has passed by itself, travelers mood markedly improved. A little winding through the trees, the road went uphill, later, led to a small, but quite rapidly the current rivulet. In the shallows of the gray stone boulders in the sun shone silver large trout, a fish hard to break into the flow upstream of the river in foaming jets of water inland. River rapid flow eroded beaches and places exposed roots growing trees, green crown the greatest, sometimes touching the huge trees growing on the opposite side, forming a vivid emerald arcade above the water.

      The prince offered to do a little bit of a halt and rest on the bank of the river. A place to relax was perfect, shade trees to hide the tired travelers from the heat and icy pure water from the river, unlike the one that they had in stock, thirst – quenching two sips. On the bank grew prickly bramble, entirely covered with black ripe fruit.

      One of the sailors of the great branches of hazel cleverly planed ax spear, which got in the shallows of a few large trout easily. On fire, putting on sticks, fried fish, and well refreshed by it, washed down lunch with spring water of a mountain river. After a short rest and a delicious lunch at the Travelers forces markedly increased.

      They set off again and soon came to a large forest clearing, which grew in the midst of an unusually huge oak tree, shining in the sun with their acorns. When they came closer, the amazement of the team did not was the limit. Acorns, fallen oak, were made of pure gold, and green acorn caps turned into silver.

      All numb froze, wide-eyed, not daring to stir in the air hung ominous and oppressive silence. It seemed that the denunciations are still singing forest birds and then fell silent, though the chorus of birds was not paying any attention to the travelers, and continued competition ringing a lot of voice, filling the woods fairy music trills.

      Prince Mark realized that they had reached their goal and in anticipation of a possible attack Messenger black forces of the Milky Way, instinctively grabbed the hilt of the magic sword, without removing it from its sheath.

      Demon through their channels of telepathy for a minute did not stop monitoring of each member of the team, even in the evening, as soon as the ship docked in the lagoon, the messenger of black forces sent to its fifty – bats, which invisibly now follow every sailor and Prince. He gloated when people are making their way through the impenetrable thicket, waiting every minute, someone was angry with the Prince, and began to murmur. But while all the men were loyal to the oath, no one grumbled. The demon was sure that if they to B has not broken the difficulty hike, the glint of gold will outshine their eyes and mind necessarily awaken in them the animal instincts of greed. He was convinced that greed will ignite in their minds and souls of all the vices: and hatred, and malice, and deceit, motivate for treason and betrayal. That’s when evil will prevail, and will he, the demon personally enjoy his victory over Prince’s virtue, and if he does not want to betray their own people, and father, will remain here forever.

      – Ha, ha, ha, – echoes trembled diabolical dungeon.

      – Anyone not to touch anything, – broke the oppressive silence of the Prince loudly repeated the order twice – if someone touches to this gold, I cut off his hand, which will take him the filthy lucre. He does not bring happiness, think of his older brothers and fathers, where are they, who knows? I know that this witching metal ruined them. Soon it was dark, so we return to the river and spend the night there, and in the morning decide what we do next.

      Demon, I was already looking forward to his victory, but after seeing how the men obeyed the orders of Prince Mark indignantly banged his fist on the table so that once again it quivered dungeon.

      – Well, – he shouted, – look, whose strength will prevail! It is a pity that I can not teleport man, his body belongs to the soul, and the soul of man to God, and I am powerless before him. But I can enter into the mind of man, as soon as there appear black thoughts, but they soon will have, my gold will do the trick, I’m sure. I can take a man himself only when God takes away the soul, but without a soul dies and the consciousness of man, and why should I black man without ideas and thoughts, without dark energy? For me, a black person the energy for both predator meat like a bull hay. Stupid people do not even know that only through their black thoughts and sins we demons and live for a thousand years, and they are like worms and ants