Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhail Kurseev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449364821
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p>Love will save the Planet


      Mikhail Kurseev

      Translator Elena Fokina

      © Mikhail Kurseev, 2018

      © Elena Fokina, translation, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4493-6482-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Part one

      Kingdom of Anaco

      Somewhere far away, among the Land on the shores of the warm dark blue sea there is a small, but very old beautiful country. Nowadays it’s either the Princedom, or the Duchy, but earlier in ancient times it was the glorious Kingdom of Anako. Many years ago, even very small countries carried the title of Kingdom. The wise and matured kings governed them and their heirs were their sons, the beautiful and fearless princes. Today there are wonderful sandy beaches, which look like gold placers under the shine of the rays of the southern sun. The ancient beautiful castles with high spires on round towers, surrounded by well – kept gardens with exotic fruits and amazing flowers and fragrances astonish by their greatness. Two-stored houses of ordinary people are made of white stone and havered tiled roofs. The cozy yards of the houses are entirely covered with perennial green vineyards with huge bunches of fragrant and sweet berries.

      Since the time when that extremely interesting and illustrative story has happened, surprisingly kind and happy people live in Anako.

      If you ask why is it so? What is the reason? It is evident, and the answer is in the fact that all the people of that country realized that the secret of true happiness is not in wealth and money, but in great, genuine kindness and love. All of them know and remember that greed and evil are born only by destruction, death and misfortune, and kindness and unselfishness bring happiness and love.

      This interesting, fiction – like story happened in that kingdom many, many years ago, and it is an absolutely true. Sometimes such kind of stories happened in the other parts of our planet.

      The King and the Prince

      In ancient times, when people did not even invent steamers and steam locomotives, ships crossed huge seas and lush oceans under sails and were subject to the elements of winds and storms, an incredible thing happened.

      In the glorious kingdom of Anaco, there was a legend about a distant and unexplored land lost in the vast blue sea, where there were untold riches. Silver and gold were lying everywhere right under your feet. Many people started out in search of this uncharted land. They were driven there by greed and the desire for easy profit. Almost none of them returned from these dangerous journeys, only a few found their way home. But they, who managed to escape by a miracle, could not give any intelligible explanations about their wanderings. Distracted travelers one asserted that they had seen a lot of gold on some island, many, many, but could not produce anything in the proof of the existence of this mysterious place. Non believing rumors of countless treasures, more and more adventurers disappeared in an unknown direction in tens, leaving inconsolable mothers, their children orphans, widows and wives.

      Once wise king Christian of Anaco country with the help of God decided to put an end and solve the mystery of the mysterious land in this matter.

      About Mr. invited me to his son Prince and Mark he said:

      – My son, I cannot see more than greed and vices destroy my people, I have long prayed to the Most High that he send us salvation.

      Last night a messenger from God appeared to me, he informed me that he had come from the fifth planet of the constellation of Taurus, and was the patron of our state. He told us that the white and black powers of the heavenly bodies have been watching people on sinful earth for a long time.

      White forces send love and kindness on Earth, bringing happiness and peace to everyone. Black forces bring hatred and greed to people, that’s why wars and civil strikes arise. We, the messengers of the fifth planet of Taurus, can help you, but you have to overcome evil yourself if you can get rid of greed and greed, which are the beginning of the beginnings of all the vices on earth, such as betrayal, hatred and (in general) all mortal sins.

      There is a green island in the Blue Sea, which is owned by a messenger of black forces from the six hundred and sixty – sixth planet of the Milky Way. You people call him demons like that. He, knowing well the human vices, lures people of your country to this island, instills in them the appearance of gold the insanity of greed and destroys them. If you do there will appear a brave man who can resist the temptations of greed while seeing the countless of gold metal, he can fight with the demon and defeat him.

      To do this, I will leave you a special sword, charged with particles of the good energy of the cosmos, opposite to the charge of black forces. Just once you touch this weapon to the demon, and the sword will turn it into dust. One important condition is that the thoughts of this brave man are impeccably pure and unselfish, only then he will be able to defeat the demon, the energy of the sword is transformed and strengthened only in interaction with the bio field of selflessness and goodness, courage and courage of man. The victorious demon will be able to acquire the riches of happiness and love, in order to share them with people who are as selfless as he is himself, the messenger told me.

      – Putting this sword and card at my feet, “the king continued,” the messenger of the white heavenly forces withdrew as suddenly as he appeared. Only you, my son, I can trust the salvation of our people and state. I know that you Mark is honest, unselfish and brave, I believe that you, like your father once, will be able to bravely go into battle with the sword. Take it, it’s yours. On this map you can easily find this damn island. You are already an adult and an intelligent warrior, so I believe that you will be able to do everything. May God help you and your people.

      Prince picked up the sword and waved them, and said:

      – Yes, this is exactly the same sword as mine, look, father, it evenly enters the sheath of my sword, only on the blade is a strange brand and inscription in an incomprehensible language.

      – It’s good that this sword is habitually in your hand, the king replied, “it will be easier for you to own it, but no one should know about its magical power.” The inscription on the sword is the ancient motto of the white forces of good that help people. We probably do not need to know what is written there, since the messenger told me nothing about this inscription.

      The king ordered his son Mark to equip a large and fast ship on a hike, to recruit the right command and to go tomorrow in the same way to find a mysterious island and defeat the evil demon.

      King Christian became a widow ten years ago. He was very fond of his wife Maria, and she loved him too. From this great love twenty-five years ago their only son was born. Mark raised and raised his father himself, not trusting nurse and court educators. At seventeen, he sent the young man to study in the naval school, finishing that, he served in the Royal Navy home. Mark passed all the officer posts on the ship from the commander of the artillery of the ship to the captain of the ship of the first rank, was a fully mature and experienced officer, who could deal with the most difficult tasks.

      The way to the island

      In his team, the Prince selected fifty of the best and experienced sailors. The captain of the ship n of the order of the king himself, he was appointed, the senior assistant took his loyal friend Robert. Corvette fast and maneuverable chose the best in the kingdom, with powerful tools of ten barrels from each side. Three masts with sails could provide the ship with good speed, even for large waves. The food reserves were taken on board so much that it was possible to go on a round – the – world trip, although according to the prince’s calculations, the island was no more than a week’s journey with a favorable wind.

      The sun slowly emerged at dawn from behind the horizon, painting the edge of the sea and a strip of sky in crimson color, the waves briskly