Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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the main characters in the films began to say that they did not like the proletariat.

      16. It is noticed that courageous people without so-called borderline mental disorders do not have what is called withdrawal syndrome in its generally accepted understanding, or rather, there is no psychological component of it, no matter how old these brave people are (no feeling of anxiety, no hallucinations, etc..). It was also noticed that such people are not addicted to alcohol and other psychostimulants. Conclusion, and the withdrawal syndrome («withdrawal») depends on the presence and the degree of borderline mental disorders.

      17. There is no so-called interclass mobility, you cannot become someone from someone – this is what is called propaganda used to incite people against the current government and in any state by political opponents, and are these words just politics? Write a book about what you know better or not worse than some, and you have acquired social status from there. Also, you work on a non-prestigious job that you read, for example, learn some kind of programming language or a foreign language and you already have a solid profession. And in general, if you do not learn anything, but do not drink alcohol, in any case, you will be promoted to a leading position, this is almost 100%. Formula: don’t drink alcohol – boss. By the way, there is a stereotype that a programmer needs to know mathematics, but as far as I know, this is not so, at least as far as web programming (website development, etc.) is concerned, mathematics and other exact sciences are needed only when creating game engines, means objects pushing off the wall in the game, etc.

      18. The ideal, from the point of view of survival does not need not to whom to communicate, of course unless those BOJ is going smoothly for your psyche, or vice versa communicate, again, if the consequences after "binding" with someone or go to you as painless and the some then regret what happened. In a poor country, what is considered weakness will interfere with survival and all this needs to be cut off: friends, alcohol, etc. Here you can do it much more painlessly than, for example, in prison. Officially in the prison they want to «cut off» the so-called weaknesses of all the prisoners in the category there.

      19. Be careful with some state employees, fraudsters or their children, as some of them, in order not to work, are physically accustomed to manipulating people. And they have in stock so-called «battle memes» (verbal means like: «you have no conscience», «you are not a man», «I would be ashamed», «weakling», etc.), for deception or motivating citizens to act in the right direction.

      20. Why give in to someone’s manipulative criticism, anyway, sooner or later they will die, in fact, you succumb to the influence of the future, no matter how strange it sounds, corpses, do what you want, act like a soul lies.

      21. Why do citizens of some countries live better than citizens of other countries, in connection with which in some countries the standard of living is higher, while in others it is lower? Because some believe the rich countries, the ancestors of living in the moment, the people there, creating colonies in different continents and from there were taken the wealth and slaves in their own country, in a word, there are countries which have exploited their citizens, and there are those, which have exploited foreign citizens. And in other countries, a high standard of living due to the large availability of minerals, etc.

      22. From nekot oryh poor countries leaves the elites but in the sense of intelligence and mind, some people try to sell their intelligence and their ide cial psyche more expensive, such as going to work of IT – corporations, serve in the Foreign Legion, etc.

      23. Why is it that in the civil service and in some power structures, in some countries, the attitude to all employees on the part of the bosses is different, selective, if the employees have the same abilities? P otomu that there are those among the employees, who have a connection (or their relatives) and those in which they do not exist and there are those employees who have a business (or their relatives) and those who do not. Under the «distribution» in such places fall and pull all the work, as a rule, those who are mere" mortals", without connections and business. And the «thieves» turns lyrical socio-everyday sense posture 69 is a what is called blat, Mode th You-I, I – you, or cross-pollination.

      By the way, another answer to the question why it is harder to work in law enforcement agencies and in other social services of poor countries than in social services of rich countries is because in poor countries social services are overloaded, there is no money to expand the staff, there are few people in these services, but there are many challenges.

      24. Everything is relative and everyone lives according to the firmware of the higher powers – you are a person, then your cat loves you, you are a bird, then he will eat you.

      25. The fact that a person and other living beings were created by higher forces is proved by the fact that it is pleasant to have sex – it was created so that the living does not die out, so that you always want to reproduce.

      26. Lyrical (funny) presentation of information guarantees that it will be remembered and liked.

      27. The presence of an increasing number of «geniuses», life teachers (coaches) and «leaders» in a poor state can threaten its economy, since there is no one to work physically if there is no influx of labor from outside.

      28. If you are rich or have a high social status, then do not believe that some people around you have frank feelings for you – for most of the poor you are of operational interest – many think that you will give them money or want to "promote" at the expense of you by arranging any be a scandal associated with you.

      29. If you want to connect life with a rich man, this does not mean that he will give you money and material goods, money and material benefits of him, and not yours, and a simple worker can give you more. In my time, one girl went for a ride on a yacht with an oligarch, the whole world found out about this, but no one said that he gave her any material benefits and this was not visible from her either.

      30. Let some who teach life first sort out their lives? When you criticize everyone around you do not have enough time for self-criticism? It often happens that the so-called teachers of life have a lot of their unresolved psychological and other problems.

      31. The range of definition of progress in any country is a high standard of living in it.

      32. Who are complex people and why do few people need them? Why do some serve in a foreign legion, work in" G coal", while others use alcohol and drugs? N otomu that they have what is not in others (what is considered to be positive) and at the opposite n are none that have etc. in g of (what is considered to be negative).

      33. To survive in a poor country, you need to have to do certain moral and professional qualities, and it does not have, or have, but at least what is called a nuisance to live weaknesses and how to show some of the events it is sometimes rather applies to rich countries, there FIW do vocalist one BANNER a string of a musical group who lived in a country with a high standard of living by conventional standards and committed suicide.

      34. The ideal psyche is when it doesn’t «blow the roof off» from life, when life doesn’t drive you crazy, you don’t use alcohol and drugs. Perfect mental schi thawed something when you forget everything that is called negative (the one who hurt you and do not feel sorry for someone hurt you), when you do not inspire you too hard than «gruzanut» when it is not to anyone not emotionally become attached, when a soldier on the battlefield or like a prisoner in prison you live for one day without making plans for more than a year or even less, and when there is some kind of passion that does not interfere with life, for example, for science. Passions can be divided into those that promote survival and those that are opposed to survival.

      F ilm of magic tablet, which may be called populariser tranquilizers «darkness FIELD» (Limitless), US, Mexico, 2011, director Neil Burger.

      By the way, as already mentioned