Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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of obsession. Alcoholism and drug addiction occurs due to the fact that he was not «stuck» on anything before, the vacuum of this so-called logical part of the brain is filled, if we speak in computer language. Individuals who do not get stuck (they have spent time in prison, forgotten, quarreled, forgotten) achieve something global, since they do not «scatter» their attention. Those who are called an alcoholic and a drug addict are people in search of a leader, as a leader in the sense of a person and in the sense of any obsession with something. Alcohol and drugs give the same sensations as a leader in the person of a person – this is calmness and confidence, alcohol and drugs for some is a leader.

      4. But to be calm and confident it is not necessary to be a leader, cosmonauts are all calm and confident in themselves, but they are not leaders and. With ccording documentary leaders on a profession «clipped» on Theories in whom testing, on-orbit-controlled people are needed. A leader in politics (especially an opposition leader, so that they cannot collect dirt on him) is not a stuck person, with a stable psyche that does not change under any circumstances, without what is considered to be weaknesses or with their minimum (this is the ideal). An acting leader in politics should have the same qualities as an opposition leader, but this is, again, ideally. He lives for money from the budget of his country, an opposition leader for money from the budget of another country (this fact he can «veil» with donations from someone else for his activities). This policy sells (in the best sense of the word, as it makes the military or the doctor) his strong nerves Politi Cams countries that are prot and delving mi politicians of the country in which it is located. Why did he become oppositional? One of the reasons may be that he didn’t manage to get into the local budget, he didn’t get a place, if I may say so, and he «trolls» the current government, receiving wages for this from the budget of a foreign state, he became a state employee, only another state employee country. If he is lucky and he becomes president, then he will promote the interests of the government of this state on his land. How do some opposition politicians think? And what he gave me (there is one against whom the opposition politician is working, in whose place he wants), let him take me to the government or pay for my «silence». Well, of course, not every current politician is ready to expand the staff in his parliament and take an opposition politician there or pay him for his «silence», well, not every politician is ready to order someone to be killed, since the law enforcement machine can turn against him, and even those who ready to kill someone, too, there is no faith, he can simply «hand over» the one who ordered someone to kill or subsequently blackmail.

      No matter how someone loves some politicians, they are still needed so that there is no chaos and civilization continues to exist. Their activities are mutually beneficial both for themselves and for the people living in their country. Politicians have made social services: firefighters, doctors, police, army, they need people to be healthy and live in safety, only in such conditions people can work well. Well, people themselves will not refuse to be healthy, they and their relatives.

      5. Always before what is usually called an insult, there is «intelligence» on the subject of who is who they want to insult, whether he will respond to the insult. For example, whatever the boss wants to offend a subordinate whom he does not know personally (how can it be that the boss does not know the subordinate personally, maybe, for example, in the police (militia) or in the army, when there are a lot of subordinates, and the boss is very large, he leads everyone divisions). Why did he want to insult someone, to «cooler» look in front of subordinates who have heard his insult against someone or perhaps even because of the pleasure of insults.

      6. The stereotype of some men that women need only money is not true (and some women about men), in ernee true, but here again there was a generalized, with tereotip true, but only in relation to, the names of some women and men. Faithful in most cases in relation to those who belong to a certain social stratum of people, to the so-called not rich stratum, to the stratum of people who do not have money and at the same time they cannot earn enough money for them. Such w omen and men can understand, they tend to live in a poor state, maybe relaxed in my childhood and youth, spending time on pleasure, not to study and work, therefore did not acquire a normal profession. If we are talking about women from the above-mentioned poor stratum, then they may be without a husband, they usually have children who need to be fed, but there is no education that makes it possible to earn good money and there are no other opportunities to get money. They are lucky if they belong to the category of beautiful and only on this they can earn a living or earn extra money. This is where the stereotype of some men comes from that women only need money. In which countries such a stereotype is relevant, naturally, in not rich, where it is difficult to survive, in some rich countries in general feminism, women themselves initiate sex and men should not pester them with offers to get acquainted, as this is illegal. Those women and even men who are well arranged in life and at the same time beautiful will not «strain» themselves with this type of earnings (as some say «beg» and live at the expense of someone). B olee of those women who are considered ugly prepared to contain themselves men, the conclusion: some so-called beautiful, are due to both men and women, usually from the category of so-called «consumer» and" non-self" and thus of poor money layer, those who are looking for whom can be "hooked" so that they can be contained later. Such poor people who are looking for those who will keep them for an amateur, if someone is not annoyed by a relationship when one side in them only thinks how to deceive you or something to fuck from you, then there are no questions. Usually, these women and men, normal men and women do not communicate with them to start a relationship what be flawed people, flawed is, ready to do anything and they think that they have found a queen or king – is told it is one of the women you sheukazannogo type of consumer… Some inhabitants are called the representatives of tacos first type and people schmuck, filth, and believe that these are in any difficult moment to betray and from them there is no impact, in terms of survival. They can not be friends, to help them, too, does not make sense, they only hurt, it is sometimes expressed in the self-determination at the expense of the one who helps them, by his abuse, they just beg t and Zabi rayut from the one who was careless enough to contact them money.

      By the way, if you believe bloggers who have long-term experience of living in countries where feminism exists very seriously, then according to their statements, most women after 40 completely stop looking at the world through their feminist beliefs. This is not said to draw attention to feminism, but to the fact that people after 40 begin to think differently, they all become more similar to each other in their views on life.

      In general, those who do not want to work, especially physically and at the same time cannot engage in intellectual work, develop, so to speak, cunning personality traits: a tendency to manipulate, etc. Always surprised people (both men and women) who invest their money in such people without looking at themselves. They do not have repairs at home, sometimes they do not have health, new clothes, but instead of investing in themselves, they bring money to «schematists» who do not always give something in return. But those to whom they give money dress fashionably, buy cars, whiten their teeth, monitor their health by spending money on examinations, etc. First of all, you need to invest in yourself and you also need to save money for a rainy day, you don’t invest in yourself, but in someone, or in something (alcohol or even worse, drugs), you don’t save money, you don’t study, you are «fooled» by «Memes» are also a threat to your survival. What if love? But what about people who are in prison for life, they live without sex with the opposite sex, without communication with the opposite sex? By f course it all depends on the prison regime for good behavior can be assigned to and meeting with his wife or her husband, though not frequent, and treatment depends on how serious the offense is committed. Everything that is called and considered weakness harms survival, building relationships with a cunning and at the same time not rich person who at any moment can direct this cunning against you is dangerous. With any difficulties in life (loss of work), you can lose everything (there will be attempts to sue