Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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Most l Yod she sprung x in single-and especially in the so-called dysfunctional families, which had to communicate and actions which had to observe, think emotional categories (fear, aggression, self-pity, sexual attraction), with overshayut actions on an emotional basis, have a tendency to «dig deep» in the emotional sphere, they are directly absorbed in emotions, in short, they spend their life and time on emotions. They can be easily manipulated with «memes». Because of their emotionality, they usually have little to concentrate on, and therefore they cannot engage in intellectual work, or rather they can, but they cannot reach heights in this area, emotions interfere with them. There are emotional people from the so-called complete and prosperous families, but these people know how to satisfy their emotions within the framework of the law, and those with marital status, on the contrary, often do not succeed and they end up in prison, well, but the task of the prison is “ cut off from a person what is called weakness, so that he can become independent, so to speak. Prison is an institution that was created, as a rule, for countries where there are poor people, in rich countries the locals are not in such institutions.

      45. How people who have reached any heights in the intellectual sphere of activity behave, they «hammered» on emotions and on extraneous «downloads», they are not taken by «memes», they are not emotional in the negative sense of the word, they are absorbed in one passion, for example work that they really like. It is these people who are driving progress forward, the Internet, software for the Internet, for industry, etc. they are products of their existence. It is worth repeating that these people completely (of course, not intentionally, but spontaneously) «hammered» their emotions; they are only interested in self-development and passion for what they do. How do they feel when doing their job? They completely «disconnect» from the world around them, they are able to instantly forget all negative experiences, all this displaces the passion for what they are doing. To understand this state, one can compare it with the state experienced when reading an interesting book – you are not, you are swallowed up by reading.

      46. If you are in trouble, then this is completely or not entirely fate, you just relaxed and fell into what are called negative emotions and passions, lost your youth for this, did not accumulate knowledge and money, for which you suffer. History knows kings and other rulers who relaxed without paying due attention to the people and overthrew them, and they simply relaxed and thus determined their fate.

      47. There is no trouble for her, everything has a so-called dualistic concept, everything gives something and takes something away, where there are some minuses, there are pluses in the other.

      48. Self-develop and enjoy it, learn a foreign language and everything that you like, for example programming, there are many video enthusiasts on various topics in the net. Do it so that you’re not looking for a job, and she you to before you fawned politicians and rulers, as is the case in my time with the programmers and plumbers (in this case, the fawn only chiefs), whiny so for that they do not left the country to where they pay more. In the past, when there was no internet, you could never have met the above enthusiasts. You can change to such a state that you don’t care about everything emotional and what is connected with it. Pump yourself up with knowledge, learn a foreign language, get a demanded profession and improve – this is required for survival. Do not" pump up" with street and other «memes», go along your own path of self-development, do not «get involved» in any "movement" that does not contribute to survival, do not succumb to the influence of those who are called manipulators, a sign that you are being manipulated when they want to you did something for free (it does not mean a request to transfer an old person across the road, etc.) or for a fee, but with negative consequences for you not worth the money you were paid (to transport drugs across the border, etc.). If you are from an incomplete family or from a so-called dysfunctional family, then while you have no life experience, you can make a lot of unnecessary «body movements».

      49. The less rich the state, the more it has to deal with the people, it wants its citizens to work and serve in the army, in rich states citizens of other countries serve, but since you cannot force anyone to do this by force, then how In the past, «memes» are used like: «I wasn’t in the army, so sick or not a man» (meaning states where 100% of the population is rich, and not some part of it, as a rule, these are oil-producing states).

      50. Sigmund Freud «hung» on sexual problems of a psychological nature. In a few words, his work can be characterized as stories about how the brain «hammers» some people, presumably with a high sexual temperament, their suppressed sexual desire and how some of them start what is called cognitive dissonance after they begin fight among themselves sexual attraction and various «memes» (masturbating is bad, animals have sex, etc.). Some people can’t stand the dissonance between «memes» and their desires go crazy or die. Hence the conclusion that «memes» (invented by someone or by those people who control other people), whose task is to stabilize society, have the opposite effect, and most often this negative effect occurs in those who are from an incomplete family or from a so-called dysfunctional family. Those who are of normal in the conventional sense of the family does not pay attention not to what «memes» of this taught their close relatives, they are enrolled in higher education institutions x, y are installing self-developing Xia, they theoretically are more suited to life if they are both made talk is not spoiled. Well, if they were spoiled, then their very close relatives should teach how to survive being spoiled. In general, there is information that can be obtained only in very narrow circles, for example, in a family and nowhere else. The family knows the psychological algorithms that work and help to survive, it is worth emphasizing that this applies to a normal family from the generally accepted point of view. T ak higher power programmed some people (experience discomfort if not sex), then a higher power it is essential that all living things reproduce. Having sex is pleasant for a reason, it is so that all living things do not die out. By ak some scientists say we can be characters or a computer game in the computer of the future.

      Temperamental men and women have sexual fantasies (someone has a higher sexual temperament, someone lower, they say that it depends on the amount of a hormone called testosterone, which both men and women have). By the way, it is its large number that prevents you from focusing on study and self-development, self-development in the sense of increasing knowledge in some area.

      51. The same Sigmund Freud said that the formation of what is called the psyche begins from childhood, and not only him. Accordingly, those who are called alcoholics and drug addicts are those who were not «loaded» with anything in childhood, in the sense of information necessary for survival, with the help of which they can earn. In a word, they have nothing to sell to the employer, not intellect, not a strong psyche. But naturally, everything can be corrected, but it will be painful from a psychological point of view.

      52. In each case, there is both positive and negative.

      53.Pochemu everything, that is connected with the life of nature are called, probably because politicians did not want n Using the fully give up power to religious organizations.

      54. If someone meets a rich man, this does not mean that he will spend his riches on him, his riches, and not the one who meets him.

      55. You always need to be friends with the opposite sex, he will help.

      56. The paradox is that someone who is not afraid of anything has a chance to survive and live longer than someone who is afraid of everything and suppresses his fear with alcohol or drugs. It’s the same with those who tend to feel sorry for themselves.

      57. The «skhematoznikov» it is impossible to start a family, as they are absorbed by the solution «skhematoznyh» problems, or rather the creation of schemes to deal with them: where to find the one who is with me for ymo tsya sex, where to find alcohol or drugs, etc.

      58. In each case, you need to dig very deeply. Someone comes to a psychiatrist, complains of depression, caused in the eyes of someone who complains about his hard work, which does the psychiatrist prescribes antidepressants. The