Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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those who are called geniuses from ordinary people is their lack of sexual attraction to anyone at all, or it is present, but not pronounced, the absence of sexual attraction, or its presence, but at a minimum low level allows you to focus well on something, for example on science. Living beings have a sexual temperament, each has its own, conditionally it can be divided into high, medium, weak. The reason, they say alcoholism and drug addiction is a permanent fear, depression, generally in the so-called nevrotiz ation of personality, people who are called emotional likely to use tranquilizers. Why is there something called alcoholism and drug addiction in both rich and poor countries, because those who are called neurasthenics exist in both poor and rich countries. According to information from popular science films, when you psychologically «break» yourself, new neural connections are formed and then after their formation it becomes psychologically easy. In poor countries, in order to live well in the material sense, you only need to study, invent, or successfully marry or marry, but this may not be for long. It is necessary that there is always a money «nychka» so that there is money for a «rainy» day, otherwise, in any emergency, you may simply not survive (divorce, illness, dismissal from work, war in the state in which you live), the money must be for an emergency the case is always, no money, you are in danger! I personally witnessed the actions of «sober» (not emotional) people, about a policeman, she (his wife) works in a bank. For now, many devoted themselves to emotional actions such as divorces between a wife and husband, went to court for this, drank alcohol, a police officer and his wife, a bank employee, saved money, as soon as a political and economic crisis began in the country in which they lived, they took with them the accumulated them money and left for a stable country, many people who lived an emotional life, «sat on the ass», becoming beggars, immediately forgot about all their emotional actions and began to lead the same way of life as a former police officer and already a former bank employee, save money and put them at the head of everything! In some countries, if not married or married before the age of 30, then it is not normal or abnormal in the conventional sense of the word. Almost all beautiful people from those who are called dependent, they are not adapted to life and do not know how to do anything, it is such people as yours and your opposite sex who only need money from you (some guys generalize all girls when they say that girls only need money). You don’t really need to feel sorry for yourself, there are places where living beings are much worse than those, for example, prison, if it is difficult for you to be free, then it is not recommended for you to get there, it will be even harder for you there. Some people notice the suffering of people, their suffering, but do not notice the suffering of animals, there are places where they are caught on the streets are kept for subsequent killing (euthanasia), there are places where animals go crazy, this happens to foxes, which are kept for the subsequent manufacture of fur coats from them, foxes gnaw off their paws. Any person who made you a nuisance can later be «broken off», for example, if your abuser is in jail, you can go to the remand prison and shout anything that discredits the offender in front of other prisoners, for example, shout that he is an informer. There are many «underground» currents, not knowing about which you can lose a lot of money and time, for example, you open a cafe, because you have seen enough of the wealth of a cafe owner, you think that you will get rich the same way, but the cafe turns out to be an unprofitable business and the cafe is opened only for that to «launder» the money that came from another, «shadow» business. Why is money laundering in cafes, because there is less control over the flow of people than in other businesses, as a rule, it is not known how many people came per day, 100 or 1000. In modern society, in any case, someone’s rights will be violated so that you feel good (if you live in a state with a high standard of living), but if you live in a state with a low standard of living, then your rights will be infringed so that someone can feel good from a country with a high standard of living. In general, throughout history, someone is exploiting someone, no one has complained to psychologists and psychiatrists that he gets tired at work. You get tired, so you need a slave, went on a military campaign, brought a slave. For many who could not master a serious specialty, for example, such as a surgeon, engineer, etc. there are slight signs of what is called a borderline mental race with a trinity (mild neurosis, mild hyperactivity syndrome, etc.)?

      Tricks that can have a psychotherapeutic effect no worse than official psychotherapy, try to say the following phrase to someone who is called an alcoholic or a drug addict (and preferably more than once): «What did your parents do to you, they spoiled you, they didn’t deny you anything, They ruined your life by doing this, made you dependent.»

      In politics, one can also change the way of thinking with the help of phrases, for example: " Calls for anyone, anywhere, to die for their homeland, or for something else, this is suicide propaganda.»

      And in general I will not be surprised that soon the desire to «load» people with some information will be regarded as aggression.

      Friends, allow you to present the material of my new work, for the creation of which I had to go through a lot, I am really sure that almost everyone, like me, an average person goes through this much and even more, and all his difference from me is only that he does not inform to those around him through what he went through and the analysis of what he went through, so as usual I urge everyone to try themselves as writers, bloggers, etc., the experience of everyone and not only of a psychological and journalistic nature can be useful to someone. When you write something yourself, what you write turns out to be something that is not industrial, not factory, not «rolled», not but menclature, monopoly, in a word, freedom of creativity is freedom of creativity. Perhaps somewhere in the book it is written simultaneously from the first, from the second or from the third person – this is due to the fact that there was no time to adjust the material, please do not pay attention to this and please do not pay attention to other obvious shortcomings – this is again due to the lack of a lot of free time.

      Some people are not afraid of losing their job, but of the unpleasant sensations associated with this, some people are not afraid of losing power, but of the unpleasant sensations associated with this – higher powers control all living things with the help of pleasant and unpleasant sensations, especially this is expressed in the reproductive instinct, you do not reproduce" withdrawal «multiplying pleasure – is it so that living organisms do not die out? Many people have an intrapersonal conflict (cognitive dissonance) or stupor when they need to make any decision – is it because their brain considers everything from different points of view, and not from any one, for example, from the point of view of survival? Psychology, psychiatry is focused only on a certain social stratum, like many other things, including a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle)? How to optimize healthy lifestyle for a wider audience? Man’s mission is clearly not to suffer from what are called bad moods and fears, or who controls a person with the help of a bad and good mood and with the help of other emotions? There are only deeply «digging» life teachers, coaches, psychologists and philosophers around, no one to talk to about the day? The time has come when there are many producers of intangible goods (they say that in some countries there are almost as many writers as there are readers) and there are not enough people involved in manual labor? Some, in some states, are disoriented, not realizing that they are slaves (slaves in a non-offensive sense, and even the presidents of poor countries can be called slaves, since the conditions of survival in poor countries are absolutely harsh for all strata of society than in the rich, to stay in the presidential chair, respectively heavier). T nly refers to slaves in classical understanding of this phenomenon, and slaves in its present form, the slaves are allowed to what is called a weakness, which slaves and slave will not name, but they are still slaves? «This is to prove your imaginary superiority on such that…”, what is the initiation of a criminal case, for hazing in the army, for robbery, for robbery, for hooliganism, etc. is it an attempt to equalize the slaves, everyone has to work and restrain what is called emotions? The less emotional you are, the more chances you have to achieve something and become the freest slave among all slaves?

      The richer the state of which you are