Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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are a new way of exploitation, after the abolition of slavery, it became impossible to force people to do something, and this was replaced by «memes», «war memes» and how strangely they work on some of them perfectly. And, most importantly, all over the world, as a rule, those who grew up or grows up in an incomplete or dysfunctional family fall under the hypnosis of «memes». Example of information on the Internet: «The girl committed suicide due to the fact that her intimate video appeared on the Internet,» it would seem another in its place told everyone: «Z Avida silence, men dream of me sitting without pants near a computer s yutera". You begin to study the biography of the above get it over lice with a girl and It appears I have, that she is from single-parent families. It follows from this that «memes» are dangerous, in some cases they cause what is called alcoholism and drug addiction and more than one psychiatrist or narcologist will not say this! And they usually «beat» people from the above families, since they have no relatives who will say that this is all nonsense for controlling and manipulating people and that such nonsense as «memes» can be thought of by everyone of their own, and most importantly, to survive in life, health and money. Why did such a thing as «memes» appear? Because the situation in society has changed, no one can be driven into any places by force, but the need for people to be in these places remains. By the way, in super rich countries, locals do not serve in the army at all, even symbolically, and there is a «meme» – «was not in the army, then not a man» does not «walk» among the masses at all. Only people from poor countries serve in the army in these super rich countries, and among them one can assume that there are similar «memes».

      Or, for example, «meme» «homeland». Some rulers use it to bind people living in their state to their place of residence, otherwise who will they rule and who will work if everyone disperses.

      From the point of view of mental and physical health, «memes» can sometimes harm people, especially the so-called «battle memes», they are designed, as already mentioned, to form in a person, for example, a feeling of inferiority if he does not do something or a feeling of guilt (» fighting memes» – this is the official name of «memes», about «battle memes» they say in educational institutions dealing with information technology). And everyone who has some kind of life experience can say who the main consumer of these «memes» is – a person from an incomplete family or from a so-called dysfunctional family, in these places there is no one to take off the «noodles from the ears», which is so «cool» and pathetically called «battle memes»». Also, again, as already mentioned, all of the above is called manipulation by instilling an inferiority complex or manipulation by creating a guilt complex. Whole stories are devoted to what is commonly called «memes», for example: «The Hot Stone» by Arkady Gaidar, where it is about conscience. A person from an incomplete or dysfunctional family may have several paths in life, before he finds himself, he may be a cleaner, a criminal, etc.

      A healthy lifestyle is not only eating organic food, sports, health monitoring (this will be discussed in the material of this work), it is also the availability of the necessary information that will simplify life and, accordingly, prolong it. In terms of survival and healthy lifestyle, «memes» can be dangerous both for the life of so and for health, they can trigger a hit in those places where you can lose and life and health I have, for example, in prison or even in another it was called, some speakers 20th century «center for the elimination of unemployment.»

      Usually, «squeeze» from a book is done at its end, in this case, it was decided to make a «squeeze» at the beginning of this work and «squeeze» not only from this material, but also from previously published books: «Tacit resources of some good mood» and «Planet of biorobots?»

      1. I realized that this is the best way to behave for my situation? With full confidence we can assert on the basis of their experience, that of any person, on the basis of existing achievements in the area of what is called in psychology and coaching rather even of something else, the concept of psychology and coaching here is not quite coming so, most with help with the help of certain information, you can «sculpt» in the psychological sense, anyone. And this is irrespective of the so-called psycho- genetic predispositions of whom they are going to «mold» someone from. From the scared, you can make the bold and vice versa, from the depressive, cheerful and vice versa.

      Does genetics also affect human behavior? Affects like everything on this planet no more and no less than half. Those who have home a few animals, for example, several cats, or cats, may notice that some of them are very brave, he was not fighting tsya to run out into the entrance or on the street, someone dared balanced and shy at the same time, and someone generally neurotic who afraid of everything to the point of abnormality. Is this proof that everything is genetically predetermined? But there is, as they say, one but. Animals cannot be «loaded», i.e. fill with information verbally, respectively, in such a way as communication, they cannot be altered.

      Lyrics with a grain of salt: those who are called politicians should work in retirement as those who are usually called psychiatrists, they are good at «loading» people, plus professionals from politicians correctly understand everything that happens in the world, they know all the so-called hardware games.

      I want to emphasize that it is possible to radically me be the person, in simple words, actions, as well as the environment in which will be s Xia this person and perhaps this will change by itself is a psychological genetics of someone changing psychologically. The fact that genetics has nothing to do with, and the main thing in the formation of a person is information, or the actions of someone and the environment can be seen on the example of the population of various modern countries. In some country, most people will be from the category of those who are called arrogant, in others they will be scared, and the ancestors of these scared people in the past were brave warriors, where are their genes if everything depends on genes. There are such countries. In ashi doubts may shatter, if any, when you yourself spend sociological ICs with research. Consequently, of the fact who are called alcoholics, drug addicts and psychopaths can make a person with mental cosmon BTA and vice versa. And this can be done simply by using the necessary information, taking the necessary actions and placing it in a certain environment. You need to «load» a person with a word. If you want to change someone, this is what politicians and those who serve them, trade organizations and those who work for them know and do, and so on.

      2. Do you love power, but do not like politics and civil service? By ak satisfy the instinct for power alternative methods and what is called ambition – write books, music, the word «Sign up» in those areas where he could ut form your fans. Moreover, books and other works do not have to be about politics, they can be about anything, for example, about repairing a car. The easiest way to get to the social status who never had it to write a book, music and so on. How can you then maximize your work? H ome use SEO promotion on the Internet, provoking scandals, connected as collaborators with expertise in what is either or famous people, serve in the army of his government during the military actions (it is worth noting that in some gosudars tvah many artists and writers of various spheres of the previously participated in the war, the state did not forget them and helped to realize themselves). How do you know what topic to write books on and create other works on? You need to know the so-called social order, painful topics, what interests people or what would interest people. It’s like in marketing, the demand of potential consumers is studied.

      3. In a nutshell, an alcoholic and a drug addict is the one, who has what is called a neurosis or phobias, or other so-called n ogranichnye mental rasstroys Twa and neurosis-like states such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, and cognitive-dissonance. What is called alcoholism and drug addiction occurs in some of -this fact that they are not right with the conventional view perception of the world, and men in addition to everything in general need obsession than anything, it is an obsession, and not a hobby, it is important, for example, obsession with power, money,