Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005507501
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in the pronunciation of obscene words.

      9) Suppress emotions in the form of fear, aggression, panic attacks with the help of alcohol, drugs and other psychostimulants.

      Emotional people run after the opposite sex and spend time on it, at this time non-emotional people spend time studying and it will be easier for them to survive in the future, they will have an elite job, they can move to a rich country, and those who have gone on about emotions hard work awaits (unless, of course, there are no good relatives with connections who will help «break through» to a good place even if there is great emotionality and if the country’s economy is working so well that it can make even emotional people happy)? In a poor country, with a low standard of living, in the absence of influential relatives, an emotional person can become the one who is called unhappy?

      It is worth saying that the presence of emotional people is not bad, if there were no emotional people, for example, humanity would cease to reproduce in a generally accepted way, or reproduce, but not in an active form, would stop falling in love and would undergo other disadvantageous costs from the point of view of survival. … With this statement I do not contradict myself, emotionality is permissible, but only on a non-threatening scale, as they say for myself and those around me.

      In a word, if there were some «cold» people absorbed in something, but not the opposite sex and other generally accepted so-called weaknesses or passions, this would transform society in a certain direction. But as the practice of life in modern society shows, from the point of view of survival, being a «cold» person is more profitable than an emotional one.

      The inability to experience emotions or the so-called emotional deafness is called a lexitimi to it (from the Greek «without words for feelings»), are those who have such a thing lucky or vice versa?

      «Try n omenshe overall tsya people», the words attributed to Pavel Durov, one of the founders of the social second network «VKontakte» and other projects.

      «… After all, love is Fata Morgana

      And a mirage over the depths of the sea

      And let your lips smell like deceit

      In anticipation of sweetness

      After all, a feeling has no direction

      You swim without control

      After a long attraction

      A short feeling…»

      The song" Fata morgana», sung by Luna (Kristina Gerasimova).

      There are no civilians, all soldiers, or rather the majority of soldiers, since everyone is fighting for survival and for a comfortable existence? The relationship between some is militarized – is it because of instincts? Objective and biased psychology – are any relationships between some people militarized in a psychological sense and all psychology in its present form is militarized? In the modern world, from the point of view of survival, the luckiest of all is the one who has the lowest level of what is called emotions and is unlucky to the one who has the highest – the so-called emotionality will give him a lot of trouble? Wins in the generally accepted sense of gain in life is the one who lives or begins to live according to objective psychology? Some philosophers have been looking for the meaning of life for many years, they do not like the lassic meaning of life, which is physical survival, or rather the ability to survive physically? H ome philosophers talk or talked about the freedom of the individual only within their continent or within their own country, without thinking about the fact that there are continents and countries where people just have nothing to eat, not to mention the presence of their thoughts about the freedom of the individual? Freedom of the individual in our and past times is possible only at the expense of not the freedom of other individuals, since someone must necessarily work? N Why is the rich countries more than in poorer countries, scientists, poets, writers and musicians? There is always a twofoldness in what is considered to be good and bad – paradox, but if some countries did not become rich at the expense of other countries, siphoning all natural resources out of them and exploiting human resources, then there would not be some scientists, poets, writers and musicians as they became scientists, poets, writers and musicians because they lived in a rich country, so they did not think about how to find money for food, this is what did not prevent them from thinking about science, poetry, literature and music? In rich countries there are always more crimes on an ideological basis than on a material basis, in poor countries the opposite is true, unless, of course, someone in a poor country finances crimes on an ideological basis? A guide on how to become a «moth» divorced from reality – some modern psychology lacks groundedness, it is divorced both from life and from reality, and is also saturated with what are called «memes» – such psychology is the politics of some states, but «use «It is usually those who are from an incomplete, from a so-called dysfunctional or from a» memoized «family, since they have not used anything else before, those who are from families who, on the contrary,» use «a different psychology that promotes survival? Is it unnecessary to go to psychologists and psychiatrists if there is a need for it, is it enough to communicate with a normal person from the generally accepted point of view? In the modern world, especially in a poor country, do emotions prevent those who are not rich from surviving? Who said that alcohol is something bad, alcohol is a very good thing, but it has a lot of «side effects» in the form of withdrawal symptoms and health disorders? Few people know that some so-called psychotropic drugs in some cases cause the same sensations as alcohol (confidence, joy) and at the same time they do not have the side effects that alcohol has (this will be discussed below), why in some places these drugs are not advertised how alcohol is advertised is it not profitable, as there are huge profits from alcohol or is it all that is called" conspiracy theory"? Give a psychological weapon in good hands, to Which they claim ht de ystviya in modern society in terms of survival, as many philosophers and psychologists do not explain from what point of view of action to which they are calling the right, they just call them and everything? In every generation of people there are those who think how to think correctly, and these are, as a rule, those who are from an incomplete, from a so-called dysfunctional or from a «memoized» family? Everyone came into the world for the pleasant emotions for so akimi things like endorphins, dopa mine and so on, with the help of pleasant emotions run higher power people, pleasant emotions stand for what ever the case, for example mating? Someone doubts that a person was created by higher powers, let’s, as the police and police say, turn to what they call facts: it’s pleasant to engage in copulation for a reason, this is so that all living things do not die out, if the process of reproduction was without pleasant sensations, few kilotons of bred to living creature? P ealnost fake it – in today’s world popular theory that we are all the characters super-advanced computer games such as SIMS and that we live in a super-computers of the future, the power of which has increased the civilization of the future to epic proportions, and God is the programmer? What are the higher powers – maybe this is the neural network of the future? The most difficult physical work awaits those who are relaxed in poor states? As a general rule in all countries of the world, «sweet» space already occupied and are inherited, everywhere «nepotism», if you’re from incomplete or out of the so-called dysfunctional families and more from countries with a low standard of living, you’ll get something called «sharaga» and «covens»? Which one to value your life, and which one not, the main thing is that everything is not tired and there is motivation to overcome what is called difficulties? Do not like to overcome what is called difficulties and expose yourself to hardships for the sake of study and self-development, find yourself motivation, think about those who are in prison for life? Do you have to enter into relationships with people because you have no money, money gives you the opportunity not to work?

      So as they say do not lose the thread there is a proposal to recall the key terms of the author’s information is housed in a previously written their books and maybe