Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Отраслевые издания
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783347289574
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3-angled/rocky coastlines-beaches/Apr-Aug

      Carpobrotus chilensis (Aizoaceae) Plant woody below/hairless/flower 25-50 mm/many red stamens/Menorca + Ibiza

      Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot Fig (Aizoaceae) Mat-forming plant/hairless/flower 8-9 cm/ many yellow stamens/rocky coastlines-garigues-pine forest-beaches/Apr-Aug

      Centranthus ruber Red Valerian (Valerianaceae) Annual with sessile leaves/leaves ovatelanceolate/flower 7-10 mm/1 stamen/fields-walls-rocky soils-road sides/Apr-Sep

      Coridothymus capitatus (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub with sessile leaves/leaves narrow/upper lip divided/flowers sessile/4 stamens/flowers 7-10 mm/garigues-pine forest/June-Oct

      Disphyma crassifolia (Aizoaceae) Grounded-covering plant/leaves succulent/flowers 3-5 cm/rocky coastlines-beaches-garden plant/May-Aug

      Drosanthemum hispidum (Aizoaceae) Shrub with succulent leaves/hairy/leaves sessile/ flowers 25-30 mm/Mar-June

      Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-angled/flowers 24-30 mm/many stamens/garden plant/Apr-May

      Lythrum borysthenicum (Lythraceae) Hairless annual/leaves ovate/flowers 1-2 mm/6 stamens/marshland-calcareous fields-beaches/Mar-Apr

      Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

      Micromeria graeca (Lamiaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub with sessile leaves/leaves acutely ovate-oblong/flowers with lobed upper and lower lip/flowers stalked/flowers 6-8 mm/4 stamens/fields-garigues-pine forest-road sides/Apr-July

      Blue Pimpernel Anagallis foemina (Primulaceae)


Flowers small
1A-HerbValerianella eriocarpa
2-4 petals
1A-Leaves sessileVeronica anagallis-aquatica (17)
5 petals
1A-Leaves with stalksVinca difformis
1B-Leaves sessile
2A-Flowers with 2 to 4 stamens
3A-Flowers 2-3 mmValerianella eriocarpa
3B-Flowers 6-8 mmLavandula stoechas (20)
2B-Flowers with 5 stamens
3A-Petals entireAnagallis foemina (p. 34)
3B-Petal margin with hairsAnagallis arvensis (9)
Flower irregular
1A-Leaves sessile
3A-Flowers with 2 stamensRosmarinus officinalis
3B-Flowers with 8 stamensPolygala nicaeensis
2B-Shrub/flowers with 4 stamensTeucrium marum* (12)
1B-Leaves with stalks
2A-Herb/leaves simple/flowers 4-6 mmMentha pulegium
2B-Shrub/leaves palmateVitex agnus-castus

      Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate/flowers 4-7 mm/petals toothed or with hairy margin/fields and waste land/Apr-Oct

      Anagallis foemina Blue Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/flowers 4-7 mm/ leaves linear/ petals entire/calcareous fields and waste land/Apr-Oct

      Lavandula stoechas French Lavender (Lamiaceae) Hairy shrub/leaves oblong-lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/4 stamens/garigues-macchia-pine forest/Mar-June

      Mentha pulegium Downy Penny-royal (Lamiaceae) Annual/leaves oval/flowers 4-6 mm/ no distinct lower and upper lip/flowers across the entire stem/wet places/Apr-Aug

      Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort (Polygalaceae) Plant woody below/leaves lanceolate/ flowers 8-11 mm/8 stamens/garigues-macchia-forests/Formentera/Apr-July

      Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary (Lamiaceae) Aromatic shrub/stem 4-angled/leaves linear/flowers 10-12 mm/2 stamens/garigues-macchia/Jan-Dec

      Teucrium marum* Cat Thyme (Lamiaceae) Grey dwarf shrub/stem white-wooly/leaves lanceolate/flowers 10-12 mm/4 stamens/ rocky coastlines-garigues-pine forests/Apr-Oct

      Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad (Valerianaceae) Annual/leaves spoonshaped below, oblong above/flowers 2-3 mm/3 stamens/waste land/Apr-May

      Veronica anagallis-aquatica Blue Water Speedwell (Scrophulariaceae) Plant with hollow stem/leaves lanceolate/flowers 5-10 mm/inflorescences opposite/wet places/Apr-Sep

      Vinca difformis Periwinkle (Apocynaceae) creeping plant with evergreen leaves/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 30-45 mm/scrub/Dec-July

      Vitex agnus-castus Chastity Bush (Verbenaceae) Shrub/leaves palmate/flowers 8-10 mm/flowers with 2 lips/wet places/Aug-Oct

      Cat’s-head Rockrose Helianthemum caput-felis* (Cistaceae)

2-4 petals
1A-Leaves with stalksEuonymus europaeus (13)
1B-Leaves sessile
2A-TreeBuxus balearica
3A-Plants with 1-3 stemsCicendia filiformis
3B-Plants with many stems
4A-Leaves mucronate (magnifying glass)Sagina apetala
4B-Leaves different (magnifying glass)Sagina maritima
5 petals
1A-Leaves with stalksVincetoxicum hirundinaria
1B-Leaves sessile
2A-Petals of the flower fusedCentaurium maritimum
2B-Petals of the flower separated
3A-Leaves without stipules
4A-Plants with hairs
5A-HerbHypericum tomentosum
6A-Flowers 5-8 mmHelianthemum origanifolium
6B-Flowers 10-15 mmHelianthemum marifolium*
6C-Flowers 20-30 mmHalimium halimifolium
4B-Plants without hairs
6A-Calyx of the flower with glands
7A-Leaves 7-25 mmHypericum australe
7B-Leaves 13-60 mmHypericum perfoliatum
6B-Calyx of the flower without glands
7A-Flowers 10-20 mmHypericum triquetrifolium
7B-Flowers 20-30 mmHypericum perforatum
6A-Leaves with wavy marginHypericum balearicum* (p. 180)
6B-Leaf margin not like thisHypericum hircinum* (14)
3B-Leaves with stipules
4A-HerbHelianthemum salicifolium
4B-Dwarf shrub
5A-Outer stamens not fertileFumana thymifolia
5B-All stamens fertile
6A-Epicalyx ovalHelianthemum

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