Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Отраслевые издания
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783347289574
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edulis (10)7B-Flowers > 10 cmCarpobrotus acinaciformis

      Aptenia cordifolia (Aizoaceae) Plant with delicate hairs/leaves cordate-ovate/flowers 2 cm fields-road sides/garden plant/Apr-Nov

      Carpobrotus acinaciformis Red Hottentot Fig (Aizoaceae) Hairless/leaves triangular and succulent/flower 11-12 cm/rocky coastlines-beaches-garden plant/Apr-Aug

      Carpobrotus chilensis (Aizoaceae) Hairless plant/woody at the base/flower 25-50 mm/ many red stamens/Menorca + Ibiza

      Carpobrotus edulis (Aizoaceae) Hairless/leaves succulent/flower 8-9 cm/rocky coastlinesgarigues-pine forest-beaches-garden plant/Apr-Aug

      Disphyma crassifolia (Aizoaceae) Mat-forming plant/leaves succulent/flowers 3-5 cm/ rocky coastlines-beaches-garden plant/May-Aug

      Drosanthemum floribundum (Aizoaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves almost cylindrical/flowers 10-25 mm/rocky coastlines/garden plant/Mar-June

      Drosanthemum hispidum (Aizoaceae) Hairy shrub/leaves succulent and sessile/flowers 25-30 mm/Mar-June

      Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-angled/flowers 24-30 mm/many stamens/garden plant/Apr-May

      Lythrum borysthenicum (Lythraceae) Hairless annual/leaves ovate/flowers 1-2 mm/6 stamens/marshland-fields-beaches/Mar-Apr

      Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

Flower irregular
1A-Flowers violet
2A-Leaves sessile
4A-Flowers with 2 stamensRosmarinus officinalis
4B-Flowers with 8 stamensPolygala nicaeensis
3B-Shrub/flowers with 4 stamens
4A-Inflorescence with violet bractsLavandula stoechas (20)
4B-Flowers only with lower lipTeucrium marum* (12)
4C-Flowers with upper and lower lip
5A-Upper lip of the flower dividedCoridothymus capitatus
5B-Upper and lower lib lobed
6A-Upper leaves oval or triangularMicromeria nervosa
6B-Upper leaves lanceolate
7A-Calyx of the flower 2-4 mmMicromeria microphylla*
7B-Calyx of the flower 4-6 mmMicromeria graeca
2B-Leaves with stalks
3A-Herb/leaves simple/flowers 4-6 mmMentha pulegium
3B-Shrub/leaves palmateVitex agnus-castus

      Coridothymus capitatus (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves narrow, almost 3-angled/flowers 7-10 mm/garigues-pine forest/June-Oct

      Lavandula stoechas French Lavender (Lamiaceae) Shrub/hairy/leaves oblong/flower 6-8 mm/garigues-macchia-pine forest/Mar-June

      Mentha pulegium Penny-royal (Lamiaceae) Annual/leaves oval/flowers 4-6 mm/flowers across the entire stem/wet places/Apr-Aug

      Micromeria graeca (Lamiaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub/leaves acutely ovate-oblong/flowers stalked/flowers 6-8 mm/fields-garigues-pine forest-road sides/Apr-July

      Micromeria microphylla* (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/flowers 5-8 mm/leaves + bracts oval or triangular/fields-rock crevices-walls-road sides/May-June

      Micromeria nervosa (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves acutely-ovate/flowers 4-6 mm/ garigues-pine forest/Apr-June

      Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort (Polygalaceae) Woody at the base/leaves obovatelanceolate below, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 8-11 mm/garigues-macchiaforests/Formentera/Apr-July

      Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary (Lamiaceae) Aromatic shrub/stem 4-angled/leaves linear/flowers 10-12 mm/garigues-macchia/Jan-Dec

      Teucrium marum* Cat Thyme (Lamiaceae) Grey felted dwarf shrub/leaves linearlanceolate/flowers 10-12 mm/rocky coastlines-garigues-pine forest/Apr-Oct

      Vitex agnus-castus Chastity Bush (Verbenaceae) Shrub/leaves palmate/flowers 8-10 mm/flowers with upper and lower lip/wet places/Aug-Oct

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