Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Отраслевые издания
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783347289574
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Spiked Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves ovate below, upper leaves elliptical/flowers 12-14 mm/June-Oct

      Centaurium tenuiflorum Slender Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves broadly ovate below, elliptical-oblong above/flower 12-14 mm/fields-marshland-beaches/Apr-May

      Cistus albidus Grey-leaved Cistus (Cistaceae) Grey shrub/hairy/leaves ovate to elliptical/ flowers 4-6 cm/flower stalk 5-20 mm/many stamens/garigues-pine forest/Apr-June

      Cistus creticus (Cistaceae) Shrub/hairy/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 4-6 cm/gariguespine forest-beaches/Apr-June

      Coriaria myrtifolia Mediterranean Coriaria (Coriariaceae) Shrub/stem 4-angled/leaves acutely-obovate/flowers 2-5 cm/marshland/Apr-July

      Dianthus rupicola* (Caryophyllaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-5 mm wide/petal margin toothed/ petals 10-15 mm/rock crevices/July-Sep

      Frankenia hirsuta (Frankeniaceae) Plant with terminal flowers/leaves rolled in/petals 4-6 mm/rocky coastlines/Apr-May

      Frankenia laevis Sea-heath (Frankeniaceae) Plant with whorled leaves/petals 4-6 mm/ rocky coastlines/Apr-May

      Gypsophila pilosa Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves oblong to lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/petals lobed/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with papery connections

      Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

      Mirabilis jalapa (Nyctaginaceae) Perennial herbs/leaves acutely-ovate/flowers 25-35mm/ 5 stamens/fields-marshland-road sides-garden plant/July-Oct

      Nerium oleander Oleander (Apocynaceae) Shrub/leaves oblong lanceolate/flowers > 3 cm marshland-garden plant/May-June

      Petrorhagia dubia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs leaves oblanceolate/ flowers 2-3 cm/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with brown bracts/Mar-Apr

      Petrorhagia nanteuilii Childling Pink (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flower with 2 styles or stigmas/stem partly with glandular hairs/leaf sheath < 2x as long as wide/calyx with veins/calyx tube with papery connections/fields-road sides/May-June

      Rhodalsine geniculata (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy plant/flowers axillar/flowers 5-8 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-road sides/Apr-May

      Saponaria officinalis (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves acutely ovate/flower with 2 styles or stigmas/calyx without veins/calyx smooth and tubular/garden plant excape/June-Sep

      Silene almolae (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/stem with glandular hairs/flowers in groups of 1-3/calyx 12-18 mm/3 styles

      Silene apetala (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves narrowly lanceolate below, linear-lanceolate above/3 styles/calyx 7-10 mm/petals missing or hidden in calyx/fields-road sides/Feb-Mar

      Silene bellidifolia (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/flowers in groups of >3/petals divided/ inflorescences dense/flowers with long stalks/3 styles/calyx 14-17 mm/May-June

      Silene cambessedesii* (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs/calyx 10-25 mm/ calyx with veins/rocky coastlines-beaches/Mar-June

      Silene cerastoides (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/petals lobed/calyx opening contracted/ calyx 8-11 mm/calyx with veins/rocky coastlines-calcareous fields-beaches/Mar-May

      Silene colorata (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves spatulate to linear/petals divided/ flowers solitary/3 styles/calyx < 13 mm/calyx with veins/fields-beaches-road sides/May

      Silene gallica Small-flowered Catchfly (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves oblong spatulate/flowers 7-14 mm/3 styles/calyx < 3 mm/calyx with veins/fields-road sides/ Apr-June

      Silene hifacensis* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy plant/calyx with veins/calyx with 10 veins/ rock crevices/Ibiza/Apr-June

      Silene muscipula (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate/flowers with short stalks/ flowers in groups/3 styles/calyx 13-17 mm

      Silene nicaeensis (Caryophyllaceae) Sticky, hairy annual/petals deeply divided/flowers in groups of 2-8/3 styles/calyx < 13 mm/calyx with veins/May

      Silene pseudatocion* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/flowers in groups of >3/flowers in inflorecences/3 styles/calyx 13-20 mm/calyx with glandular hairs/Apr-June

      Silene rubella (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/petals without divisions/calyx opening not contracted/calyx 7-11 mm/calyx with veins/3 styles/fields-road sides/May-June

      Silene secundiflora (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flowers 7-8 mm/calyx 13-17 mm/flowers in groups of > 3/calyx with 5-10veins + hairless/3 styles/rocky coastlines-calcareous fields-beaches/Apr-June

      Silene sericea (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/3 styles/calyx 12-20 mm/flowers solitary or rarely in groups of 2-3

      Silene tridentata (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/upper leaves lanceolate, lower leaves obovate/flowers sessile/calyx 11-14 mm/petals entire or lobed/3 styles/Ibiza

      Spergularia bocconei Greek Sea-spurrey (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with stipules/leaves with terminal bristle/petals < sepals/sepals 2-4 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-marshlandroad sides/Dec-June

      Spergularia diandra (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves with triangular stipules/flowers 3-5 mm/2-3 stamens/rocky coastlines/Apr-June

      Spergularia fimbriata (Caryophyllaceae) Woody below/leaves with 6-100 mm big stipules/petals 4-6 mm/10 stamens/Ibiza

      Spergularia heldreichii (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with stipules/flowers with (2)6-8(10) stamens/seeds black/capsule 2-3 mm

      Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with stipules/leaves linear and succulent/ flowers 3-6 mm/sepals 2-4 mm/Apr-May

      Spergularia media (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with stipules/leaves acute and succulent/ flowers 9-12 mm/sepals 4-6 mm/7-10 stamens/rocky coastlines-marshland-salt meadows/Apr-June

      Spergularia rubra (Caryophyllaceae) Sticky annual/leaves linear with stipules/petals 3-4 mm/stamens 5-10/seeds brown/fields-marshland-beaches-road sides/Apr-May

      Vaccaria hispanica Cow Basil (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate/flowers 8-16 mm/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with 5 wings/fields-road sides/Feb-July

      Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad (Valerianaceae) Annual/lower leaves spoon-shaped, upper leaves oblong/flowers 2-3 mm/3 stamens/leaves toothed at the base/waste land/Apr-May

      Vincetoxicum nigrum (Asclepiadaceae) Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate/flowers 6-8 mm/stamens fused/rock crevices/May-Aug

More than 5 petals
1A-Flowers orangeLampranthus multiradiatus (19)
1B-Flowers violet
2A-Leaves with stalks
3A-Flowers 1-2 mmLythrum borysthenicum
3B-Flowers > 10 mmAptenia cordifolia
2B-Leaves sessile
3A-Plants with hairsDrosanthemum hispidum
3B-Plants without hairs
4A-Flowers up to 2 mm bigLythrum portula
4B-Flowers > 10 mm
5A-Flowers with 4-5 stigmas
6A-Leaves almost cylindricalDrosanthemum floribundum
6B-Leaves triangularLampranthus multiradiatus (19)
5B-Flowers with 8-20 stigmas
6A-Stamens of the flower whiteDisphyma

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