Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Отраслевые издания
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783347289574
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stems below groundSarcocornia fruticosa2B-Leaves fleshy3A-Leaves sessile4A-Leaves linear or lanceolateEuphorbia falcata4B-Leaves obovateEuphorbia peplus (71)3B-Leaves with stalks4A-Twigs hairyPhillyrea latifolia4B-Twigs hairlessPhillyrea angustifolia (p. 40)5 petals1A-Leaves sessile2A-Sepals of the flower fusedSilene apetala2B-Sepals of the flower separatedLoeflingia hispanica1B-Leaves with stalks2A-Flowers with 5 stamensMoehringia pentandra2B-Flowers with 15 stamensTetragonia tetragonoidesFlowers different1A-Stem hairy aboveEuphorbia prostrata1B-Stem without hairs2A-Leaves with stipulesEuphorbia peplis2B-Leaves without stipulesEuphorbia lathyris

      Euphorbia falcata (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves linear or lanceolate/capsule without wings/fields/May-Sep

      Euphorbia lathyris Caper (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves linear/inflorescence with 2-6 rays/Apr-July

      Euphorbia peplis Purple Spurge (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves not irregular and with stipules/beaches/June-Sep

      Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge (Euphorbiaceae) Annual with latex/leaves obovate/fieldsroad sides/May-Oct

      Euphorbia prostrata (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/stem hairy above/leaves oblong/ fields-road sides/May-July

      Loeflingia hispanica Loeflingia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs/leaves linear/flowers 3-4 mm/3 stamens/beaches/Ibiza/Mar-June

      Moehringia pentandra Moehringia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/stem hairy/leaves ovate/ flowers 4-8 mm/flower only with sepals/without petals/5 stamens/shady mountains/ Apr-May

      Phillyrea angustifolia Narrow-leaved Mock Privet (Oleaceae) Evergreen shrub/leaves narrowly lanceolate + with 4-6 pairs of veins/flowers 2-3 mm/garigues-pine forest-olive tree plantations/Mar-June

      Phillyrea latifolia Green Olive Tree (Oleaceae) Evergreen shrub/twigs with fine hairs/ young leaves cordate-ovate to lanceolate/flowers 2-3 mm/tree heath-garigues-oak forest-pine forest-rock crevices/Mar-June

      Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant with leaves on the water surface

      Potamogeton pusillus Lesser Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant without leaves on the water surface

      Salicornia ramosissima Wood Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves succulent flowers small + with yellow stamens/marshland/Aug-Oct

      Sarcocornia fruticosa (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/stem whitish/leaves succulent/ rocky coastlines-marshland/June-Sep

      Sarcocornia perennis Shrubby Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Mat forming dwarf shrub/ leaves succulent/marshland/June-Sep

      Silene apetala (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves small to linear-lanceolate/petals missing or not visible/3 styles/calyx 7-10 mm/fields-road sides/Feb-May

      Tetragonia tetragonoides New Zealand Spinach (Aizoaceae) Annual/leaves 3-angled/ flowers almost sessile axillary, mostly with 15 stamens

      Honeysuckle Lonicera implexa (Caprifoliaceae)

5 petals
1A-Flowers white with orange centreZygophyllum fabago
1B-Flowers different
2A-Petals fusedCentaurium bianoris*
2B-Petals separated
3A-Flowers yellow with black markingsHalimium halimifolium
3B-Flowers white with yellow baseHelianthemum appeninum

      Centaurium bianoris* (Gentiananceae) Annual/leaves sessile/flowers salmon-coloured and yellow/flowers 11-18 mm/calcareous fields/Apr-June

      Halimium halimifolium (Cistaceae) Hairy shrub/hairs stellate/leaves oblong-elliptical/ flowers yellow with black spot/flowers 2-4 cm/many stamens/3-5 dissimilar sepals/ pine forest-beaches/May-July

      Helianthemum appeninum White Rockrose (Cistaceae) Hairy shrub/hairs stellate/leaves oblong-lanceolate/flowers white with yellow base/flowers 14-20 mm/many stamens/ rock crevices/Apr-July

      Zygophyllum fabago Syrian Bean-caper (Zygophyllaceae) Plant with inverted-ovate leaves/flowers white with orange centre/10 stamens/waste land-road sides/June

More than 5 petals
1A-Leaves sessileNothoscordum fragans

      Nothoscordum fragans (Liliaceae) Bulbous plant with parallel-veined leaves/flowers in 4 cm big umbels/petals with pink middle vein/fields-road sides

Flower irregular
1A-Flowers 8-16 mm and with 2-3 stamensFedia cornucopiae
1B-Flowers 35-45 mm and with 5 stamensLonicera implexa (p. 44)

      Fedia cornucopiae (Valerianaceae) Annual/leaves spatulate/flowers 8-16 mm/flowers marked red + pink/2-3 stamens/fields-road sides/Apr-June

      Lonicera implexa Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae) Ascending evergreen shrub with sessile leaves/leaves ovate-elliptical/flowers 35-45 mm/5 stamens/tree heath-oak forest-pine forest/Apr-June

      Corn Cockle Agrostemma githago (Caryophyllaceae)

Flowers small
1A-Flowers violet
2A-Aquatic plant
3A-Upper leaves stalkedElatine hydropiper
3B-Upper leaves sessileElatine macropoda
2B-Land plant
3A-Stems 4-6angledValerianella eriocarpa
3B-Stem roundLythrum portula
2-4 petals
1A-Flowers violet
2A-Aquatic plant
3A-Upper leaves stalkedElatine hydropiper
3B-Upper leaves sessileElatine macropoda
2B-Land plant
3A-Flowers with 2 or 3 petalsCrassula tillaea
3B-Flowers with 4 petals
4A-Flowers to 2 mmCrassula vaillantii
4B-Flowers 4-5 mmExaculum pusillum
4C-Flowers 5-10 mmVeronica anagallis-aquatica (17)

      Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Moss-like plant/leaves almost overlapping, ovate-lanceolate, succulent/petals < sepals/petals 1 mm/fields-road sidesrock crevices/Jan-Aug

      Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved