Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Отраслевые издания
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783347289574
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or oblanceolate, upper leaves lanceolate or linear/flowers sessile/calyx 7-10 mm/petals entire or lobed/fields-road sides/Apr-May

      Silene mollissima* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy plant/petals divided/calyx 17-25 mm/rock crevices/May-June

      Silene nicaeensis (Caryophyllaceae) Sticky, hairy annual/petals divided/calyx 10-13 mm/ May

      Silene nocturna (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy annual/leaves with short stalks, spatulate or obovate to lanceolate/petals hardly protruding from calyx/petals divided/calyx 9-13 mm/flowers almost sessile/fields-road sides/Apr-June

      Silene sedoides (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy annual/leaves succulent/flowers stalked/ flowers in groups of 1-2/calyx 6-8 mm/petals hardly protruding from calyx/rocky coastlines/May

      Silene tridentata (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves lanceolate above, oblanceolate or obovate below/flowers sessile/calyx 11-14 mm/petals entire or lobed

      Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with lanceolate leaves/flowers 12-16 mm/petals divided/calyx inflated/fields-road sides/May-June

      Spergularia bocconei Greek Sea-spurrey (Caryophyllaceae) Herb with papery stipules/ leaves with terminal bristle/flowers 7-9 mm/3 styles/10 stamens/fields-rocky coastlinesmarshland-road sides/Dec-June

      Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves succulent/flowers 6-8 mm/ petals entire/10 stamens/sepals approximately as big as the petals/Apr-Sep

      Spergularia nicaeensis (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with succulent leaves/flowers 9-12 mm/ 10 stamens/Mar-July

      Stellaria media (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves hairless/leaves ovate or lanceolate/ flowers 4-7 mm/petals divided/0-10 stamens/fields-road sides/Jan-June

      Stellaria pallida Lesser Chickweed (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves acutely ovate/ flowers 4-5 mm/2 stamens/fields-walls-rocky soils-road sides/Jan-Dec

      Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort (Asclepiadaceae) Plant with acutely-ovate leaves/base of leaves cordate/flowers 5-10 mm/rock crevices/May-July

      Cow Basil Vaccaria hispanica (Caryophyllaceae)

Flowers small
1A-Leaves lanceolateSilene apetala
1B-Leaves fleshy
2B-Leaves almost imbricateCrassula tillaea
2C-Leaves not soCrassula vaillantii

      Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Moss-like plant/leaves almost overlapping, ovate-lanceolate, succulent/petals < sepals/petals 1 mm/fields-road sidesrock crevices/Jan-Aug

      Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Annual/flowers 1-2 mm/leaves succulent/leaf stalk longer than the leaves/marshland/Menorca/Mar-June

      Silene apetala (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/lower leaves narrow and lanceolate, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/petals missing or hidden in calyx/3 styles/calyx 7-10 mm/fieldsroad sides/Feb-Mar

2-4 petals
1A-Flowers with 2 or 3 petalsCrassula tillaea
1B-Flowers with 4 petals
2A-Flowers up to 2 mm bigCrassula vaillantii
2B-Flowers 4-5 mmExaculum pusillum

      Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Moss-like plant/leaves almost overlapping, ovate-lanceolate, succulent/petals < sepals/petals 1 mm/fields-road sidesrock crevices/Jan-Aug

      Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Annual/flowers 1-2 mm/leaves succulent/leaf stalk longer than the leaves/marshland/Menorca/Mar-June

      Exaculum pusillum (Gentianaceae) Herb with lanceolate leaves/flowers 4-5 mm/stigma divided in 2

5 petals
1A-Sepals of the flower fused
2A-Flowers with 2 styles
3A-Stem without hairs
4A-Flowers 6-8 mmGypsophila pilosa
4B-Flowers 8-16 mmVaccaria hispanica (p. 24)
4C-Flowers > 16 mmSaponaria officinalis (199)
3B-Stem with hairs
4A-Leaf sheath < 2x as long as widePetrorhagia nanteuilii
4B-Leaf sheath much longer than widePetrorhagia dubia
2B-Flowers with 3-5 styles
3A-Calyx of the flower < 13 mm
4A-Petals not visible or lackingSilene apetala
4B-Petals entire
5A-Calyx < 3 mmSilene gallica
5B-Calyx 11-14 mmSilene tridentata
4C-Petals lobed
5A-Calyx not contractedSilene rubella
5B-Calyx opening contractedSilene cerastoides
4D-Petals deeply divided
5A-Flowers solitarySilene colorata
5B-Flowers in groups of 2-8Silene nicaeensis
3B-Calyx of the flower > 13 mm
4A-Flowers in groups of 1-3
5A-Stem with glandular hairsSilene almolae
5B-Stem without glandular hairsSilene sericea
4B-Flowers in groups of > 3
5A-Plants without hairsSilene muscipula
5B-Plants (almost) hairlessSilene secundiflora
5C-Plants with hairs
6A-Petals entireSilene pseudatocion*
6B-Petals of the flower divided
7A-Plants woody belowSilene hifacensis*
7B-Plants not woody belowSilene bellidifolia
1B-Sepals of the flower separated
2A-Petals of the flower fused
3A-Leaves with stalksNerium oleander (7)
3B-Leaves sessile
4A-Stem 4-angled
5A-Petals > sepalsAnagallis tenella
5B-Petals and sepals of equal lengthAnagallis arvensis (9)
4B-Stem not 4-angled
5A-Flowers 5-9 mm/stems branchedCentaurium pulchellum
5B-Flowers bigger
6A-Flowers salmon colouredCentaurium bianoris *
6B-Flowers pinkCentaurium erythraea (30)
2B-Petals of the flower separated
3A-Leaves without stipules
4A-Flowers with 4-5 stamens
5A-Flowers 5-9 mm/stems branchedCentaurium pulchellum
5B-Flowers bigger
6A-Flowers salmon colouredCentaurium bianoris *
6B-Flowers pinkCentaurium erythraea (30)
4B-Flowers with 6 stamens
5A-Flowers terminalFrankenia hirsuta
5B-Flowers differentFrankenia

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