6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Strategies for replication and mRNA synthesis of RNA virus genomes ar...Figure 6.2 RNA secondary structure. (A) Schematic of different structural moti...Figure 6.3 Structure of viral ribonucleoproteins. (A) Space-filling model of v...Figure 6.4 Protein domain alignments for the four categories of nucleic acid pol...Figure 6.5 Structural elements of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. (A) Ribb...Figure 6.6 Structure of UTP bound to poliovirus 3Dpol. The NTP bridges the fin...Figure 6.7 Mechanisms of initiation of RNA synthesis. De novo initiation may o...Figure 6.8 Mechanism of de novo initiation. (A) Ribbon diagram of RdRP of hepa...Figure 6.9 Uridylylation of VPg. (A) Linkage of VPg to polioviral genomic RNA....Figure 6.10 Poliovirus (−) strand RNA synthesis. The precursor of VPg, 3AB, co...Figure 6.11 Influenza virus RNA synthesis. (A) Viral (−) strand genomes are te...Figure 6.12 Activation of the influenza virus RNA polymerase by specific virion ...Figure 6.13 Functional N- and C-terminal extensions of RNA polymerases. The sm...Figure 6.14 Oligomerization of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Ribbon diagrams ...Figure 6.15 Structure of a viral RNA helicase. The RNA helicase of the flavivi...Figure 6.16 Genome structure and expression of an alphavirus, Sindbis virus. T...Figure 6.17 Three RNA polymerases with distinct specificities in alphavirus-infe...Figure 6.18 Nidoviral genome organization and expression. (A) Organization of ...Figure 6.19 Vesicular stomatitis viral RNA synthesis. Viral (−) strand genomes...Figure 6.20 Stop-start model of vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA synthesis. The...Figure 6.21 Poly(A) addition and termination at an intergenic region during vesi...Figure 6.22 Moving-template model for influenza virus mRNA synthesis. During R...Figure 6.23 Arenavirus RNA synthesis. Arenaviruses contain two genomic RNA seg...Figure 6.24 mRNA synthesis and replication of double-stranded RNA genomes. The...Figure 6.25 Hepatitis delta virus RNA synthesis. (A) Schematic of the forms of...Figure 6.26 Ribosome-RNA polymerase collisions. A strand of viral RNA is shown...Figure 6.27 RNA recombination. Schematic representation of RNA recombination o...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Conversion of viral genomes to templates for transcription by cellula...Figure 7.2 RNA polymerase II transcriptional control elements. The site of ini...Figure 7.3 Initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Assembly of the c...Figure 7.4 Variations in core RNA polymerase II promoter architecture. Variati...Figure 7.5 Local regulatory sequences of three viral transcriptional control reg...Figure 7.6 Organization of the archetypal simian virus 40 enhancer. The positi...Figure 7.7 Modular organization of sequence-specific transcriptional activators....Figure 7.8 Widespread cellular transcriptional activators of an avian retrovirus...Figure 7.9 Mechanisms of stimulation of transcription by viral proteins. Cellu...Figure 7.10 Cell-type-specific regulators bind to the transcriptional control re...Figure 7.11 The cellular regulator NF-κB and its participation in viral transcri...Figure 7.12 Human immunodeficiency type-1 TAR and the Tat protein. (A) The reg...Figure 7.13 Stimulation of transcription elongation by the human immunodeficienc...Figure 7.14 Molecular mechanisms of stimulation of human immunodeficiency virus ...Figure 7.15 Common features of the simian virus 40 (SV40), human adenovirus type...Figure 7.16 Organization and regulation of the Epstein-Barr virus Zta gene promo...Figure 7.17 Models for transcriptional activation by the herpes simplex virus ty...Figure 7.18 Conformational changes and recruitment of VP16 to herpes simplex vir...Figure 7.19 The adenoviral E1A proteins bind to multiple