The name then was Es-Se-Es.
[Background: Reading given regarding the possibility of creating some type of commercial enterprise at Bimini.]
Reading 996-1; August 14, 1926
TBH: You will give a reading on Bimini Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean, about 45 miles almost due east of Miami, Dade County, Florida. You will go over this island, and tell us whether there is oil on this island in sufficient quantities to insure profit. If so, give us the log of the formations that would be gone through in drilling to the oil sand, depth of the well necessary to reach the oil production, also tell us if there are any treasures buried on this island. If so, when were they buried, and where can they be located, and to whom do they belong at this time?
EC: Yes, we have the land known as Bimini, in the Atlantic Ocean. In the formation of the land, we find this of the nature that would make the oil production very low, for this is of the coral structure in the greater part, but this is the highest portion left above the waves of once a great continent, upon which the civilization as now exists in the world’s history found much of that as would be used as means for attaining that civilization.
Then, as to treasures, there are many that are hidden, also those that may be made remunerative—from physical conditions and structure of this body of land—among those larger buried treasures—that consists of gold, bullion, silver, and of plate ware, or beaten ware—this was made a cache on the higher portion of the isle from the cove as enters island from the south and west from that portion direct from Miami. This, as we see, was in eighteen thirty-nine (1839), and under these conditions:
In the trade and exchange of peoples as were brought to the western world, many being located in that now known, and then known, as James River. Among these was one, Bill Desmond, who took charge of the schooner, or yacht, or boat, that had landed such a cargo, by that of mutiny, and robbing the store-keeper in that settlement nearly opposite from Jamestown, escaped down the coast on the ninth (9th) day of March, eighteen thirty-nine (1839), and on the twenty-second (22nd) was shipwrecked in this isle, and with four others escaped to this isle with the ill-gotten gains. The building in which these lived for a time was erected on this promontory above the cove from timbers that were gathered from the wreck. On the thirty-first (31st) of the month the cache was made in the side of the abode in which these men took refuge. One died of snake bite. Another was poisoned by berries as grew on the hill above the spring that still shows in this place. The two remaining were the ones who fell out over the division of the spoils, and after this wounding one attempted to escape to the mainland—lost in the surf, only a portion of the loot being taken, and that returned, with much other, to the cache by Desmond, whose remains are in that vault. The amount here would amount, in coin, at present, to near a hundred and twenty thousand (120,000) gold coin, and much silver and of specie from the containers would amount to near as much more.
As for other treasures, many in greater or lesser quantities may be located in and about the isle. Some are inaccessible. Others not worth the expense of probing, or of obtaining permission for probing. As to whom they belong, at this day, to the government, whom owns this land.
We are through.
[Background: Reading given to an adult female (age unknown) who had once lived in Atlantis and had died during one of the continent’s destructions.]
Reading 105-2; January 29, 1928
In the one before this in the land known as that of Atlantis, the Entity was a teacher among the people of that period, and among those destroyed in the overflow of the land, and again will the Entity be in Earth’s sphere when a change comes to same. In the name of “Isshuta” the Entity lost through this experience through fear, created in own self by that misleading when the truth was known in the present innate. Fear often hinders.
[Background: Reading given on the Mayan civilization and how it had been influenced after the destruction of Atlantis.]
Reading 5750-1; November 12, 1933
HLC: You will give an historical treatise on the origin and development of the Mayan civilization, answering questions.
EC: Yes. In giving a record of the civilization in this particular portion of the world, it should be remembered that more than one has been and will be found as research progresses.
That which we find would be of particular interest would be that which superseded the Aztec civilization, that was so ruthlessly destroyed or interrupted by Cortez.
In that preceding this we had rather a combination of sources, or a high civilization that was influenced by injection of forces from other channels, other sources, as will be seen or may be determined by that which may be given.
From time as counted in the present we would turn back to 10,600 years before the Prince of Peace came into the land of promise, and find a civilization being disturbed by corruption from within to such measures that the elements join in bringing devastation to a stiffnecked and adulterous people.
With the second and third upheavals in Atlantis, there were individuals who left those lands and came to this particular portion then visible.
But, understand, the surface was quite different from that which would be viewed in the present. For, rather than being a tropical area it was more of the temperate, and quite varied in the conditions and positions of the face of the areas themselves.
In following such a civilization as a historical presentation, it may be better understood by taking into consideration the activities of an individual or group—or their contribution to such a civilization. This of necessity, then, would not make for a complete historical fact, but rather the activities of an individual and the followers, or those that chose one of their own as leader.
Then, with the leavings of the civilization in Atlantis (in Poseidia, more specific), Iltar—with a group of followers that had been of the household of Atlan, the followers of the worship of the one with some ten individuals—left this land Poseidia, and came westward, entering what would now be a portion of Yucatan. And there began, with the activities of the peoples there, the development into a civilization that rose much in the same matter as that which had been in the Atlantean land. Others had left the land later. Others had left earlier. There had been the upheavals also from the land of Mu, or Lemuria, and these had their part in the changing, or there was the injection of their tenets in the varied portions of the land—which was much greater in extent until the final upheaval of Atlantis, or the islands that were later upheaved, when much of the contour of the land in Central America and Mexico was changed to that similar in outline to that which may be seen in the present.
The first temples that were erected by Iltar and his followers were destroyed at the period of change physically in the contours of the land. That now being found, and a portion already discovered that has laid in waste for many centuries, was then a combination of those peoples from Mu, Oz and Atlantis.
Hence, these places partook of the earlier portions of that peoples called the Incal; though the Incals were themselves the successors of those of Oz, or Og, in the Peruvian land, and Mu in the southern portions of that now called California and Mexico and southern New Mexico in the United States.
This again found a change when there were the injections from those peoples that came with the division of those peoples in that called the promise land. Hence we may find in these ruins that which partakes of the Egyptian, Lemurian and Oz civilizations, and the later activities partaking even of the Mosaic activities.
Hence each would ask, what specific thing is there that we may designate as being a portion of the varied civilizations that formed the earlier civilization of this particular land?
The stones that are circular, that were of the magnetized influence upon which the Spirit of the One spoke to those peoples as they gathered in their service, are of the earliest Atlantean activities