Then, with the coming in or the raising up of Esai [?], with the change that had come about, began in that period when there were the invasions of this continent by those of the animal kingdoms, that brought about that meeting of the nations of the globe to prepare a way and manner of disposing of, else they be disposed of themselves by these forces. With this coming in, there came then the first of the destructive forces as could be set and then be meted out in its force or power. Hence that as is termed, or its first beginning of, explosives that might be carried about, came with this reign, or this period, when man—or men, then—began to cope with those of the beast form that overran the earth in many places. Then, with these destructive forces, we find the first turning of the altar fires into that of sacrifice of those that were taken in the various ways, and human sacrifice began. With this also came the first egress of peoples to that of the Pyrenees first, of which later we find that peoples who enter into the black or the mixed peoples, in what later became the Egyptian dynasty. We also find that entering into Og, or those peoples that later became the beginning of the Inca, or Ohum [Aymara’?], that builded the walls across the mountains in this period, through those same usages of that as had been taken on by those peoples; and with the same, those that made for that in the other land, became first those of the mound dwellers, or peoples in that land. With the continued disregard of those that were keeping the pure race and the pure peoples, of those that were to bring all these laws as applicable to the Sons of God, man brought in the destructive forces as used for the peoples that were to be the rule, that combined with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical forces, made in nature and natural form the first of the eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the depths. With this there again came that egress of peoples that aided, or attempted to assume control, yet carrying with them all those forms of Amilius [?] that he gained through that as for signs, for seasons, for days, for years. Hence we find in those various portions of the world even in the present day, some form of that as was presented by those peoples in that great development in this, the Eden of the world . . .
Ready for questions.
(Q) Please give a description of the earth’s surface as it existed at the time of Atlantis’ highest civilization, using the names of continents, oceans and sections of same as we know them today?
(A) As to the highest point of civilization, this would first have to be determined according to the standard as to which it would be judged—as to whether the highest point was when Amilius [?] ruled with those understandings, as the one that understood the variations, or whether they became man made, would depend upon whether we are viewing from a spiritual standpoint or upon that as a purely material or commercial standpoint; for the variations, as we find, extend over a period of some two hundred thousand years (200,000)—that is, as light years—as known in the present—and that there were many changes in the surface of what is now called the earth. In the first, or greater portion, we find that now known as the southern portions of South America and the Arctic or North Arctic regions, while those in what is now as Siberia—or that as of Hudson Bay—was rather in that region of the tropics, or that position now occupied by near what would be as the same line would run, of the southern Pacific, or central Pacific regions—and about the same way. Then we find, with this change that came first in that portion, when the first of those peoples used that as prepared for the changes in the earth, we stood near the same position as the earth occupies in the present—as to Capricorn, or the equator, or the poles. Then, with that portion, then the South Pacific, or Lemuria [?], began its disappearance—even before Atlantis, for the changes were brought about in the latter portion of that period, or what would be termed ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) light years, or earth years, or present setting of those, as set by Amilius [?]—or Adam.
We are through for the present.
[Background: Reading given on the topic of Atlantis.]
Reading 364-6; February 17, 1932
GC: You will have before you the material and information given through this channel on the lost continent of Atlantis, a copy of which I hold in my hand. You will answer the questions which I will ask regarding this:
EC: Yes, we have the information as written here, as given. In following out that as just given, with these changes coming in the experience of Amilius [?] and I [Ai? Ay?], Adam and Eve, the knowledge of their position, or that as is known in the material world today as desires and physical bodily charms, the understanding of sex, sex relationships, came into the experience. With these came the natural fear of that as had been forbidden, that they know themselves to be a part of but not of that as partook of earthly, or the desires in the manner as were about them, in that as had been their heritage.
Were this turned to that period when this desire, then, becomes consecrated in that accomplished again in the virgin body of the mother of the Son of man, we see this is then crystallized into that, that even that of the flesh may be—with the proper concept, proper desire in all its purity—consecrated to the living forces as manifest by the ability in that body so brought into being, as to make a way of escape for the erring man. Hence we have found throughout the ages, so oft the times when conception of truth became rampant with free-love, with the desecration of those things that brought to these in the beginning that of the knowledge of their existence, as to that that may be termed—and betimes became—the more, or morality of a people. Yet this same feeling, this same exaltation that comes from association of kindred bodies—that have their lives consecrated in a purposefulness, that makes for the ability of retaining those of the essence of creation in every virile body—can be made to become the fires that light truth, love, hope, patience, peace, harmony; for the are ever the key to those influences that fire the imaginations of those that are gifted in any form of depicting the high emotions of human experience, whether it be in the one or the other fields, and hence is judged by those that may not be able, or through desire submit themselves—as did Amilius [?] and I [?] to those elements, through the forces in the life as about them.
Ready for questions.
(Q) Who was [I]? [Ai? Ay?] [GD’s note: “I” or “Ai” [or whatever spelling] we understood to be a proper name and not the pronoun I.]
(A) It’s been given!
(Q) In relation to the history of Atlantis as presented, at what period did the flood as recorded in the Bible in which Noah took part, occur?
(A) In the second of the eruptions, or—as is seen—two thousand—two-two thousand and six [22,006?]—before the Prince of Peace, as time is counted now, or light years—day and night years. Not light years as the akashic records, or as the esoteric records, or as counted by astrology or astronomy, in the speed or the reflection of a ray of light; for, as records are made, the akashic records are as these: Activity of any nature, as of the voice, as of a light made, produced in the natural forces those of a motion—which pass on, or are upon, the record of that as time . . .
(Q) How large was Atlantis during the time of Amilius?
(A) Comparison, that of Europe including Asia in Europe—not Asia, but Asia in Europe—see? This composed, as seen, in or after the