The altars upon which there were the cleansings of the bodies of individuals (not human sacrifice; for this came much later with the injection of the Mosaic, and those activities of that area), these were later the altars upon which individual activities—that would today be termed hate, malice, selfishness, self-indulgence—were cleansed from the body through the ceremony, through the rise of initiates from the sources of light, that came from the stones upon which the angels of light during the periods gave their expression to the peoples.
The pyramid, the altars before the doors of the varied temple activities, was an injection from the people of Oz and Mu; and will be found to be separate portions, and that referred to in the Scripture as high places of family altars, family gods, that in many portions of the world became again the injection into the activities of groups in various portions, as gradually there were the turnings of the people to the satisfying and gratifying of self’s desires, or as the Baal or Baalilal activities again entered the peoples respecting their associations with those truths of light that came from the gods to the peoples, to mankind, in the earth.
With the injection of those of greater power in their activity in the land, during that period as would be called 3,000 years before the Prince of Peace came, those peoples that were of the Lost Tribes, a portion came into the land; infusing their activities upon the peoples from Mu in the southernmost portion of that called America or United States, and then moved on to the activities in Mexico, Yucatan, centralizing that now about the spots where the central of Mexico now stands, or Mexico City. Hence there arose through the age a different civilization, a mixture again.
Those in Yucatan, those in the adjoining lands as begun by Iltar, gradually lost in their activities; and came to be that people termed, in other portions of America, the Mound Builders.
Ready for questions.
(Q) How did the Lost Tribe reach this country?
(A) In boats.
(Q) Have the most important temples and pyramids been discovered?
(A) Those of the first civilization have been discovered, and have not all been opened; but their associations, their connections, are being replaced—or attempting to be rebuilt. Many of the second and third civilization may never be discovered, for these would destroy the present civilization in Mexico to uncover same!
(Q) By what power or powers were these early pyramids and temples constructed?
(A) By the lifting forces of those gases that are being used gradually in the present civilization, and by the fine work or activities of those versed in that pertaining to the source from which all power comes. For, as long as there remains those pure in body, in mind, in activity, to the law of the One God, there is the continued resource for meeting the needs, or for commanding the elements and their activities in the supply of that necessary in such relations.
(Q) In which pyramid or temple are the records mentioned in the readings given through this channel on Atlantis, in April, 1932? [[364] series]
(A) As given, that temple was destroyed at the time there was the last destruction in Atlantis. Yet, as time draws nigh when changes are to come about, there may be the opening of those three places where the records are one, to those that are the initiates in the knowledge of the One God: The temple by Iltar will then rise again. Also there will be the opening of the temple or hall of records in Egypt, and those records that were put into the heart of the Atlantean land may also be found there—that have been kept, for those that are of that group. The records are one.
[Background: Reading given the Glad Helpers Prayer Group. This reading discusses ancient Egypt around 10,500 B.C. The readings suggest that after the third and final destruction of Atlantis, Egypt became the cradle of knowledge and civilization and that Edgar Cayce himself had lived at that time as a high priest named Ra Ta.]
Reading 281-42; November 1, 1939
This Priest [Ra Ta] was not merely the director of the spiritual counsel of that body of people who entered Egypt, but of that activity in which all phases of man’s endeavor were, in the experience, being acted upon.
What was the knowledge, the motivating force in the experience of that individual? Was he a prophet sent, as ye look upon the teachers through the various eras or ages of man’s endeavor? Or was he an individual with an idea that grew, under the law, into an ideal?
In interpreting this we will find many questions, that may have oft disturbed many, may be answered as respecting those groups, those individuals who may be even in the remotest sense interested at present in the psychic work of the man called Cayce.
The Priest was an individual who had received inspiration from within. And, realizing that such an influence or force might be given to others in their search for why and what were their purposes in material life, he then sought out one who might foster such a study in materiality.
Thus, from those places that were a portion of what is now called the Carpathias, he came with a great horde, or a great number (as to individual souls, numbering nine hundred), into the land now called Egypt.
Why Egypt? This had been determined by that leader or teacher (not physical leader, but spiritual interpreter or guide) as the center of the universal activities of nature, as well as the spiritual forces, and where there might be the least disturbance by the convulsive movements which came about in the earth through the destruction of Lemuria, Atlantis, and—in later periods—the flood.
What were the factors, ye ask, which determined this in his mind? or from what concept did the entity gain that knowledge? Was it just a concept, just a revelation, just a physical analysis, or what?
When the lines about the earth are considered from the mathematical precisions, it will be found that the center is nigh unto where the Great Pyramid, which was begun then, is still located.
Then, there were the mathematical, the astrological and the numerological indications, as well as the individual urge.
Ye say, then, such an entity was a god! No. No—ye only say that because there is the misunderstanding of what were the characters or types of spiritual evolution as related to physical evolution in the earth at that period.
As an illustration (this merely illustrating, now): It is hard for an individual, no matter how learned he may be, to conceive of the activities that exist only three miles above the earth. Why? Because there are no faculties within the individual entity in the present capable of conceiving that which is not represented within his individual self.
Yea—but the individual of that period was not so closely knit in matter. Thus the activities of the realms of relativity of force, relativity of attraction in the universe, were an experience of the souls manifesting in the earth at that period, see?
Thus we find that the experiences of individuals of the period, seeking for the understanding as to the evolution of the souls of men, might be compared to the minds of individuals in the present who are seeking an understanding as to man’s use of physical or atomical structure in his own relationships.
Then, the individual of that experience or period was not necessarily one other than a soul or entity seeking the knowledge as to the relationship of that which would sustain and gain for man the abilities not only to continue the physical evolution but the spiritual or soul evolution as well.
Such an one, then, was Ra—or Ra-Ta.
[Background: Reading given to an eighteen-year-old male who was told that he had been one of the pharaohs in Egypt during the Ra Ta period.]
Reading 341-9; June 2, 1925
GC: You will have before you the Life Reading given on [341] on February 28, 1925 [341-8], on the earthly existence in Egypt as Raaaart, and the associations with same. You will tell