(Q) Was Atlantis one large continent, or a group of large islands?
(A) Would it not be well to read just that given? Why confuse in the questionings? As has been given, what would be considered one large continent, until the first eruptions brought those changes—from what would now, with the present position of the earth in its rotation, or movements about its sun, through space, about Arcturus, about the Pleiades, that of a whole or one continent. Then with the breaking up, producing more of the nature of large islands, with the intervening canals or ravines, gulfs, bays or streams, as came from the various elemental forces that were set in motion by this charging—as it were—of the forces that were collected as the basis for those elements that would produce destructive forces, as might be placed in various quarters or gathering places of those beasts, or the periods when the larger animals roved the earth—with that period of man’s indwelling. Let it be remembered, or not confused, that the earth was peopled by animals before peopled by man . . .
(Q) What were the principal islands called at the time of the final destruction?
(A) Poseidia and Aryan [?], and Og [?].
[Background: Study group reading in which Hugh Lynn Cayce asked about the Great Congress that had once convened during the period of Atlantis to deal with the aggressive animal problem that had once threatened humankind.]
Reading 262-39; February 21, 1933
HLC: Please advise me regarding the preparation and presentation of the article or story which I am preparing on the Great Congress held during the age of the destruction of the enormous animals that once roamed the earth. [See 364-4.]
(A) In the period when this became necessary, there was the consciousness raised in the minds of the groups, in various portions of the earth, much in the manner as would be illustrated by an all-world-broadcast in the present day of a menace in any one particular point, or in many particular points. And the gathering of those that heeded, as would be the scientific minds of the present day, in devising ways and means of doing away with that particular kind or class of menace.
As to the manner in which these gathered, it was very much as would be were the Graf [Graf Zeppelin?] to start to the various portions for those that represented, or were to gather those that were to counsel, or were to cooperate in that effort. And, as this, then, was in that particular plane or sphere that then was in the land which has long since lost its identity, except in the inner thought or visions of those that have returned or are returning in the present sphere, the ways and means devised were as those that would alter or change the environs for which those beasts were needed, or that necessary for their sustenance in the particular portions of the sphere, or earth, that they occupied at the time. And this was administered much in the same way or manner as were there sent out from various central plants that which is termed in the present the Death Ray, or the super-cosmic ray, that which many are seeking into which will give their lives much, from the stratosphere, or cosmic rays, that will be found in the next twenty-five years. This presented, then, in such a manner, and drawing upon the varied conditions that existed in the various portions of the land then occupied by man.
(Q) What was the date B.C. of this gathering?
(A) 50,722.
(Q) Were there any outstanding methods of destruction developed which I have not mentioned?
(A) Draw on these that we have given here.
(Q) Were any countries represented which I have not named?
(A) Og.
(Q) Who was the general leader for this congress?
(A) One with the nomenclature Tim.
(Q) Of what land or country?
(A) Poseidia, from Atlantis.
[Background: Reading given to a twenty-four-year-old male who was told that he had once had a lifetime during the animal crisis that had brought much of the civilized world together.]
Reading 5249-1; June 12, 1944
As to the experiences, in the Atlantean land the entity was the time-keeper for those who were called things, or the servants, or the workers of the peoples and the entity felt latent and manifest, as in the present, the wanting to reform, to change things, so that every individual soul had the right to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of activity. For to the entity, even in those periods of man’s unfoldment (for this was before Adam), the entity found during its activities the desire to improve, to make better those environs for the workers of that period. That alone brought into the entity’s consciousness man’s position, the need of a pattern. And the entity saw, the entity felt the need of God’s hand in what evil, or Satan, had brought in the earth. Don’t forget that! Whatever may be thy position in this present experience!
Through the experience the entity gained.
In the experience which followed this, we find the entity was in the Indian land or in those periods of Saad as the leader, the ruler. The entity was then what would be called the secretary of state, or in the inner group of the leader Saad, that made for contacts or associations with or agreements with other lands.
The entity then was among those who were of that group who gathered to rid the earth of the enormous animals which overran the earth, but ice, the entity found, nature, God, changed the poles and the animals were destroyed, though man attempted it in that activity of the meetings.
[Background: Reading given to a thirty-six-year-old male who was told that he had once had a lifetime during the period of the destruction of Atlantis; although he was not in Atlantis.]
Reading 182-2; April 9, 1925
In the one before this we find in that day when there was the destruction to the elements of earth [Atlantis?], then in now the Peruvian countries, when the lands disappeared in the low places and the entity was left alone in the higher mound to which the entity had then gone for its study. In the name then of Oumu. In the personality exhibited in the present, the ever fear in the deep recesses of self of destruction coming to many suddenly.
[Background: Reading given to a forty-eight-year-old female who was told that she had once had a lifetime in Atlantis during the period of its destruction.]
Reading 1257-1; August 28, 1936
Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there had been the first of the upheavals through the destructive forces that brought first a fear, a wonderment, and then the seeking for those things that would quiet not only for the material but for the mental and spiritual welfare of the peoples.
Hence the entity was among those that attempted to make for the better understandings in the classes or castes, or those that were the teachings [teachers?] and those that were of the peasantry—or those as laborers. This made for great hardships from material, yet brought into the experience of the entity during that sojourn the greater blessings and greater developments.
So may the activity in self in the present be in giving to others, and thus find the greater joy, the greater peace, in this experience.
The name then was Aammeen.
[Background: Reading given to a seventy-year-old female who was told that she had once had a lifetime in the Yucatan during the period of Atlantis’ destruction.]
Reading 1604-1; June 2, 1938