The entity was among those who journeyed to other lands, knowing much of the activities of the sons of Belial as well as the precautions and warnings that had been issued by the children of the Law of One.
Hence we find the entity was among those who in the early portions of that material sojourn entered into the new buildings, the new activity that became destructive because of the influences from the land of Og and On, and the activities that arose in the western portion of that particular period of sojourn.
For there, during the entity’s experience, was the upheaval which settled so much in portions of that now known as the southwestern U.S.A.
In the experiences then the entity rose to that position of the priestess of the sacrificial activity. Much blood flowed by the hand of the entity during that sojourn.
Yet these are influences and forces in the present in which there is the desire to bring greater understanding and ease, and the very lack of such in the experiences of those whom the entity may contact.
[Background: Reading given to an eighteen-year-old female who was told that she had once had a lifetime in Atlantis during its third and final destruction.]
Reading 288-1; November 23, 1923
In the one before this we find in that fair country of Alta, [according to the readings, Alta was a ruler, a scribe, just before the third destruction of Atlantis.] or Poseidia [GD’s spelling based on Poseidon in Greek Mythology.] proper, when this entity was in that force that brought the highest civilization and knowledge that has been known to the earth’s plane, and this entity was one of those who lent much assistance to the developing of those forces that made the common peoples that they became the assistance in the knowledge as obtained. Again we find the entity in that sex as given, and was in the household of the ruler of that country. [This body (not physically) will be present when the earth is changed again, see? See 288-29, Par. 8-A expanding on “when the earth is changed again.”] This we find nearly ten thousand years before the Prince of Peace came, and this entity then found the destructive forces to life in the misapprehension of those who were attempting to be of assistance, and not by their fault was the catastrophe brought; yet not until the entrance into the land of the unknown did this entity come to the realization of this as truth, and in the affliction as brought to the physical were the personalities and manifestations of same brought through to the sphere at present.
[Background: Reading given to a twenty-nine-year-old female who sought additional information on her Atlantean incarnation.]
Reading 288-29; April 16, 1932
(Q) In Atlantis, was I associated with Amilius? [See [364] series.] If so, how?
(A) One as projected by that entity as to a ruler or guide for many, with its associating entity.
(Q) What is meant by “yet not until the entrance into the land of the unknown did this entity come to the realization of this as truth, that not by their fault was the catastrophe brought”? [See 288-1.]
(A) In the experience the entity then as twofold, and much of the waywardness by many accredited to the acts of the entity, for there was then the forming of thoughts that became material activities, and the passing into the unknown, or from the physical to the spiritual realm, gave the entity that knowledge that those contentions arose much within the inmost self of many that the entity not responsible for. Hence, as given, with the passing, the knowledge that they—or the entity—not wholly responsible, yet in the next [Egypt: Ra-Ta Period] as an entity in the realm where contentions arose, and the entity the center, or the physical manifestation of a contention brought into physical being by the union of that as was uppermost in expression of the entity itself in the former material activity. Then, the physical reactions brought for the body those positions or conditions as surrounded same. Well that the entity, or all, know that the law of love, or love as law, is cause and effect; or each impulse has its own corresponding reaction in thought, life, mental, physical and material. Not understood by some! This: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” [Gal. 6:7] Each thought, as things, has its seed, and if planted, or when sown in one or another ground, brings its own fruit; for thoughts are things, and as their currents run must bring their own seed.
(Q) How long after I lived in Atlantis did the destruction come?
(A) Depends upon which destruction! There was the beginning of the destruction in the latter portion of the entity’s physical sojourn there.
[Background: Reading given to a fifty-nine-year-old female who was told that she had once had a lifetime in Atlantis during the period when earth changes had separated the continent into islands.]
Reading 884-1; April 9, 1935
Before that we find the entity was in that land now known or spoken of as the Atlantean, during those days when there were the attempts of those to bring quiet, to bring order out of chaos by the destructive forces that had made for the eruptions in the land that had divided the lands and had changed not only the temperate but to a more torrid region by the shifting of the activities of the earth itself.
The entity then was among the princesses of those peoples when there were the divisions of those that were to be the rulers, those that were to be the laborers, those that were to administer the rulings of the ruler upon those that would be ruled.
Being among the princesses of him that made for the rulings over the land at the time, in the name Ahasus, the entity made for that of bringing to her own peoples the greater understandings, and especially those that had followed in the way of the Law of One—or that manifested in the present as the Christ Consciousness, or the sons of Adam that had joined themselves with the sons of God, and as the sons of Adam that—with Amilius—had made the records of those things whereby there might be the cleansing of the body from the pollutions of the world, or of the animal kingdom.
The entity aided in bringing not only material gains but the glories of the experience builded in the experience much of the abilities for purifying through harmonious music—those harmonious influences that were a portion of the entity’s activities later in its Persian sojourn.
[Background: Reading given to a thirty-one-year-old female who was told that she had once had a lifetime in Atlantis during the period of the second destruction when the continent had been separated into three islands.]
Reading 958-3; June 28, 1940
Before that the entity was in the Atlantean land during the period of the second breaking up, when the islands—or Poseidia—became the main portion of the activities.
And those very experiences that brought destructive forces bring about the tendencies in the present for the extremes, and the hardships that have been and will be a part of the experience through this sojourn.
Not that these will always be material conditions, for they—too—will pass.
In that experience the entity was among the children of the Law of One who accepted and forsook much of those activities because of its close associations and companionships with one of the sons of Belial.
This brought consternation to the entity, and also those influences the application or use of which brought destruction to the land. And Poseidia will be among the first portions of Atlantis to rise again. Expect it in sixty-eight and sixty-nine (‘68 and ‘69); not so far away!
From the activities and experiences of the entity in that sojourn, we find that hardships, pleasures, extremes of most natures, will be a part of the entity’s activity in the present.
Those that brought destructive forces were the extravagant use of self,