Captive mistress. English-language novels. Elaine Neksli. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elaine Neksli
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785447489694
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salty drops, stood up and walked over to a carved chest made of ivory. Opening the Golden lid, the girl pulled out some parchment. Putting it in his waistband, Mademoiselle, going to the door, Jessie said: «Come with me.

      On the maid’s face there was surprise and curiosity, but an Englishwoman, was silent, nodded, and went after his mistress. Arabella de Frase briskly walked down the hallway. Downstairs, the girl turned to the transition of the male estate.

      – Mademoiselle, where are we going? To the king?

      – Don’t ask questions, just follow me.

      Bowing, the maid dutifully continued on. Before the girls thought the office door Mrs. Mocenigo. At the threshold stood a gentleman himself. Seeing the young lady, his face appeared frightened and bewildered. Perhaps he was expecting to see a tortured, tear-stained lady Arabella. But this pitiful sight, before his eyes appeared strong, beautiful lady. As required by the rules of decency, counselor politely bowed and stepped towards Mademoiselle. The woman smiled and bent in a low curtsey, and said: – Your Excellency, I salute You. How Are You? I hope in good health? in Arabella’s voice sounded false and selfish notes. Noticing this, the Italian replied: «Mademoiselle, I thought after last night You did not make a step out of your room. But You smile. Or Your tears were dried up, and the pain is gone? Does not fit, fair mistress with high altitude head, to endure all the blows of fate… and the king. Aren’t you, lady Jessie?

      The young maid winced and exchanged glances with the lady.

      – Leave us, "ordered the girl. The maid quickly disappeared in the Central niche of the wall.

      – Mr. Mocenigo! «cried Arabella. – What are You doing?!

      – Calm down, my lady. Why this aggression?

      – I know everything is fine. And about what You ordered Jesse to follow me and report to You, I also know!

      The gentleman wagged her head, pretending not to understand what was going on with me, what kind of nonsense are You talking about?

      – Don’t lie to me! Enough! I’m fed up with Your truthful words! – sarcastically chuckled French. One young woman movements took from his corset of white paper and handed it to the man: – Take. Maybe it’s You.

      Glancing askance at his companion, Mocenigo, taking the sheet, started to read it. From reading the EA eyes widened. But Arabella had suddenly become funny from his facial expressions. – What… what is it? – haltingly, asked the Italian.

      – You know better. Because Your lordship wrote to Anne of Austria that at the Palace of her future husband has some problem preventing it to easily occupy the French court and the bed of the king. This is me – Spanish problem for her Highness?

      – Madame…

      – Sir, You betrayed me! And so began my enemy! And when they shall fall, and You shall know defeat!

      The next morning the young woman woke up from the noise. Outside the door of her room was heard loud talking and constant steps. The French girl heard the words: «If we don’t make it to the evening, we head cut off!

      In these speeches, she felt the threat and evil. Getting up, she went down to the gallery. There the maids were busy decorating the walls and the ceiling with garlands and flowers. Huge candle holders and torches set in the corners of the corridor, flooded with light. From the kitchen wafted a pleasant smell of fresh food, high in carafes poured the wine.

      – What’s going on here? – In this noise no one heard the question, Mademoiselle. Favorite saw among the maids, mistress Adele Wake. This lady was the main housekeeper of the women’s yard. Only this kind old woman the daughter of the Duke could be trusted: – Miss Wake, please come.

      – Listening to You, Elise beauty – Adel was very fond of Arabella, said she has replaced her daughter. But, alas, the mellowness does not always help in life. This woman hardly knew what a mother’s love and father’s attention, didn’t know how to play it on a Sunny day in the yard with my friends, like to enjoy every single day. In childhood she had a very stern parents, who gave his only daughter in a remote, dilapidated monastery.

      At nineteen the girl was preparing to take the veil. But shortly before the ceremony, the abbess received a letter from mother to miss the Wake. She wrote that recently her husband died and left no inheritance. Mistress, Margaret was left without money, and the only way was to give her daughter to marry an old but wealthy blacksmith. Adele all the forces opposed to this unwanted marriage. She never wanted to give himself as a sacrifice to the old man. When the Prelate was allowed ladies Wake to meet my mother in the chapel, Margarita didn’t even hug the daughter, although not seen her in over ten years. But Adele did not know his mother. She vaguely remembered her: fragile, dark-haired, with green, like cat eyes. Now before her stood a fat, gray, with dull eyes, a foreign woman. There was nothing familiar. Margaret always dressed brightly and tastefully, but now her mourning black attire evoked tears from young novices.

      Anyway, the girl no what persuasion did not yield. When the mother superior of Haring called to his ward and asked why she did not want to get married, Adele said they would only be the Bride of the Lord. In fact, the inhabitant of the monastery did not want to make vows, but it is better to become a nun, cut off from the world, what the wife of the old man. On this mother rudely told that it was necessary to think earlier. After all, a rules, all had become Brides of the Lord in sixteen years, not later, but Adele refused, deciding to think about before you make a confident step in a different future. If then she obeyed the Holy sister, she would not have the right to take a young woman from the convent. The Prelate urged the novice to accept the marriage, saying, «you chose this road. Gave in to my desires. You always wanted to be free. Now you are free bird in the hands of the husband of this». Adele realized that the Holy mother will not help her and will only push into an unwanted marriage.

      A few days sister – the Deputy called the girl in the garden, and gave her a linen dress and gold earrings. The young woman was surprised at first, but then dressed in a unique toilet, went to the gazebo. On embroidered pillows sat, sulky man, age fifty-five. His clothes immediately became clear that it is a respected and rich man: a velvet tunic with fur and processed starch, dark blue cloak waves falls to the floor, a gray-haired, wavy hair suede covers the hood. But even this luxurious robe could not decorate. Adele didn’t like the exterior of this gentleman. Huge beard, spiky, blue eyes, thin lips, slim body, sharp nose. His gaze at the girl dizzy. She didn’t understand why the presence of some old – timer negatively affects it.

      Beside him sat two women. One was very beautiful: a slender, tall, with brown hair, braided in a thick braid. A thin waist was a tight fit brown dress, sewn from wolf skins, and his belt could be seen a few gold keys. Another, by contrast, was a fat, stout woman no longer young years, dressed in a shapeless bag.

      Nearby stood the mother superior, and miss Margaret. Holy mother whispered something to her sister, the Queen of both, and she ordered the novice to collect rose and bowed to present them to the slender woman. Adele did. Then the girl learned that the man was her fiance, and it turns out he’s a Dane and those two, my lady – his «Danish wife.» The pretty lady was his first, lawful wife, whom he married and laid in marriage. Her name was Mrs. Dorse (gift of God). A woman became a favorite of sir Eringa, his mistress every night, carrying the keys to the house. And the old lady was just a concubine, whose passion cooled long ago, but to kick the woman the old man could not because of old Danish customs.

      Defiant and rebellious Adele was not going to put up with such a fate. She decided to run away. Better to die in wandering, than in the house of a libertine. But the monastery is very well guarded. The novice was forced to ask for help from Dorsa. The woman at first refused, saying that he will not commit sin, helping the bride to escape from the upcoming wedding. And then she saw no threat in ugly dweller of the monastery.

      But Adele started to hang out with her future husband, laughing, said that looking forward