Captive mistress. English-language novels. Elaine Neksli. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elaine Neksli
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785447489694
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night, when the convent all asleep, women, wrapped in dark cloaks, came to the slippery Bank of the Seine. In the dark waters could be seen the wooden boat. At dusk the girl could not understand, who in it sits. The lady said that the man – mute boatman, and besides a faithful servant. Adele always feared water, but, overcoming his fear, sank to the bottom of the old boat.

      The city fell dawn. A young woman, her head bowed, praying. She felt like a sinner, but deep down even rejoiced that were able to gain long-awaited freedom. The boat quietly floated down the gentle current. When they sailed to the opposite shore, Adele climbed on the slippery plain, and looked into the distance. Everywhere was still dark, only the faint light of dawn illuminated the overgrown with moss road. There was nowhere to go. Ahead the dense forest. As already ended in October, the air was filled with a sharp chill. Whole days were torrential rains, the wind broke the branches. The fugitive knew that in such weather conditions cannot survive. It was necessary to find some house in which to spend the winter and spring to continue the path. In Hungary, lived close friend Adele. That, too, three years ago was in the monastery, but soon married a Hungarian and moved to his homeland. But in the fall and the journey was dangerous. Because of the constant storms and hurricanes Galera could drown, and the fugitive had no money.

      The whole day a young woman wandered through the forest. Her thin cloak was completely soaked, feet stuck in the mud, was horribly hungry. When evening came, Adele was forced to sleep under a tree, but was unable to close his eyes. Hearing a sound, the girl shuddered. Night in the forest, all seemed to her suspicious and scary. The young woman spent wandering two days. She ate wild berries and a few times killed hares. But more so could not continue. The first snow fell… From cold Adele just fell in the snow and fell asleep. Once the fugitive is quite exhausted. It is the last effort was to not lose consciousness. Before it seemed the rider… The girl wanted to rush to him, ask for help, but her strength ebbed. Unhappy fell under capita horse…

      The novice of the monastery came to some room. She was lying on the couch, surrounded by warm, comes from the fireplace. The French could not understand where she is. Adele barely got out. Opening the heavy door, she descended the stairs. But suddenly heard footsteps. It was a man. It was he who saved her lying unconscious. Adele was grateful to this young handsome man. But after learning that her Savior is the Marquis Bonaparte – confused. Yes, and this gentleman without shame said that can’t keep it in his castle another woman. Adele was silent. She did not dare to tell sir William, that is a runaway nun. For then a noble aristocrat would have returned his guest to the parents and future husband. But the Marquis agreed to adopt the girl to a full recovery. Adele was very pleased with the decision. Her master was very generous and honest sir. He identified his guest, a separate bedchamber, hired the best doctor. The fugitive was happy. She lived in the warmth and luxury, had his servants, ate delicious food. This carefree life lasted only two weeks. After that, Mr. Boyar sky told the young woman that he knew about her past life. About how she escaped from the Holy walls of the monastery, breaking the commandments of the Lord.

      The frightened girl dropped to her knees, begging the Marquis to return her to the convent. He angrily answered, so she obediently returned to my room and waited for his decision. Adele waited. But she soon learned that William had spared his ward and decided not to give her parents. The place that he, as a loyal servant of Marie de Medici, had a talk with my lady and asked to take Adele to the Palace. She agreed. Two years, the noblewoman were taught everything they should know about lady of the French court. And, when the teaching was over, the Queen made her an enemy alien by the assistant chief housekeeper of the women’s yard. Adele Vila calculations, followed by the servants. When the housekeeper died, the girl began to take her place. This position taught «not held on a nun» be firm and persistent. But all her life, she rules in the service of the Bourbon dynasty.

      Arabella was distracted by miss Wijk from the memories.

      – Excuse me, Mademoiselle. I just thought. You wanted something?

      – Mistress, You’re the only person I can trust entirely. Please tell me what’s going on? What is this commotion in broad daylight?

      The woman frowned. She, stooping to the ear of Mademoiselle de FRASE, whispered: – And You do not know, my poor child? «Arabella didn’t understand why the housekeeper called her so. But the woman’s voice sounded sad tone and on the face flashed a shadow of confusion.

      – What do You miss the Wake? I don’t know anything.

      – Oh, my girl, I’m so sorry You and Your young, broken heart. But… to keep silent I dare not. Tomorrow morning the Palace will come to Her Majesty Anne of Austria.

      Arabella turned pale. Shrinking back, she grabbed the hand carved chest: – tomorrow? – her question was stifled and quiet: – no problem. I will survive all these attacks. My heart already broke into pieces. And this pain that suffocates me, will soon become dull. I’m going to feel it, but…get used to it, – Adele hugged the mistress of the king and, wiping her tears, gently said: «On m Your beautiful face will still Shine bright smile, and Anna, may God punish her for what she became Your rival, sooner or later you will feel all what You feel now.

      – Amen! – in the girl’s voice sounded sarcastic and spiteful touch: «I have to go, suddenly Arabella found it hard to breathe, chest tight. She wanted to get some fresh air.

      Quick step, up the marble steps, the girl, passing through the Central corridor, climbed to the tower. It was dark and damp. Huge, the fireplace wall, hung a wolf pelt kept out the cold. On marble slabs lying fur. The young woman hid her face in the palm of your hand. The cold pierced through the girl’s body. But in the cold it was easier for her to breathe. Wrapped in a shawl, daughter of the Duke walked over to the railing, looking out.

      The weather was terrible. The storm destroyed everything in its path, broke branches and bushes. But in a Blizzard the mistress wanted to ride.

      Wearing warm coat with fur and hat, Belle hurried to the stables. The grooms were horrified to learn that her ladyship decided to jump on the Mare in this weather. But Mademoiselle insisted on horseback. Riding his horse Hurricane, docile and intelligent horse, Arabella, leaping into the saddle, rushed to the field. It was covering her eyes, frost bound the body, but the girl was not afraid to fall from a horse, knowing that is a smart rider. The daughter of the Duke rode past the long avenues and thickets. Arabella looked back. Frost softened a bit, the wind died down. The hurricane began to ride slower and safer. The king’s mistress, tied the animal to a tree trunk, jumped to the ground. She came to the river Seine, which is now covered with a crust of ice. The woman sat down on the snow, touching the hand on ice water. Madam closed her eyes, listening to the peaceful flow of the river.

      Over the city were doing the sunset. The gray sky covered with red clouds, through which could be seen the dim rays of the sun. The water became purple-blue. It swam away shards of ice. The young woman did not notice, as held on the Bank a lot of time. Twilight, like a dark veil, crowned with a bygone day. The girl was about to leave, but heard a strange rustle. Behind the bushes flashed someone’s silhouettes. Mademoiselle de FRASE felt the danger approaching. Her hand, clad in a white glove, lay on the Golden hilt of a dagger, ornamented with precious stones. The French girl came closer to the cliff, climbed up, turned on the plain. Hiding behind branches, aristocrat saw two peasants. Old men slung over his shoulders firewood homeward. Arabella heard their conversation: «did You hear about what happens at court?

      – I have enough of his Affairs. But our king and his Palace do not interest me, "said another.

      – Even though we the commoners, but their owners must be judged. After all, we are old, many are told in his life, and the young gentlemen, how many bugs do. And the ruler of our…

      What do you mean?

      – I heard that the Spanish Infanta Anna, daughter of Philip III, is to marry Louis XIII. Is this right?! As a Catholic, bears the title of defender of Habsburg, who can become Queen of the Huguenots and Protestants. This is unacceptable! Wife of Lord