Captive mistress. English-language novels. Elaine Neksli. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elaine Neksli
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785447489694
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orders of the Queen mother, to go against the whole of Spain. The monarchs never married for love, and our Lord, a supporter of the laws and traditions that do not violate this rule. If You really love, then accept, otherwise everything will only get worse. Marriage and love never walked together under this roof. In these palaces, a hundred mistresses of the ancestors of the Bourbons, and each waited patiently for his sovereign, silent, obedient, got what I expected: property, honor and a rare night of love. Having embarked on a minion You from the very beginning agreed with such rules, without even knowing it. Arabella, You are still a concubine of the king, so it was to be. You belong to him, and he occasionally will belong to You.

      French woman, swallowing her tears, replied, proudly raised his head: – the fact of the matter is that I remain only a concubine and not…, – the girl suddenly cried from a sharp pain. Fresh wound on his cheek continued to bleed.

      My lady, You have a deep cut. You need to handle it immediately, "observed the gentleman, touching the bloody cheek of Mademoiselle de Frase.

      Madam, moving away from the lady, suddenly hissed an evil voice, "Get off of me! Don’t touch me! – a young Parisian woman, sobbing, ran down the hallway. Nobleman a sad look accompanied Arabella. The man didn’t even try to catch up with the mistress of his master, to calm, to give friendly advice, for he knew perfectly well that if a woman has decided to revenge, she can’t get in the way because it will destroy any obstacles, however challenging they may be.

      The girl fell to her knees and cried out, bringing the eye to the ceiling: – why, God?! For that you have taken me away from my life, with my beloved king?! What ushered in the love astray?! What did I do to You?! For what sins am I paying?! Have mercy, o Lord, your unworthy servant, that succumbed to the filthy Vice! Do not punish me more for this blow is the worst! Ice froze my heart, and the relentless fire burnt up the soul! This feeling, like an arrow, plunged into me, haunts me. Why he did it?! Why forced to suffer?! Is this the fee for my love and loyalty? Tell me, Oh, Heavens, what is more important: love in poverty, or loneliness in luxury? My eyes that devoured beautiful form of the beloved, drowning in tears, and in them, except the aching emptiness, nothing more. Why so harsh?

      Arabella sat in the corner of the hallway and pulled his knees to his chin, clasping their trembling, bloody hands. Now she already did not cry, but it is a feeling of detachment from the world itself was terrible. It seemed that she was slowly drowning in the ocean of pain and those red, cold eyes never see a ray of sunshine.

      He heard the steps… In the light of the dim lamps seemed vague, dark silhouette Jesse. A young maid with a cry fell back, seeing sitting in the shade Mademoiselle de Frase. Fresh blood ran down his cheek rejected mistress, but the French did not pay the slightest attention. The lady’s maid, frantically clutching a candle, went to his lady, and, quietly kneeling down, put his hand on the cold wrist Arabella: «What’s wrong, Milady? – Jesse’s voice was as dull and colorless as the voice of the daughter of the Duke.

      The king’s mistress, her head turned away and groaned, but so softly that the maid was barely able to decipher the following words: – Take me to my room…

      – Madam, where did You get this wound? Who dared You to do this?

      – Do not dare to ask. Just do what I ordered, in the girl’s voice was heard commanding tone. Not for the first time Jesse felt only the jerk in front of mistress. Gently lifting my lady, the maid led her down the deserted, frightening corridors. English repeatedly asked Arabella, what is it that happened, but the Parisienne was silent, not taking his eyes from the extinct one dead point. It was clear that the king still struck a terrible blow to the one that recently called the beloved, the only rose in the spring garden.

      Finally we saw the doors of the bedchamber Mademoiselle de Frase. The maid put Arabella on a soft bed, removing the top lady dress.

      – Ma’am, tell me what happened? You’re scaring me with his silence and aloofness.

      – Irreparable happened! "said the girl.

      Jesse sighed and walked over to the cupboard and took the ointment of wild herbs, carefully prepared, rustic old wife is a Gypsy. The lady’s maid gently struck liquid, foul—smelling medicine on Arabella’s cheek. French woman suddenly exclaimed. This pain led her out of the shock. Just now young beauty felt a chin dripping crimson, like rose buds, a drop of blood.

      – Mademoiselle, – asked the mistress English: – Your wound may again start bleeding. And it is unlikely that this ointment will have the desired effect. It might be better to fetch the healer? Let’s examine, properly washed, will impose seams.

      – No, not necessary. I don’t want anyone to know about this… incident. According to the Palace gossip spread faster than the autumn wind. You have to be silent. Understand?

      Arabella spoke these words strongly and firmly. Hearing common speech of his lady, the servant girl smiled: – something else?

      – I’m tired. Help me go to sleep, "ordered the Parisian, adjusting the folds of the lace negligee.

      Blue-eyed girl, placing Arabella in bed and extinguish the lamp, departed quietly.

      When the door closed behind the maid, the young woman began to sob again. When lady’s maid she didn’t want to show weakness, but now the French woman was alone, alone with my tears and grief.

      Jesse, making sure that Mademoiselle was asleep, decided to investigate Signor, Mocenigo. The maid knew that such a skilled schemer, as chief Advisor, known to all the blazing passion in the Palace.

      The maid briskly walked in the dark corridors. Everywhere was dim, only near the blue salon, where he was a Cabinet Minister and important government officials, was burning a small flame. Its dim flame shimmered shades of red blood and the hot sun. The maid frantically clutched in a trembling hand the candle. Night gallery seemed frightening, impenetrable maze. Despite desperate bravery, the girl exclaimed, seeing a shadow moving near the wall. It was rumored that at night the Palace man penetrates, hunting for one of honor, once tarnished his honor. Jessie shuddered when she remembered that recently in the Laundry room was found murdered woman, maid of honor, Madame de Rua. She said that a few years ago at the behest of the eldest brother married a cruel and ruthless count who abused her, screamed, belittled, even beaten. Unable to withstand the violence of Madame de Rua decided to go, so in love with her groom. The fugitives soon found that the boy was killed, and the woman managed to escape in the French court. But that didn’t stop the enraged, insulted the man and he began to retaliate. Anyone who got in his way, fell with a slit throat.

      Maid extinguished the candle, and pressed his whole body against the wall, hoping her wouldn’t notice. But instead shadows seemed even—contoured silhouette, clearly belonged to the man: broad shoulders, oval face, small beard. Jesse closed his mouth, quietly whispered: «Oh, Holy virgin, protect me». The man was coming closer and closer. Hearing his breath, the young woman screamed. But…it was only Mr. Mocenigo.

      – You?! – did not keep the exclamation English.

      – What are you doing here at midnight? – rudely asked the gentleman.

      – Your Excellency, I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize You, "hastily curtsied maid.

      – Why at such a time you’re wandering around the corridors? Haven’t you heard the stories about the ruthless killer, prowling here in search of a rebellious wife? Want to become a victim? And who now with Mademoiselle de Frase? How dare you leave her alone?

      – I wanted to see You, my Lord. Don’t worry, how could I leave my lady? With MS now Fitness.

      – I listen to what you need?

      – Sir, the last time miss Arabella was continually sad, thinking that his Majesty had changed her. Then they met in the garden. After hearing the speech of the poor ladies, the king asked her to come to him tonight, but then came the footman, and said that the sire changed his mind and does not want to see