Captive mistress. English-language novels. Elaine Neksli. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elaine Neksli
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785447489694
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bride. The rest I personally write my mother, and you’ll give the letter. The audience was over.

      When the messenger left the chambers, Signor, at the behest of the king, began to read:

      «Oh, my great son, the ruler and brave warrior, the Lord Almighty grant you good health and happiness! I’ve heard rumors about blessed be your glorious deeds. The whole nation admires you, and not cease to say that the mighty monarch gave homes to poor people, widows and the elderly, orphans ordered to write to the local guest houses and monasteries, built new estates! Now no one is hungry and begging. I hope that soon, with the permission of the Almighty, take grandchildren on hand, and our glorious dynasty will continue. Bless you, my Lord.

      The Queen mother Marie de Medici»

      – Write the lady that if her desire to marry me is so great, I will submit to him and will wait for her wedding day. You can go.

      – As you command, Your Majesty, – bowed, nobleman departed.


      Jesse diligently combed the hair of Arabella, because the young mistress was preparing for the upcoming night with the king.

      «Today I am going with Louis, – sweetly handed it to the girl, meticulously examining his face in a small, gold mirror.

      You were very lucky, mA’am. Not everyone has the opportunity to become the lover of the monarch, thoughtfully, "replied the maid.

      – Are you jealous? – smiled beauty.

      – What Are You? I’m just proud of You, my lady, rising from the couch, the girl was put on the scarlet lips and the brilliant lipstick: is My outfit ready?

      – Of course, Mademoiselle. The seamstress was able to create out of the ordinary piece of fabric a real work of art.

      Dressed in a white dress made of smooth silk and decorated with pearl beads, a young woman went into the bedchamber of the Lord.

      – The king awaits me, "said the guards Arabella. Bowing, the guards missed the favorite.

      Once inside the chambers, the girl with a smile bowed in reverence. The king ordered his mistress to come: – Oh, my beloved, come you lit up these gloomy walls.

      The daughter of the Duke sat down opposite Louis and wrapped her arms about his strong shoulders, gently muttering: «I’m so over you missed. My Lord, Lord of my heart, without you, not nice to me nor days, nor nights, for you are my sun and moon.

      – I’ve been thinking all day about you, my beautiful maiden. Your eyes, like stars, illuminate my true path. I swear, I’ve never felt my heart, soul, body and mind belong to the most beautiful woman.

      – This is what I dream of. For me the most important thing is to be your place of happiness and peace. Because only with me you will gain it all, "Arabella de Frase lowered his blue, beautiful eyes.

      – You doubt my love? – in the voice of Syrah came the rebuke, and she regretted that he had spoken these words.

      – What are you? I have no doubt, and just want to hear it with my own ears. To hear what I am to you only, and no other, and never will be!

      – Then listen, – the ruler touched the lips of Arabella’s lips and whispered: – You are the one, special, unique. In the whole world no other, because you’re my fiancée, mistress, lover. Those lips, eyes, hair. Don’t doubt me, rose. My loyalty and love for you is boundless, Louis gently put his arm around Arabella.

      The following days stretched with a constant serenity. A young woman has entered the rank of lady-in-waiting, and now she can with ease and dignity attend balls and feasts. The king showered his young lover with all sorts of gifts: he was giving me expensive jeweler, luxurious dresses and Slavic fur, which was famous throughout Europe. Of course, she felt that in addition to monarch, Jesse and Mrs. Mocenigo her no one else loved in the Palace. Aristocrat saw the young mistress only rival, and he was angry on themselves because of the impossibility of even Flirty take a look in the direction of the adorable women.

      But carefree life in a moment just collapsed. Louis began to move away from Arabella, coming up with pretexts and excuses. All night the girl waited for the Lord in the hope that he would come to her, will embrace, will kiss, but the young woman’s bed remained cold and empty.

      – The Lord didn’t love her anymore, "he whispered to the court beauties.

      Of course, Mademoiselle de Frase continued to believe in the love of his Majesty, but unless she could assume, what is actually the reason?

      Once Arabella was out walking with Jesse in the garden. Cool wind developed the sparkling, red hair women in the wind, caressed the face, as if trying to comfort him, but pensive lady just aimlessly walked down the alley.

      «Something the matter, Milady? You are so sad, "came the voice of a maid peeling off your face lace veil: – You don’t listen to gossip, walking around the Palace.

      – I don’t listen to gossip, I listen to my heart. It feels the approach of trouble. I’m afraid of. Inside some nasty com, ' replied the lady, sadly contemplating the drops of dew on the green grass.

      – Be calm, Mademoiselle. Rely on the mercy of the Lord, "smiled the maid, crossing himself three times, fending off misfortune.

      Arabella turned to leave, but suddenly heard the cry of a Herald: His Majesty king Louis XIII! – the two girls sat down in a low curtsy. The Emperor came up to Arabella: What are you doing here so early?

      – Lord, I went out, pale lips spoke Parisian.

      Noticing the sadness on the face of the concubines, Louis gently raised her chin and looked into clouded unclear pain of the eye: – why are you so sad? Did something happen?

      – Sir, – a young woman’s voice trembled and broke, and the eyes were full of tears:

      – Why are you avoiding me? What did I do wrong? Don’t you love me? The ruler of France smiled, but abruptly withdrew his hand, as if sensing the touch of fire: – Silly, where in your head these thoughts? Dry your tears, don’t cry. The mistress of the king do not go to these silver tracks on her cheeks, suddenly in the voice, Louis felt the icy steel, and his eyes flashed a ruthless spark of hatred and anger: – You have to be obedient and quiet, to do everything that I say. Trust me, it’s for your own good. If I several times rejected your «invitation» for the night, so I had to. Tonight come to me tonight.

      When the monarch had gone, Mademoiselle continued to stand motionless. It seemed to her that inside, everything is enveloped in fire. She didn’t understand why tears are still flowing cheeks, and the heart continues to race wildly inside. This wind that develops in the air the leaves and her hair, did not Bode well. Excitement choked Arabella. Sudden rain washed away from the face of Parisian beauties salty drops, but also sowed confusion in the minds of girls. With the first clap of thunder the young woman realized that the king was suspected of treason and infidelity. But this thought pierced by a fiery arrow don’t mind the French, and her heart. To through not to get wet, the lady went briskly up the marble staircase, flooded with rain.

      On the evening of the sad beauty was sitting in front of the fire and reading an ancient book. She wasn’t going to night with Louis, because I knew deep down that this night will not. Jesse, bringing her mistress a glass of water, asked in surprise: «are You ready? The hour is getting late.

      – I think the monarch will not call me.

      – Madam, but he himself said that he wants today to see You in his chambers.

      – It’s only words…

      – Milady, what is wrong with You? There something you hiding from me?

      – Poor me, Jesse, very badly. I don’t understand why in the eyes of the Lord was the cold, the indifference, contempt. I’ve never noticed. Can be seen, there is some