Captive mistress. English-language novels. Elaine Neksli. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elaine Neksli
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785447489694
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there came a persistent knocking at the door and on the threshold appeared a servant.

      – The monarch is calling me? – anxiously asked the young woman.

      – No, Mademoiselle, his Majesty said that today’s don’t want You to see, and told them to cancel the preparations for the night.

      Get out! – screamed the girl.

      «Madam,» the confused footman made a hesitant step forward.

      – Get out! Get out of my face! – the girl frantically got out of bed. Staggering, the unhappy went to the door, through which came the sound of steps moving away the frightened servants. The young mistress knew that it was time for the truth, no matter how bitter it was.

      – My lady, please don’t do this! Don’t go there! The king even more angry! A woman can’t…

      – I know, Jesse, that woman has nothing, she has no right to someone to disobey, to raise his eyes, to Express their opinion, has no right to be happy! But I will not be silent just because I am a woman! – the girl, like a storm, ran out from her chamber and ran down the corridor to the bedchamber of Louis. Arabella knew that will no longer tolerate the deceit and contempt on the part of the monarch. Either he loves her and will never betray or let openly about the affair. Fortunately, the guards were not at their posts and a young woman, suppressing his fear and uncertainty, came to the door, hearing the conversation perfectly, Signora Mocenigo and Louis.

      – Your Majesty, it’s the message from king Philip III. Anne of Austria is on the way and will arrive soon to the Palace.

      – Oh, if I could not take her marriage… This unwelcome marriage, like fetters, binds me with a Princess.

      – But, sire, this is the wedding, the formality, the signature on the documents. You know what really will be nothing…

      – No, my friend, will… Will be a real marriage. Not only the merging of two dynasties, but also the fusion of bodies. I had also thought, why did the kings survive, oppress themselves, suffer, marrying unloved, I thought, so easy to say: «You are only my Queen, but not his wife». It turns out that these words very difficult to pronounce. Mother wants to hold her grandchildren, how could I resist her will? This woman will lie down in my bed pure and undefiled virgin, and get up full consort to the monarch of France. The orders were not created to be broken, Mocenigo, – wanting to translate a Frank conversation in an official shape, the Archbishop said: – See that my bride was given the most luxurious room and the most industrious servants, and met, according to our tradition. Declare to all Europe that soon at the foot of the throne of the Bourbons sit Princess—the Princess of the Habsburg dynasty – Austrian Anna!

      «As you wish, Your great Majesty! – bowed to the Italian.

      Arabella swayed. On her forehead a cold sweat, my chest tightened, not allowing to breathe freely. The girl frantically grabbed the ledge of the wall, trying to stand on trembling legs. Honest monarch, worthy lover, a strong man, could not be so despicable to do that to my minion! Whatever it was, Arabella didn’t want to believe it. But this harsh reality forced myself to accept. Merciless fate decided to permanently separate the two lovers. Though perhaps it was not the share, and whimsy of Louis. The young woman closed her beautiful face ALGID hands. Now Mademoiselle de Frase had no strength even to tears and sobs. Inside was nothing but the emptiness so cold, barren, but at the same time and pour all-consuming fire. The pain seemed endless without the point touching the mind. The Duke’s daughter, did not dare to raise his eyes as the whole world seemed mired in hatred and suffering, and the walls squeezed on all sides.

      Beauty with a trembling hand opened the door of the room master. The king, seeing the mistress, with displeasure looked at each other with their senior Advisor: – What is she doing here? – muttered the Royal son of Marie de Medici – Who let her in here without my permission?

      – I’ll find everything out. Don’t worry, sir, "the nobleman quickly walked over to Arabella, ready to put her out the door like a common peasant, but suddenly the French woman swayed, and only through strong hands, Mocenigo managed to stand on the legs give way: – That with You?

      The young woman raised his blank, red eyes, and, pushing the Italian, approached the table of the king: «You betrayed me, – the miserable voice came through the pain and regret.

      Frowning, Louis has pretended that does not understand what he is talking about his mistress: – What do you mean? How dare you…

      – Don’t deny it. I know that the Spanish Princess is your bride, future woman. But why?.. Do I deserve such treatment? What did I do wrong? That was loyal and obedient fool, fulfill all your whims? That for the sake of your false promises have left home, the mother, have forgotten their past? «Arabella felt like with every minute her eyes filled with salty drops, and the body trembles. Now the lovely mouth girls talked about everything that was on her broken heart. But even hundreds of truthful speeches and dialects could not tell that unbearable pain that felt abandoned woman. This fire burned a Frenchwoman from the inside, turned into raging flames, and even an ocean of tears could not put out, only revenge could overcome this awful feeling of emotional pain and torture harsh fate.

      Rough and loud voice of the king brought the girl from sad thoughts: – who are You, that I have reported to you before?! The Queen, or my wife think you are?! Get out and don’t ever that to me to arrange! – Lord nodded, Mocenigo, that he brought a daring lover. But Arabella de Frase began to scream and to escape: – Kill me! Penalty! Do what you want! You’ve ruined me without butchers and without a sword, even when the first time had been deceived and betrayed! Even the most terrible blows of the whip is nothing compared to the wound that’s in my heart! But nobody, will never see, and will not understand what suffering can cause as it seems the most wonderful feeling on Earth. You know, love is sweet only in look but bitter to the taste. What do you say?! Needless to say, king?! Or did you realize what you’ve done?!

      The monarch so abruptly jumped up from the table, a crystal decanter, filled with aromatic, dense wine, with a crash fell on the carpet and smashed to pieces. Louis angrily walked over to his mistress, and seizing her hand, hissed like a wild, enraged beast: – Immediately shut up. Otherwise…

      – Otherwise what? haughtily asked the charming French.

      Male jerk took from his belt a dagger with a Golden handle, and held a blade to the neck of a young woman: – Otherwise you will lose life, unworthy slave! I’ll kill you right here, on this spot, to deliver thee, like you said, from the love that lived in your heart! the king stared into the eyes of Arabella, anticipating what a feeling raging in her soul. Tears dripped from the eyes of the girl, but the monarch, in a region filled with rage, slashed her blade. The blade nicked his neck not shocked the French, and the lower part of the left cheek. Blood, like bloody flowers blossomed on the dagger. But Arabella had not even cried from the pain because this wound is nothing compared to the one that bleeds in the shower.

      Mr. Mocenigo ran up to Louis and grabbed his wrist, anxiously said: «Not necessary, Your Majesty! Let go of the knife, please!

      Monarch sharply pushed a young woman and hit him in the face so violently that the poor thing fell on the floor: Get rid of her. Don’t let this snake catches my eye! the nobleman gently lifted the French woman quietly, almost silently whispered, "for God’s Sake, shut up. Do not argue with the Lord.

      The daughter of the Duke boldly grabbed his hand at the man.

      – This sin will remain on you, king! – quickly having sat down in a curtsey, Arabella ran out of the chambers of the beloved.

      The girl, once in the hallway, did not hold back their tears. She, sobbing, weeping, frantically turned to the Advisor of the Lord: – Why You didn’t tell me? You knew about it! As You is able to hide from me?!

      – Mademoiselle, calm yourself. I don’t wish You harm. I just feared that, on learning of the wedding, You decide