Captive mistress. English-language novels. Elaine Neksli. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elaine Neksli
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785447489694
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worry, Milady, we drove up to the town – a few minutes seemed massive gates of Bern. The gendarmes began to close the door, stopping unhappy peasant carts and ordering them to return. After seven o’clock in the evening in the city no one is allowed, people slept on the street, for the coachman road Berlin returned to their posts, leaving passengers under the open sky.

      – Wait! The name of the king, do not close the gate! – cried the excited driver, urging the tired horses.

      Soldiers dissatisfied snorted, but, seeing that on the road going the Golden coach with the national emblem, respectfully retreated. Arabella mentally thanked God for the fact that they managed to enter the city, otherwise the young woman would have to sleep in the crew.

      Smell of the native village, the girl sighed with relief. She looked out of the window of the carriage, I saw a beautiful, drowning in the twilight, landscape. They passed rivers in which Arabella loved to swim. At sunset, the foliage was no longer bright green, and from it emanated a Golden—crimson hue. And the water… She and Manila to his rapid murmur.

      – Stop the carriage! «ordered Mademoiselle. The coachman, by submitting the daughter of the Duke, politely inquired: «are You feeling okay? What happened, Madam?

      – Nothing, it’s all right. I just wanted to walk along the shore all alone.

      – Sorry, but I was ordered not to leave You alone, besides, it’s almost night.

      – Don’t forget that I’m not Your slave and You can’t tell me. Moreover, I am native to the area. No one here will hurt me. Stay here. I’ll be back soon – with these words Arabella climbed into the plain. Passing through the dense foliage of the trees, a young woman appeared on the coast. Pebbles slithered underfoot, and she almost fell. Crouching, the Frenchwoman put her chin on her knees, hugging them with wet hands. Arabella’s hand instinctively touched the warm spray of refreshing water.

      She wanted to swim in the river again feel the gentle touch of the waves that slid over every curve. Rising, the young woman slowly began to remove my dress. Clothing wave rolled across the feet like a silky snake. Stepping over the outfit lying on the ground, she dived into the arms of the water. Cool river swallowed her body, began to caress, to stroke, to bring every bit a fragile, slender body. His feet barely touched the sandy day, the current was pretty strong, but the Duke’s daughter, was not afraid to drown, because swimming was not her equal.

      Immersed in water even deeper, the young woman for the first time in my life pondered his fate. What is the human share? The decision of the most high, Scroll of the life of His servants, the angels ' Message? Or the way of man, which he chose with my ears, eyes, speech, actions and feelings? Can a mere mortal to change the order set by the ancestors, to change age-old traditions and laws? Can the triumph of justice, to exist a love between a normal girl and by the king of France?

      These questions, as the fire raged in the heart of Arabella, as ice, emptied her soul, and, like arrows, pierced the mind.

      Turning his head to the horizon, the girl looked at the water. On the radiance of the sunset it seemed the crimson—scarlet, like fresh blood, and gold, as pure gold. «Perhaps the God of Water gave me this sign. Gold in the blood… What does this mean?» thought blue-eyed beauty.

      Arabella remembered childhood, a time when she was still a little girl bathed in that river with your friends. Then life seemed the Frenchwoman serene, calm, full of colors and hopes. But that time, happiness, serenity gone…and will never happen again.

      The sky grew darker, the sun disappeared over the horizon, blew an icy wind, on the earth, like a coverlet, hand-stitched darkness, descended a velvety, pearlescent dusk. The first time Arabella felt fear of this suffocating darkness. Usually the young woman loved to swim in the river late at night when the moon glow has dimmed the sparkle of the stars, and the water resembled the abyss, which, like snakes, were absorbing and gave pleasure. The girl suddenly realized how things have changed after the first a lavish ball, after the first night of love…

      The water went cold. It was similar to an impenetrable, sharp ice. Daughter of the Duke seemed that the waves, like a dagger, caused intolerable pain. Emerging «mistress» frantically pulled the dusty clothes. Descending from the plains, the young woman stopped. Behind the bushes strutted excited Kucher. Seeing his mistress, the man happily ran to her, trying to hold back the surging mine: Lady, where were You? I.., " the young man finished, as the Arabella with a hoarse cry he staggered, clutching the outstretched hand of the servant. The girl’s Breasts, carefully hidden under the thick cloth of the dress, nervously quivering, and from the lips escaped a sort of cough. Holding the French for chilled shoulders, the coachman helped her climb into the carriage and excitedly said, "You’re shivering, and so pale…

      Thanks, but I’m fine. I’m just chilling. Let’s quickly head out of here, "the coachman instantly took his place, and spurred his horses, and Arabella continued to sit motionless, listening to the frantic beating heart.

      After half an hour in front of the eyes of putnici rose native village, shrouded in a fragile veil of silence. The young woman sighed sweetly. Here the air was filled with the scent of flowers that bloomed, like juicy fruits, clean streets and alleys were drowned in the sprawling greenery, the fresh wild rose bushes adorned the long alley of the village.

      French came to his own home. A huge moon, like a bright lamp, was illuminated by its radiance the yard. Arabella de Frase quietly opened the old door. The corridor into darkness, and only on the second floor barely rattled the light of a single candle. The girl looked around the hall thoughtfully: with straw mattresses, old chests with numerous knick-knacks, stacks of wood, pieces of cloth…all of it was covered by a tiny lobby, it smelled like a rustic, heavy but so dear life, not polished like a precious stone, a existence of luxury and wealth. Walking up the stairs, a young woman walked into a small room. In his wicker chair, snorting, Antonia was sleeping, covered with a ragged shawl. Candle lit yellowed old woman’s face and Arabella knew that an unknown disease poor eating inside, though she tries to hide it. Approaching the adoptive mother almost closely, the girl said softly, touching her shoulder: – Mommy, sweetheart, Wake up.

      The old lady reluctantly opened his eyes: «Arabella, sweetheart, is that you?

      – Yes, mother, I’m here. How do You feel?

      – I slowly languished without you, my child, but you came and lit everything like the sun, embraced his ward: – Where have you been for two days?

      Arabella lowered her eyes. Anger at Antonia passed, but the French did not dare to tell my mother and mistress that knows about her past. The lady brought up the daughter of a Duke in severity and obedience, did not allow the girl to touch upon sensitive themes of love and togetherness, even at this age.

      – Mom, you shouldn’t have to worry about me. I…, " stammered blue-eyed beauty: – I stayed in the Palace of the king. The dance lasted for a long time, and I decided to visit the master. Yes, and his Majesty asked me to stay. How could I refuse him? Besides, You wanted me to I went there.

      – Yes, I wanted to, but you could at least warn me. Okay, go to your room. I’ll bring dinner, you must be hungry, tired, the road was far. Eat and rest, "meekly nodding, Arabella slowly walked into his modest quarters. She almost cried, remembering Louis. If he loves her or not? This question haunted the young girl? It is one thing to acquire the body, quite another to run it in your heart to love.

      Chapter 5

      By late evening the mood Arabella quite spoiled. Salutis flow of tears, poor woman sitting near the window and gazed into the impenetrable darkness. Only a small lantern hanging on the porch, covered yard. But sometimes it seems that there is no rest for the innocent souls. Everywhere just wandering pain, suffering and loneliness.

      The room slowly came Antonia. Hearing the steps of his mother, Arabella quickly brushed eyelashes with tears. Approaching the daughter, the woman handed her