Heart & Home for Christmas. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501885440
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not only shared that Mary would carry Jesus, but also that Elizabeth was carrying a son after many long years of waiting. Mary rushed to Elizabeth’s home in excitement—can you imagine the giddy gathering? We girls can squeal with excitement, but what stands out to me is that baby John in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice. What a special moment indeed! Elizabeth was filled with the spirit and blessed Mary too. Her son John was the forerunner for Christ. He was sent to prepare the world’s hearts and minds for Christ. We can see how the Holy Spirit was at work in advance of Jesus’ birth preparing His way.

      I’m so thankful there was a redemption plan. Without it, I’d still be lost in my sin with no way of reconciling with God. But then came Jesus. What Good News!

      Thank You, Lord, for the sweet record in Scripture of the excitement of two expecting

      women. Thank You for recording such a sweet scene for us to know.

      SEASONAL TIP During this season consider

      keeping a journal. Detail prayer requests and

      answers you receive. Pull the journal out each year

      and review how God has answered prayers and

      been faithful in your life. Each year add to it and

      provide a legacy for your family to read through

      even when you are gone.


      “And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon . . . waiting for the consolation of Israel.”

      luke 2:25 (kjv)

      One of my favorite stories of the Christmas season has to do with Simeon meeting the baby Jesus in the temple. Described as righteous and devout, Simeon longed for the Messiah. Further reading tells us that the Holy Spirit was upon him. God even promised him that he would see Christ before he died. When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to be presented to the Lord, Simeon felt compelled to also come to the temple. He took the babe in his arms and knew exactly who He was—Jesus Christ—and he praised God. What a beautiful picture of a promise received!

      How about you, friend? Have you been waiting for God to fulfill promises in your life? Maybe you are praying for the salvation of a family member or friend. Maybe you are praying for faith to trust in God’s promise of provision for a certain need, but His timing doesn’t match up with yours. No matter the case, you can trust that God’s promises always come true. He is faithful and true and worthy of our every admiration.

      Father, I thank You for the promises You’ve fulfilled in the past,

      and the promises I know You are faithful to fulfill in the future.

      SEASONAL TIP Christmas is the easiest time to invite others in. Inviting new and old friends into

      our homes allows us the opportunity to share the Good News of the gospel with family, friends,

      and neighbors alike. Many who normally might feel uncomfortable in this situation may feel more

      open to the message of Jesus. He is the reason for the season.


      “And there was one Anna . . . And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord,

      and spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.”

      luke 2:36-38 (kjv)

      Anna enters a joyous scene of celebration during the dedication of the Christ child. In the temple, Mary and Joseph, encouraged by Simeon, encounter Anna as well. Anna devoted her life to God and service in the temple. Because she was so in tune with Him, she knew immediately that she had just met the Son of God. The Messiah had come!

      Being devoted to God includes service in our worship. Fasting, Bible study, and prayer should be constants. Not growing tired or bored in this work, but actually increasing your time and enjoying worshipping our Father, even as Anna continued to serve year after year. From there, we will be overflowing with the Good News for others. We should be willing, able, and eager to share what Christ’s birth means for us as it pointed to His death and resurrection and our ultimate rescue.

      Father, I thank You for the gift of the Savior

      and pray that I will be faithful to share the Good News to all who will hear.

      SEASONAL TIP When decorating a room such as a bedroom, it doesn’t take much to change the entire room. Adding garland above the headboard and tucking a tree beside the bed is sometimes all that is needed. Kathy Atkinslivebeautifullyadorned.com, IG @beautifullyadorned


      “And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.’”

      luke 1:46-47 (esv)

      Scripture does not record many details of Mary dealing with the big life change of becoming a new mother, let alone being newly pregnant with the promised Messiah. We read only how Gabriel shared the news with her that she’d been chosen, and we hear her acceptance. We do learn that after Elizabeth hears her blessing, Mary sings a song of praise to the Lord, which is often referred to as Mary’s Magnificat. At the very least, we can assume that Mary must have had parents who loved the Word of God and faithfully taught it to her. The song recorded here in Luke was filled with biblical truths she must have been taught. Even the style of the song was reminiscent of Old Testament poetry and music.

      Magnificat means to magnify or enlarge. Mary’s song was about bringing glory to God, where it rightfully belonged. While she knew all eyes would be on her with many not understanding her and assuming untruths, Mary knew deep in her heart what an honor God had blessed her with.

      Many of us will not face a spotlight quite like the one Mary had, but anytime someone wants to know what we are doing and why, I pray we will be ready with an answer that brings glory and magnifies the Lord at work in us.

      I praise You, Lord, and magnify Your name because You are good,

      and Your mercy endures forever!


      TIP Consider using a

      white fluffy shag rug

      or faux fur rug in front

      of your Christmas

      tree. Not only is it

      cozy for sitting on, on

      Christmas morning,

      but it also gives the

      aesthetic of snowy

      white ground cover!


      “But for You, O LORD, do I wait; it is You, O Lord my God, Who will answer.”

      psalm 38:15 (esv)

      Scripture tells us the Messiah—the promised Redeemer of all—was prophesized many years before Jesus was born. The Jews had waited so long