Heart & Home for Christmas. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501885440
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      “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped

      Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger.”

      luke 2:7 (esv)

      The King of Glory, a babe in a manger. God’s only Son, Redeemer of all mankind. Laid in a manger. Indeed, God uses the humble things to confound the wise. Instead of a royal announcement, the shepherds heard from the angels. Instead of pomp and circumstance for the Lord of all creation and Messiah, Jesus had an unassuming birth to simple parents in a stall intended for animals.

      A manger is simply a feeding trough for outdoor animals. Scripture tells us that work animals stay close to the manger because they can go there for sustenance. Now forgive me for comparing us to work animals like oxen, and bear with me a moment (the Bible does compare us to sheep, though!). If animals are conditioned to remain close to their source of food for the strength they need, how much more should we, as Christians, lean in and remain close to the message of the manger?

      Lord, as I prepare my home for Christmas this year,

      help my heart dwell on the truth of the simplicity

      and humility of the manger.


      The Christmas

      season sprinkles lots

      of grace around. I

      know we can’t buy

      grace at a store, but

      I think that anytime

      we find ourselves

      anxious and

      stressed, we should

      stop to consider if

      our expectations

      are at fault. If so,

      we may need to be

      more flexible and

      filled with grace for

      whatever situation

      we are facing.

      Our families and

      our homes will be

      happier places if we

      put this in action.


      “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD,

      “When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king.”

      jeremiah 23:5 (nasb)

      There’s a lovely Christmas carol that talks about the expectation of the King’s arrival for the Jews. The Savior, the King who was promised to the nation of Israel, didn’t come as they expected. He came not as a King who conquered and vanquished all their human foes, but instead wrapped in our limited flesh as a helpless babe in a humble manger.

      Do your expectations ever get shattered? Is reality a much different place than you expected it to be? The lesson here is that sometimes our expectations are just wrong. What expectations could you let go of today to make your heart a readier place for the Spirit of God to work in a mighty way and bring you joy?

      Lord, I lay down every expectation

      and faulty idea that is not from You. Show me

      Your way, for I know it is higher

      and better than my own.


      Releasing control

      may require

      a good bit of


      During this busy

      holiday season

      take the time to

      pray specifically

      each day that

      the Lord will help

      you release the


      details and allow

      you to celebrate

      with joy the beauty

      of a plan far bigger

      than you can

      possibly know.


      And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”

      luke 1:38 (esv)

      The idea of submitting to anyone runs counter to our natures. The reality of taking my will, my dreams, and my desires and putting them under God’s umbrella is very difficult sometimes. Most of the time, the reason for this is simple: my perspective is limited. I can only see what lies in front of me, not the big picture of all of Creation. Because I’m finite, my God—who is infinite and knows the beginning and the end—will have a different perspective than I do. The sooner I learn to submit to what His will is for me, the easier my road will be!

      It reminds me of Mary—a young girl getting ready to embark and fulfill her marriage vow—and how she must have had her own plans in mind, but submitted to God’s will to become the mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world! I can’t imagine the weight of that submission, and the absolute fright it must have given her knowing Joseph’s rights under Jewish law. But she trusted anyway, and she bowed her will to God’s plan trusting His heart in the process.

      Lord, help me to continue to learn to bow my will to Yours

      and trust Your heart completely with whatever it is

      I am having trouble releasing to You today.


      One easy designer

      strategy in a decorating

      plan is to use symmetry.

      When you create

      balance in your

      vignettes and rooms in

      general, it is universally

      appealing. Balance

      creates calm and order.

      So whether you choose

      to have a lot of detail

      or keep your décor

      minimal, symmetry is

      always a winning choice.

      —Jodie & Julie,

      the Design Twins

      www.thedesigntwins.com, IG: @julie.thedesigntwins and @jodie.thedesigntwinsabriel


      “You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

      matthew 1:21 (nasb)

      Much like I wonder what it must have been like for Mary as the mother of Jesus, I enjoy reflecting about Joseph, Jesus’ earthly dad. It must have been difficult— raising Jesus to be a man, yet knowing He already had all and knew all He needed to. I can’t even fathom