Heart & Home for Christmas. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501885440
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prayed, and lived out their faith among strangers, much as many of us live out our lives today. Because of this faithful witness, the teachings were passed from generation to generation. The wise men made a long journey over four hundred years later to see with their eyes what they believed in faith. May we all have a faithful witness that will be shared in this same way!

      Lord, I pray that You’ll remind me to be faithful to proclaim

      the Good News to those You surround me with even today.

      SEASONAL DÉCOR TIP If you are a DIYer you likely have leftover scraps from various projects. Mosaics have always fascinated me because small pieces are used to create a larger overall picture of beauty. Broken china can be repurposed. Even leftover tile can be used to make tree ornaments or gift toppers with an added touch of ribbon or foil lettering.


      “But thou, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he

      come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”

      micah 5:2 (kjv)

      God chooses the weak things to use for His glory. Have you noticed evidence of this in your own life? I have. He tends to use my weaknesses to display His strength and power. I know it’s so He will receive all the glory from the experience I am going through, but sometimes it would be nice if He worked from my strengths! Ha.

      A recent Bible study of the Old Testament reminded me of God using the weak for glory in the humble town of Bethlehem. The history may not seem so nice, but a redemptive story rose from the ashes because of Christ’s birth. Not only did Jesus fulfill the prophecy in Micah, but He also used a town of people who hadn’t always done the right thing.

      Isn’t that just music to your ears, though? God can still use us, broken, bloodied, full of fault, and less than innocent. He will accomplish His great work in us because He has promised to finish what He has started in us.

      Lord, I praise You for Your patience to complete Your work in us.

      Thank You for using us, weak and broken though we are.

      SEASONAL DÉCOR TIP Using a manger as a focal point for

      Christmas décor is a lovely way to call us to worship and

      remember God’s signs to the shepherds. A small manger can

      be placed by the tree, on a table, or near the front door. The

      visual reminder of the sign helps right our focus during this

      busy season.


      “This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

      luke 2:12 (niv)

      In our daily lives, we use signs to navigate where we drive, in decorating our homes, and to help us make decisions. Like Gideon with the fleece, we want to see a clear sign in the sky or writing on the wall to give us the answers we seek. Sometimes, we have to make the next right move and walk in faith that He will continue to guide our next step. The birth of Christ was heralded to the shepherds with a sign. The manger itself—the humblest of beds and birthplaces—was the sign that indeed they had found not just a baby, but THE baby—the Savior of man, the Messiah!

      During the Christmas season, we are reminded to adore the precious Christ child. The call rings loud and clear to come and adore Him, Christ the Lord. A sign to leave behind all other things and simply worship Him.

      I long to abandon all other tasks, necessary or pleasurable,

      to be present with You, Lord. Help me be aware of the signs

      you are sending me and follow you in obedience.

      SEASONAL TIP The possibilities

      are endless for creating a

      special soundtrack for the

      season. The days of having

      to purchase a CD, upload the

      songs, and create playlists are

      passed. Now we can group

      songs together easily in several

      music apps. Create a playlist of

      songs this season that help you

      and your family praise Him.



      “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

      Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

      luke 2:13-14 (kjv)

      As soon as the message from the first angel was delivered to the shepherds, a heavenly host of angels joined the single angel and gloriously praised God in the midst of the night sky. Can you just imagine it? First one angel telling you not to fear, and then a host of angels raising their voices in praise right in front of you! It must have been a spectacular sight to behold.

      See, my friend, God doesn’t need us to praise Him and bring Him glory, but He wants us to. The Bible teaches that even the rocks would cry out in praise if there is silence, but He longs to hear our voices lifted in worship.

      We can praise Him when we are praying or when we are singing.

      We can praise Him when we are vacuuming or dusting.

      We can praise Him when are happy or sad.

      We can praise Him on the mountain or in the valley.

      There’s so much to praise Him for!

      Lord, I praise You for who You are! I thank You that my praise is a sweet-smelling

      offering to You. May it always be on my lips.

      SEASONAL DÉCOR TIP Don’t be afraid

      to mix real and faux greenery. I often

      incorporate real and faux greenery into

      tablescapes, garlands, and wreaths.

      You can make inexpensive wreaths and

      garlands look and smell full and beautiful

      by simply layering in real pine branches

      into the faux wired pieces.

      —Brandy Bell www.sobellandco.com IG- @sobellandco


      “And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy

      Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!’ ”

      luke 1:41-42 (esv)

      Imagine the scene here and if you have time to read further,