Heart & Home for Christmas. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501885440
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yet Joseph taught Him what he knew including his trade of carpentry. Jesus was known not only as a carpenter, but as a carpenter’s son. I can picture a young Jesus watching and learning from Joseph as they built and created new things.

      Whether or not we have children, I believe it’s important to pass on our skills to the next generation just as Joseph was faithful to do. While job skills are important, spiritual disciplines are even more so. The disciplines of Bible study, prayer, fasting, meditation, and memorization are important skills the next generation must learn. These skills are caught not taught. Being faithful to apply them in our own lives first gives us stronger impact and credibility when we seek to pass them on.

      Make me an instrument of peace, dear Lord.

      Help me to be faithful to train those in my care to follow

      You through what has been taught to me.

      SEASONAL DÉCOR TIP Having a dedicated place to read and pray is valuable. Create a spot in

      the bedroom with a chair and spruce it up this season to help create consistency in our walk.

      If your room is small, try grouping two to three smaller trees together in a corner. You can add

      ornaments, if desired, but lights and a tree skirt are often enough to create a warm and cozy

      Christmas bedroom.—Kathy Atkinswww.livebeautifullyadorned.com, IG @beautifullyadorned


      “I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee,

      and to shew thee these glad tidings.”

      luke 1:19 (kjv)

      Scripture records Gabriel’s presence a handful of times. The book of Daniel speaks of Gabriel bringing Daniel the news that his prayers had been answered, but that spiritual warfare had delayed the message. Gabriel is also mentioned in the book of Luke as the angel delivering the Good News of babies to Zechariah, the father of John, and to Mary, the mother of Jesus.

      He carried some of the greatest messages from heaven to earth and, with them, the understanding that everything was going exactly according to God’s plan and not just happenstance.

      Do you ever desire that clear word from God? A word of encouragement directly from heaven that will help you keep walking the walk? Sweet friend, we are so blessed to have that access to the Word. Each day, we can find comfort, direction, and encouragement for our daily lives. Making a consistent walk through the Bible is essential to our hearts and homes being exactly what it can—and should be—for Christ.

      Father, keep me in Your Word daily so that I can continue to hear from

      You and lean on You for instruction on how to live this life.


      While there are a

      variety of options

      for tree toppers, I

      personally love placing

      a star at the top of

      my Christmas tree.

      It reminds me that

      the star was a sign

      for those who were

      seeking and that He

      may be found. At the

      highest point of our

      tree, the star reminds

      us He may be found.


      “A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel.”

      numbers 24:17 (esv)

      Prior to the birth of Christ, the prophecy of the Messiah’s birth was taught not only to the Jews, but also to the people surrounding them. The Babylonian captivity was an event that brought great distress to the Jewish nation, but God redeemed this painful time by placing teachers of the Jewish tradition and the ancient manuscripts among Gentile and heathen nations so God could use them to also influence future generations and accomplish His purpose.

      The night of Christ’s birth, the sky was illuminated with a bright shining star— signaling to the world that the Christ child had been born. It was a signal for all those seeking Him. The star reminds us that He is available to be found by those who seek Him. I am reminded that sometimes the most difficult moments in our lives are opportunities for God to step in and grow our faith. God receives the greatest glory in our lives, and it’s more evident when God turns our difficulties into blessings. While the Jewish captivity was not planned or wanted, God used the situation for good by allowing the next generations to seek Him.

      Lord, thank You for allowing those who seek You to find You

      and for redeeming our darkest hours to bring You glory.

      SEASONAL DÉCOR TIP Wrap presents in kraft paper. This works with any décor style, because you

      can add your own style with washi tape designs, ribbons, and ornaments or even artistic drawings

      and designs on the outside of the package. Create something special and unique with your



      “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.”

      matthew 2:10 (kjv)

      I haven’t always been a star watcher, but I must admit to having a certain affinity with the night sky these days. You see, several years ago I decided that I was going to make my quiet time with the Lord a priority. This meant sacrificing some sleep and getting up at 5 o’clock in the morning—most days before the dawn! The amazing side benefit (besides the consistent time to spend with God, the blissful peace and quiet, and coffee—can I hear an Amen?) was the opportunity to learn about the sky. Using a night sky app on my phone, I could see which planets were rising, where the stars were, and even the occasional space station. Watching the sun rise each morning after the planets and stars disappeared became a favorite ritual and one that makes this passage special to me.

      You see, the wise men had been taught the passage from the book of Numbers about the star rising from Jacob. They knew the star was important because they also studied the night sky and knew when something special had appeared on the horizon—without any fancy app on their phones! What a delight to see the promise of God in the stars. He is faithful, my friends—His Word is always true.

      Thank You, Lord, for the beauty of Your creation

      and Your faithfulness toward me, Lord!


      the work of decorating

      and preparing our homes

      for Christmas can be

      overwhelming, there are

      things that can be done to

      save time. Keeping all your

      decorations in one location or

      corner and