Heart & Home for Christmas. Victoria Duerstock. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Victoria Duerstock
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781501885440
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the decorating process

      much easier the next year.

      Don’t let the rush of putting

      all the things away push you

      to neglect clearly marking and

      storing those items. Your future

      self will thank you!


      “And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.”

      luke 2:8 (esv)

      The Good News of the Savior’s birth was brought not to the cultural elite—not to the kings and queens and temple leaders. Rather the Good News was heralded from the angels to the shepherds while they were working. When the angel of the Lord appeared to bring them the Good News, they were filled with fear. The heavenly host of angels told them not to fear and shared what wondrous thing had occurred that night. After they heard the Good News they turned and went to Bethlehem to seek Him Who had been heralded.

      Many times in our spiritual journey we will receive answers to the hard questions we have been asking in the middle of our work. While we are carrying the tasks of our everyday lives, sometimes God shows up and makes our next steps VERY obvious.

      Lord, I thank You that You meet us all in the places where

      our need is greatest. While we live our lives, You show up and give us just

      what we need to accomplish Your will.


      TIP Mixing new and

      vintage pieces is

      an easy way to add

      drama to a table

      setting. Adding

      vintage items such as

      milk glass or cut-glass

      crystal to inexpensive

      newer items such as

      unbreakable chargers

      and simple white glass

      plates adds a richness

      and authenticity that

      won’t break your

      budget. Also don’t be

      afraid to mix different

      styles with your

      vintage pieces. Four

      different milk glass

      goblets can be even

      more interesting than

      a matching set.

      —Brandy Bell,

      www.sobellandco.com, IG @sobellandco


      “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard,

      and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.”

      luke 1:13 (esv)

      The story of this couple is one that many are familiar with. Infertility is a tough journey for anyone to travel. For those who love the Lord and find their desires unmet in this area, the pain feels visceral. Many important men of Scripture were born to mothers who had been childless—including John the Baptist. The births of these men to these mothers were made even more precious by the longing and waiting for their sons. Struggling with infertility can be a painful and sorrowful time in a couple’s marriage.

      But Zechariah experienced both joy and doubt when he was told of his special blessing. Isn’t it something, my friend, that when we receive an answer to a long-awaited request, we can’t even believe it? We pray with such little faith that we are surprised when God moves the mountains in our way.

      Is there something you are petitioning God for even today? Remember the lesson of Elizabeth and Zechariah and pray believing—no matter how long it takes!

      God, I thank You for the reality of answered prayers

      and Your goodness to each of us. You are so good.

      SEASONAL TIP As you talk through the Christmas story with

      your family and friends, explore how the story might have been

      different if there had been room in the inn for Him after all.

      Consider ways to share the many blessings you and your family

      share. Find areas to serve a meal, help a family purchase gifts, or

      donate your time to help a friend or family in need.


      “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths

      and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”

      luke 2:7 (esv)

      Do you ever hold back a part of yourself or your home because there is no more room? Overwhelmed with busyness no matter the season, I tend to shut down my availability when I’m stressed. And truth be told, I do need to protect my time and space at times, but I can also turn away the needs of others around me when I’m too far unbalanced with my desire for space.

      Do you ever think how the story of Christ’s birth might have unfolded if there had been room in the inn? Would the wonder of the lowliness of His birth have gotten lost if His arrival hadn’t been so unusual? I believe that He came in humility and simplicity to extend His grace to each and every one of us. This is a connection we can all receive no matter our station or lot in life. The King of the World and Jesus the Friend of Sinners are one and the same. No matter where we fall on the poverty line, He came for us all.

      I praise You, God, for being the Savior of all mankind.

      You are truly our great Redeemer.

      SEASONAL DÉCOR TIP Decorating our homes with gold ornaments and accents helps create a warm and luxurious feeling. Accents of silver and glitter paper chains on eucalyptus garland can dress up a banister or mantel quickly and easily.


      “And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him.

      Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

      matthew 2:11 (esv)

      The precious and valuable treasures brought from distant lands by the wise men remind us who the Christ child really was. The seekers from the Orient spent great time and energy—not to mention resources—to find these gifts. At their first meeting with King Herod, they told him that this babe was born the King of the Jews.

      How did these wise men know that Jesus’ birth was remarkable and wonderful? While it’s possible that the Jewish nation influenced these wise men before the Captivity, it’s more likely that this generation of wise men was influenced by the Jews who arrived during the Babylonian Captivity. Although facing consequences for their sinful behaviors and now living