Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert W. Krajenke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047255
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in his Antiquities of the Jews (quoted in the Kaballah) states there is a legend that Adam was forewarned of the Flood. Seth, Adam’s surviving son, erected two pillars on which he inscribed the keys to the science and philosophy taught by Adam. Enoch, who also knew of the impending Deluge, became concerned that the knowledge would be lost through this calamity. Therefore he constructed an underground temple with nine vaults. In the final vault were the two pillars upon which, in allegorical symbols, the secret teachings were preserved.

      A similar activity is ascribed to Hermes by Edgar Cayce.

      The readings show the constructor of the Great Pyramid, Hermes, designed a secret room known as The Hall of Records, which is as yet undiscovered. In this, according to Edgar Cayce, are placed the ancient teachings of the Law of One as well as a history of Atlantis. Thus we have “a parallel between this activity of Hermes and the vaults dug by Enoch.

      This question relates to the Hall of Records:

       (Q) Give in detail what the sealed room contains.

       (A) A record of Atlantis from the beginnings of those periods when the Spirit took form or began the encasements in that land, and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn, [together] with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples to the varied activities in other lands; and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands for the activities in the destructions that became necessary with the final destruction of Atlantis; and the buildings of the Pyramid of Initiation; [together] with who, what, where would come the opening of the records that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis . . .


      7The ideal diet recommended by Cayce included “fish, fowl, and lamb,” with proper combinations of vegetables, either cooked or raw. Cayce never advocated vegetarianism as a universal diet. Apparently because our physical bodies, over many incarnations, have become dependent upon and conditioned to meat as an energy source. To suddenly deny meat to the body could cause great harm. In order to preserve and maintain balance, health, and stability, the return to the Genesis diet must be gradual.

      8The “things” referred to in the above were also described as “automatons” in other readings. These were creatures which were the result of the mating of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men. (Genesis 6:2; reading 281-24)

      The Deluge: Division and Dissent

      The division and conflict between those Cayce called “Sons of the Law of One” and the “Children of Belial” intensified as it progressed. It began thousands of years before Adam, and has continued into the present.

      When the serpent was cursed in Genesis 3:15, he was told that his posterity and that of Eve’s would always be at war with each other, and that hers would ultimately triumph. This is a spiritual law, Cayce states. Those who do good and have the ideal of brotherly love and service to God will always be opposed by and in conflict with those who are motivated only by selfish ends, material gain, and sensuous gratification.

      In the days of Noah, this conflict brought world-wide destruction:

       . . . we find these as the Sons of the Creative Force as manifest in their experience looking upon those changed forms, or the daughters of men, and there crept in those pollutions, of polluting themselves with those mixtures that brought contempt, hatred, blood–shed, and those that build for desires of self without respects of others’ freedom, others’ wishes—and there began, then, in the latter portion of this period of development, that [which] brought about . . . dissenting and divisions among the peoples in the lands.


      One of the issues which divided the Sons of God (or Adam) and the Sons of Belial (or Cain) was their relationship to the suborder of “things” or automatons—creatures which were a result of the mixture of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men. The “things” were Sons of God who were cut off from the spiritual consciousness, and trapped in imperfect and incomplete forms. The Sons of Belial cultivated them, and used them for the rendering of certain tasks—slaves of the powerful.

       (Q) What is meant by automatons who labored in that experience?

       (A) They were the offspring of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men, or vice versa.


      The Bible describes much of the spiritual awareness of that period.

      And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

      And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. (Genesis 6:5-6)

      The following interpretations help clarify its meaning.

       The heart, of course, here referred to, is not the physical organ, but the purpose, the desire that is to be attained.


       . . . for, as has been said, “repent that man was ever made.” Why? “For the purpose and intent of Man is to satisfy earthly desires of the flesh rather than that of the manifesting of My Spirit in [the] earth’s plane.”


      More detail is supplied in the following:

       With the continued disregard of those that were keeping the pure race and the pure peoples, of those that were to bring all these laws as applicable to the Sons of God, man brought in the destructive forces as used for the peoples that were to be the role, that combined with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical forces, made in nature and natural form the first of the eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the depths. With this there again came that egress of peoples that aided, or attempted to assume control, yet carrying with them all those forms of Amilius, that he gained through that as for signs, for seasons, for days, for years. Hence we find in those various portions of the world even in the present day, some form of that as was presented by those peoples in that great development in this, the Eden of the world.


      Cayce indicates that the Flood as we know it through the Old Testament was in actuality the second of three great catastrophies which destroyed Atlantis—or Poseida:9

       . . . before this we find when the ruling force of Poseida was before the gates of the mighty waters that in ages back submerged this plain.


      The negative activity of this period, and the destruction which followed, established a symbol, or pattern, which has forever held true in man’s experiences.

       For as has been given from the beginning, the deluge was not a myth (as many would have you believe) but a period when man had so belittled himself with the cares of the world, with the deceitfulness of his own knowledge and power, as to require that there be a return to his dependence wholly—physically and mentally—upon Creative Forces.


      Atlantis was convulsed by three separate destructions which occurred over a long period of time—thousands of years! The second destruction is the one we know as the Deluge.
