Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert W. Krajenke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047255
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. . . Hence, as Adam given—the Son of God—so he must become that [one who] would be able to take the world, the earth, back to that source from which it came, and all power is given in his keeping in the earth that he has overcome: self, death, hell, and the grave even, became subservient unto Him through the conquering of self in that made flesh; for, as in the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God, the same was in the beginning. The Word came and dwelt among men, the offspring of self in a material world, and the Word overcame the world—and hence the world becomes, then, as the servant of that [one who] overcame the world.


       How, why, where was there the need for there to be a resurrection? Why came He into the earth to die, even on the Cross? It has been, then, the fulfillment of promise, the fulfillment of Law, the fulfillment of man’s estate6: else why did He put on flesh and come into the earth in the form of man, but to be One with the Father; to show to man his (man’s) divinity, man’s relationship to the Maker; to show to man that indeed the Father meant it when He said, “If ye call I will hear. Even though ye be covered with sin, if ye be washed in the blood of the Lamb ye may come back.”

       Then, though He were the first of man, the first of the sons of God in spirit, in flesh, it became necessary that He fulfill all those associations, those connections that were to wipe away in the experience of man that which separates Him from His Maker.

       Though man be far afield, then, though he may have erred, there is established that which makes for a closer walk with Him, through that one who experienced all those turmoils, strifes, desires, urges that may be the lot of man in the earth. Yet He put on flesh, made Himself as naught—even as was promised throughout, to those who walked and talked with God.


      4Although the symbol of the serpent covers all activities which keep souls out of attunement with God, the present interpretation will center on its manifestation as carnal desire. This is not the only interpretation, but one that is practical and applicable. Of course “carnal desire,” as spoken of in the reading, is not limited to sexual lusts, but with all activities that use spiritual energies for gratifying of material urges.

      5The Creation Trilogy, A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, VA; an extensive and thorough study of Genesis and Creation.

      6Genesis 3:15. “That man can completely overcome evil”—he fulfilled the promise and showed the way.

      Cain and Abel: Hostile Brothers

      The greater significance of Scripture lies not in depicting external history, but in what the outward events represent to the inner man. The rupture between Cain and Abel depicts an ever present condition in man.

       It has been understood by most of those who have attained to a consciousness of the various presentations of good and evil in manifested forms, as we have indicated, that the prince of this world, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil—as a soul—made those necessities, as it were, of the consciousness in materiality; that man might—or that soul might—become aware of its separation from the God Force.

       Hence the continued warring that is ever present in materiality or in the flesh, or the warring—as is termed—between the flesh and the devil, or the warring between the influences of good and evil


      The development of the Adamic race was an attempt to crystallize the thought-form projections into God’s manner of expressing the Spirit. However the attempt failed. As these five races entered, they began to take on forms that would gratify and satisfy carnal desires.

      With the fall and ensuing entrapment and loss of spiritual consciousness in a material world, more souls, or spirit, continued entering this dimension as a “balancing factor” to the spirit of self-indulgence which was leading many of the Sons of God astray.

       (Q) What was meant by the Sons of the Highest in Atlantis and the second coming of souls to the earth, as mentioned in a Life reading given through this channel?

       (A) In this period or age, as was seen—there is fault of words here to project that as actually occurs in the formations of that as comes about! There was, with the will of that as came into being through the correct channels, of that as created by the Creator, that of the continuing of the souls in its projection and projection—see? while in that as was of the off–spring, of that as pushed itself into form to satisfy, gratify, that of the desire of that known as carnal forces of the senses, of those created, there continued to be the war one with another, and there were then—from the other sources (worlds) the continuing entering of those that would make for the keeping of the balance, as of the first purpose of the Creative Forces, as it magnifies itself in that given sphere of activity, of that [which] had been given the ability to create with its own activity—see? and hence the second, or the continued entering of souls into that known as the earth’s plane during this period, for that activity as was brought about.


      Perhaps this “continued entering” by the Sons of God as a balancing factor to avert complete separation through self-indulgence is what is meant when Enoch prophesied, saying, “Behold the Lord comes with ten thousand of his saints.” (Jude 1:14)

      Their effect as teachers and ministers is shown in the fact that by the time of Seth’s son Enos, “men began to call upon the name of the Lord.” (Genesis 4:26)

      The above reading continues:

       Let’s remember that as was given, in the second, third from Adam, or fourth, or from Amilius, there was “In that day did they call upon the name of the Lord”—is right! and ever, when the elements that make for littleness, uncleanness, are crucified in the body, the Spirit of the Lord, of God, is present! When these are overbalanced, so that the body (physical), the mental man, the imagination of its heart, is evil, or his purpose is evil, then is that war continuing—as from the beginning. Just the continued warring of those things within self as from the beginning; for with these changes as brought sin into the world, with same came the fruits of same, or the seed as of sin, which we see in the material world as those things that corrupt good ground, those that corrupt the elements that are of the compounds of those of the first causes, or elementals, and pests are seen—and the like, see? So does it follow throughout all creative forces, that the fruits of that as is active brings that seed that makes for the corrupting of, or the clearing of, in the activative forces of, that being acted upon.


      To the Israelites, Babel was the place where God divided mankind into various nations. (Deuteronomy 32:8) However, the first indication of the fragmentation of the original unity is in Genesis 4, with the murder of Abel and the flight of Cain and Cain’s marriage to an unknown outside group.

      Cayce indicates these events were taking place 500,000 to 50,000 years before Moses! (877-26)

       . . . in the Atlantean land when there were those divisions between those of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial, and the offspring of what was the pure race and those that had projected themselves into creatures that became as the sons of man (as terminology would be) rather than the creatures of God.


      The following reading discusses the divisions that were taking place. Cayce uses the terms “Sons of Belial” in the reading, but they represent the same activity as “The Children of Cain.” Cayce told this person he had been