Cayce’s commentary to the Bible class follows:
“Noah is the next man after Enoch who walked with God. So God chose him as the channel through which His new method would be used. It is indicated that at the time of the Flood, Noah was the only man living who had come down in a direct line from Seth without contamination through intermarriage with the thought-form projections. All flesh was polluted. Only Noah and his family were allowed to have a part in the New Dispensation.”
Although it is written Noah was perfect in his generations, we have evidence later (Genesis 9:21-25) he was not perfect, mentally or spiritually. Even though he had come down in a perfect line, his anger and resentment at Ham show he was not free from sin. This also shows how powerful our own anger can be in its effect upon others. Noah’s anger produced a curse on all Ham’s descendants. Our own words and actions create similar conditions. They bring fruits after their own kind.
Cayce continues:
“The Bible says, ‘There were giants in those days.’
“Many of the myths which have been handed down to us are based on truth from the beginning. With the intermarriage among the various projections of the physically strong, no wonder there were giants. They had superhuman ability, but lacked spiritual awareness. They were intent upon increasing their physical strength without taking thought to its spiritual source.
“Noah’s sons must have married their own close relations. All others were contaminated—or mixtures.”
A literal reading of the Bible indicates the Flood covered the southern portion of Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. Yet in the eastern portion of Asia, in South America, Egypt, and Yucatan, myths have been preserved about a great flood and the salvation of one family.
Did the Flood really cover the whole face of the earth, as stated in Scripture? Or did similar experiences occur within all the five races at different periods?
The readings predict the discovery of ancient Atlantean records in Egypt and Yucatan which will reveal the answers to these questions.
How did Noah gather all the animals? The Bible class records show an interesting comment made by Cayce: “Animals are much closer to God in spirit than we are. They sense any great change that is imminent. Perhaps they came to him.”
In the Ark
An interesting group of readings follow involving entities who were with Noah on the ark. Cayce began this reading for a young Kentucky housewife by commenting:
What an unusual record—and one of those who might be termed as physically the mothers of the world! For the entity was one of those in the ark.
In giving the interpretations of the records here, we find that there is much from which to choose. But these we choose with the desire and purpose to be the means of help to the entity in better fulfilling those purposes for which it has entered the earth’s plane in varied periods of its experience.
For the entity has appeared when there were new revelations to be given. And again it appears when there are new revelations to be made.
May the entity so conduct its mind, its body, and its purposes, then, as to be a channel through which such messages may come that are needed for the awakenings in the minds of men as to the necessity for returning to the search for their relationship with the Creative Forces or God.
Will this entity see such again occur in the earth? Will it be among those who may be given those directions as to how, where, the elect may be preserved for the replenishing again of the earth?
Remember, not by water—for it is the mother of life in the earth—but rather by the element fire.
As to whether or not the entity will be among those in the earth when the changes again come, will depend upon the entity’s preparation of self.
Cayce described for her experiences in Lemuria, the period of the Judges in Israel; in the Holy Land during the time of Muhammad; and in the South during the War Between the States, as well in the era of the Flood.
He told her she had always been in the earth during times of great change and when new revelations were being made. Edgar Cayce described her experience during the Deluge thus:
Next we find that the entity entered in those periods when the littleness of man had come up as a stench before the throne of mercy and grace, or the Creative Forces.
The entity was among the peoples not of the lineage of Noah, but of those later known as the Hittites. Then the entity gave expressions to that same experience that was materially manifested in Mu, and the entity—as the wife of a son of Noah—became among the eight souls in the ark, in the preparation and in the endurance thereof, and in those experiences gained in the activities through the earth’s influence.
The name then was Maran. From that sojourn there is much experienced in the present in the entity’s liking of the history of the early ages of man, of those experiences that are the promptings for the souls and minds of individuals, rather than the material things.
At times the entity is berated by others for being rather in that mind of “Don’t care” than in that of a practical, everyday life.
Hence the entity is a “sensitive.” Read the Scripture pertaining to the days of Noah, the law proclaimed by Enoch (found mostly in Jude and in the early chapters of Genesis). Here is one entity who may write, not automatic but rather inspirational writing, shutting itself away and attuning itself by very distant music, and especially bells. For, under such an inspiration—not as a means of doing other than attuning the inner self—the entity may write inspirationally of things pertaining to mental and spiritual aspects of individuals grasping for attunement to the divine.
The Family of Japeth
Through a series of readings members of a New Hampshire family discovered they had all known each other in the ark. The New Hampshire man (2726), a dairy farmer, was told he had been Japeth and that his present wife (2425) had been his wife.
Japeth’s wife, Rezepatha, was pregnant when she entered the ark and gave birth during the deluge. The child which was born to them was also reincarnated in the present, but not a part of their family and, indeed, unknown to the farmer or his wife.
A nurse which the family had hired to watch over their children was told in her reading she had been her mistress’ mother during this early period of history.
This interesting story begins with the father—Japeth:
Before that we find there was the experience of the greater period of development for the entity in the material world.
For we find the entity, as the son of Noah, chose the better way for transmitting in fact, in activity, to his peoples after the sojourn in the ark, not only the needs for the establishing of homes but of home altars, and the uniting of those home altars in a group, a nation, a national activity.
The name then was Japeth. In the experience the beauty of the companionship, of the entity’s activities, not only before but after the period of preparation and throughout the sojourn, found its expression and activity in that channel through which the hope of the world did and has Come again.
Thus in the present