Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert W. Krajenke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876047255
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oft be that even as ye did upon the hills in Ararat:

       “Lord, Thou art Maker of heaven and earth. Thou hast preserved Thy servant for a purpose in the earth. Thou hast given me, today, opportunities. Help me, O God, to choose the right way; that I may ever be a channel of blessings to others, pointing the way ever to Thee.”

       We are through for the present


       The Beginning of the Rainbow and End of the Thought-Forms

      The following is an interpretation of the meaning of the rainbow in Genesis 9:12-17. It signifies a state of consciousness arising from a period of trial and testing which has been successfully met.

       . . . the promises of the Divine that were and are written in the rainbow of the sky, when the cloud has passed, are the same as written in the lives of individuals that they, too, who are in the closer walk with the Creative Forces, may see their sign, their colors, and know whereunto they have attained in their relationship with Creative Energies or God.


      No matter what man may bring upon himself in a material sense, he can rely on God’s laws and promises to remain the same.

      The Flood resulted in the cleansing of the earth. The negative, spiritually polluted thought-forms which had been created by the Sons of God were destroyed in the Deluge. The cataclysm marked the end of an era. Abraham starts the new.

       Thence we find the entity passing through those experiences becoming rather aware, with the sons of those activities in the experiences when all thought–forms in matter were put away—through the experience of Noah.


      Apparently the Deluge marked the end of the centaurs, satyrs, cyclops, harpies, and mermaids, and the other creatures who are now preserved in the mythology of the world.

       Some brought about monstrosities, as those if its (that entity’s) association by its projection with its association with beasts of various characters. Hence those of the Styx, satyr, and the like; those of the sea, or mermaid; those of the unicorn, and those of the various forms—these projections of what? The abilities in the psychic forces (psychic meaning, then of the mental and the soul . . .)


      Not all the thought-forms partook of the animal. Cayce described many as entangled in the plant and mineral kingdoms as well. These too were destroyed.

       . . . those who were physically entangled in the animal kingdom with appendages, with cloven hooves, with four legs, with portions of trees, with tails, with scales, with those various things that thought-forms or evil had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God’s creation of man, as man—not as animal . . .


      The Egyptian sphinx is a monument to these pre–Deluge creations:

       These may be seen in a different manner presented in many of the various sphinxes, as called, in other portions of the land—as the lion with the man, the various forms of wing, or characterizations in their various developments. These were as [the] presentations of those projections that had been handed down in the various developments of that which becomes man—as in the present.


      Many souls, like Noah, were manifesting the higher awareness. They heeded the warnings, made adequate preparations, and escaped the destruction.

       The Foundation of a New Age

      The exodus from Atlantis carried souls both East and West—into Egypt and Yucatan, and other parts of the world.

      The Sons of God, who had entered with Adam, projecting into five parts of the earth at once, established great civilizations. The activities in the Egyptian civilization are most vividly described in the readings. Both Sons of God—the descendants of Adam—and the surviving thought-form races migrated to these centers.

      The work of the Sons of the Law of One—or descendants of Adam—was concerned with maintaining and developing a record of the God–consciousness in the earth. They were also concerned with getting the earth–bound entities to relate to mental, spiritual, and physical patterns that would re–establish their relationship with spiritual forces.

       Before that the entity was in the Egyptian land when there were those preparations for purifying the body and those activities that enabled men to put away [the] appendages, that man in the experience inherited through the pushing of spirit into matter to become materially expressive—and thus [had] brought the necessity of man being materialized in the earth as the perfect body in Adam [in the beginning].


      Following are a few brief descriptions of the work that was being done in Egypt.

       . . . there arose the needs for the Temple of Sacrifice, where entities, individuals, might offer themselves for the purification of their bodies, that they first might be channels through which there might come entities, souls, manifesting in the earth with the entire activity of body, mind, soul . . . And with these expressions there were those who chose the activities that were set in motion for the purifying of their bodies, that there might be the purifying of physical conditions which had been and were being affected by the emotional forces, or the carnal influences about them in the experience.


      Cayce described the Temple of Sacrifice as the equivalent of a modern day hospital, where surgery was performed to remove the appendages—such as scales, hooves, claws, and horns—from the thought–form bodies.

       The passage of individuals . . . through the experiences in the Temple of Sacrifice was much as would be in the hospitalization, or a hospital of the present day, when there have become antagonistic conditions within the physical body, such as to produce tumors, wens, warts, or such.

       Magnify this into the disturbances which were indicated or illustrated in conditions where there was the body or figure of the horse, or the head of the horse with the body of man; or where there were the various conditions indicated in the expressions by the pushing of spirit into physical matter until it became influenced by or subject to same. Such influences we see in the present manifested as habits, or the habit forming conditions.

       Then there are, or were the needs for the attempts to operate, as well as to adhere to diets and activities to change the natures of the individuals, that their offspring, as well as themselves, might bring forth that which was in keeping with—or a pattern of—those influences in which there were souls or spirits with the idea, or ideal, of seeking light.

       For, how is it termed in the record? That the heart and purpose of man is to do evil!


      A highly developed form of spiritual, and psychological counseling was done in the Temple Beautiful, also in Egypt.

      The Temple of Sacrifice was a physical experience, while the Temple Beautiful was rather of the mental, in which there was the spiritualization—not idolizing, but crystallizing of activities or services to a special purpose—or specializing in preparation for given offices of activity.

       Hence from same has arisen a great many of the signs, the symbols, the various influences that have had and